Nursing Simulation
The Sim family is happy to see everyone in person again! It has been an exciting term so far with everyone back in the labs and simulation. In-person simulation is expanding into courses that have not had simulation in the past. Simulation participants (actors) are back and interacting with students, giving them real life experiences. This allows students to have a unique learning experience providing them an opportunity to increase knowledge and skills with increased authenticity.
Virtual simulation continues to be integrated into courses within the curriculum. This allows students to begin transferring their theory to practice. Our research continues in virtual simulation through the CI Can Virtu-WIL grant with new virtual simulations being developed and more opportunity for upcoming paid research participation for students.
The research study that many of the Nursing Students at Red River College Polytechnic participated in will now be published. The link is below, and we thank you for your participation and continued support of furthering nursing research.
Allyson Cooper & Kim Pinel – Nursing Instructors