Academic News

Business and Management

Opening The Door To Endless Opportunities – A Profile Curtis Champagne, Business Administration Grad

February 24, 2021

My time at Red River College was an unforgettable experience. Before starting the program, I had my fair share of trials and tribulations when it came to schooling and jobs. I am not the student who came to the program knowing exactly what I wanted to do with a business diploma, but instead, I was willing to take a risk and find my path along the way. I could not be happier that I made the decision to attend College. RRC has opened the door for endless opportunities.

The business program includes many assignments and projects that force you out of your comfort zone and allow you to reflect real-world scenarios. The role-plays, oral presentations, and group work allow for an easy transition into the workplace. Along the way, you will get to know some incredibly unique and gifted classmates. They will push you to be better and many will become close friends.

I could not have asked for more support from each and every one of my instructors. I am truly grateful to have had the mentors that I did throughout the two-year program. Being able to learn from instructors with real-life experience is a benefit that must not be overlooked. Ask them many questions and absorb as much of their knowledge as you possibly can.

A highlight from my time at Red River College has to be the entrepreneurship course where you learn the vital aspects of what it takes to develop a business plan and start a business within your group. Through the highs and lows that come with group projects, you learn that you cannot be successful unless you utilize the strengths of everyone involved in the process. Not only was our group able to overcome the obstacles we faced, we managed to come out on top and win the EP Trade Show for our year! A memory our team will always cherish when we look back on our time at RRC.

A unique opportunity, and one I would highly recommend each student attend, is the Directions Business Conference. This conference allows you to connect and network with employees, potential employers, and business owners of all types of companies, giving you the chance to pick the brains of individuals who were once in the same position as you. Taking advantage of this program in both years will allow you to experience what qualities employers are looking for in a graduate. This conference helped steer my path towards the financial services major with total confidence.

I have one word for those looking to embark on their journey at Red River College: Commit. Not just to the program, but to yourself.

Set your goals and know the reasons why you strive to complete your secondary education. You will leave the program with pride, confidence, and the fulfillment of many other graduates before you.

What’s your story going to be? A Profile of Christina Wood, Business Administration Grad

February 24, 2021

The Business Administration program at Red River College provided more than just functional learning, it gave me the tools and confidence I needed to excel in a marketing role.

The two-year program was fast paced and as a mother of two, I knew it would be a challenge. However, with the support and resources made available through RRC, I was able to graduate with honors – while raising a family. Since then, I have continued to grow my career as a marketing leader for a globally recognized company.

Going back to school in my thirties with a family was intimidating for many reasons. Could I handle the workload? How would I fit in? Can I really do this? The great thing about Red River is the support and resources they provide. I met with a student advisor who reassured me that yes, I can do it. The other great thing about Red River is student diversity. I was in a class with students from different cultures in various stages in life. I fit in perfectly by not fitting in. Some of the relationships I developed as a student at Red River are still some of the closest relationships I have today.

During the last year, I participated in the Entrepreneurship program, which included a mock trade show highlighting start up business ideas. As team lead, I was able to develop my leadership and communication skills. From ideation through execution, our team succeeded in winning the competition. However, this wasn’t the highlight. What stood out to me most during this time was the importance of being able to work as a team. From start to finish, everyone contributed and played a key role in our success. To this day, I lead with the same principle; we work as a team, we succeed as a team.

Since graduating from RRC, I have participated in focus groups and panelist discussions to help reshape the Business Admin Program for future students. This ensures the programs offered through RRC remain relevant and current, so students are equipped with the skills needed to succeed in a competitive market.

The Business Admin program at RRC is designed to transform students into professionals. Whether you’re a student fresh out of high school or a mother of two, this course is designed for you. And remember – you can do it.

This is my story. What’s your story going to be?

Profile of Alison Shaw, Business Administration Grad

February 24, 2021

Red River College was a fantastic experience for me. The small class sizes allowed the teacher to know your name and we often engaged in meaningful discussions within classes that solidified concepts better than lectures alone. It also allowed the students to get to know one another within our courses, and the friendship and kinship have lasted beyond graduation.

Resources available to students outside classes such as the tutoring department goes beyond anything I have seen offered elsewhere. There were weekly sessions for many courses, one-on-one time was available, and the people who helped were kind, knowledgeable, and want to see you succeed. As someone who likes to ask many questions, this was the place to do it, and it helped me achieve the grades I desired.

In year two, we took Entrepreneurship or what I call the “capstone course” for RRC. It encompasses everything an individual and team needs to know, do, and experience to develop a viable business plan and execute it confidently. In my opinion, this was the most transferrable course for me once I graduated. We had a team of approx. 12-14 people where differences of views are guaranteed, and we had to learn to compromise as a team, recognize each other’s strengths and weaknesses, and utilize them accordingly. It tested our communication and presentation skills, delegation, time-management, prioritization, writing skills, and critical thinking, to name a few. It was exhilarating, challenging, and we felt a proud sense of accomplishment when finished. Our team had become a little family from the experience we shared. Our instructor was there every step of the way to guide us, re-direct us, and sometimes babysit us. The Entrepreneurship course was my favorite and most applicable course from my experience in RRC.

I am now close to obtaining my marketing degree, and the concepts and experience from RRC have helped me in ways I never realized when I entered university, and as I prepare to enter my career. I keep in touch with some of my instructors and have many within my social media networks. I have gained confidence with presentations and thinking quickly on my feet, and I attribute this to my time at Red River College.

I boast about the College all the time and encourage you to experience what they can do to kick-start your career.

RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.

We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.

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