Go Oil Web Site Refresh
Project Term: Winter 2019
Go Oil, a local startup that provides 24/7 on-the-spot oil changes, wanted to recreate their website as their current one was not optimized for multiple cities. BIT and BTM students worked with Go Oil to create a customer database to support their new franchising model. The students assisted in moving the current web site to an updated back-end database and updated the front end design to enable a user experience supporting multiple cities.
What our students are saying
“We went about this by creating a database that stores cities, and the regions in/around the cities on top of what they’d already have (customer information mostly). By doing this, we learned how to connect a database to the frontend using a third party (Apollo) and how to modify that database from the frontend.” – Tristan Smith
The Go Oil updates will be deployed soon: https://gooil.ca/
Technologies used
- Typescript
- Angular 7
- Apollo
- GraphQL
- MongoDB
- HTML 5
- NodeJS
Oil change selection screen