Arts in Healthcare Education
“How can you put an idea into sculpture?” was one of the questions posed to the members of the Arts in Healthcare Education nursing educators’ interest group that met on Monday, May 23 at the Birth Centre on St. Mary’s Road. With Kendra Rieger, creator of the interest group along with Debra Dusome, acting as facilitator and Becky Wood and Kelly Klick, midwives and midwifery instructors, acting as seminar leaders, the participants were provided with a unique opportunity to explore their philosophy of nursing care and teaching in an evocative and thoughtful manner.
The evening was divided into three segments. Becky informed the group about the origins of the evening’s seminar being based on an assignment in one of the courses that their first year midwifery students complete.
Participants were asked to consider three questions:
1. What is the essence of your philosophy of care?
2. What is it that you most want your students to learn about caring for others?
3. What is the essence of your philosophy of teaching?
Kelly followed with a practical discussion of the clay and some of the tools to be used for the sculpture exercise. After selecting the tools they wished to use and being provided a chunk of clay, participants were now given the actual chance to work with the clay and to sculpt a malleable mass into something meaningful.
Following a lively work session filled with laughter and fun, the final segment of the seminar consisted of a sharing circle where everyone was given an opportunity to discuss their feelings about the exercise along with the work they had created. While one individual found it relaxing, many others admitted to a sense of anxiety and not knowing exactly what to expect of themselves. The thought of “Googling” for some ideas was definitely in the head of more than one participant!
Kendra concluded the evening by announcing that the next meeting of the Arts in Healthcare Education nursing educators’ interest group will take place in the autumn.