Relnos is a platform with the motive of informing students about the different events happening on or near campus. By helping students to keep track of upcoming events, this helps the campus to become a more fun and engaging place.
The team was made of a mix of Business Information Technology and Business Technology Management students. On this project, were tasked with creating a tool that can act as a singular communication channel to receive information on upcoming student events. Additionally, it helps to bridge the gaps in collaboration between student clubs and different engagement points. This helps student users to not miss out on great opportunities.
Event hosts can: create events for students and analyze events. Student users can: rsvp to events, submit payment for events, receive reminders about events of interest, and receive news about all events on and near campus.
Midway through the project term, the student sponsors of Relnos presented their ideas and progress at the North Forge Ramp Up Weekend 10, in June 2017.