Academic News

Digital Media Design

DMD Studio Project

May 19, 2023

DMD Studio Project is a course that allows students to pick their own term-long projects. Often it’s a dream project, something that lets them learn specific new skills and unleash their creativity in exciting new ways.

Below is a Studio Project from Video and Motion Graphics student Kayla Pilgrim, who wanted to push her 3D skills to the next level.

Below is a project from Kristin Lanyon, who wanted to explore using Redshift rendering in Cinema 4D. She created this amazing marble machine from scratch!

DMD Student Explainer Videos (2D and 3D Animation)

May 19, 2023

Here are some terrific student explainer videos. The challenge here was to use visuals, rich sound, a cohesive design, and both 2D and 3D animation to communicate an interesting statistic.

Learn Motion Graphic Design

December 20, 2022

The Digital Media Design program teaches motion graphic design, which nicely complements many of the other skill sets taught in the program: graphic design, 3D animation, videography, photography, and web design. Below some examples of motion graphic design assignments, which tasked the students to illustrate and animate a simple fact.

Here is another student motion graphic sample. The assignment was to create a 10 second motion graphic that starts and ends with a square. What they did in the middle was up to them. Students were told to focus on using simple shapes, great design, and audio/video synergy to create a compelling motion graphic.

Learn Motion Tracking and Cinematography

April 8, 2022

In DMD, we teach DSLR cinematography: you’ll learn camera settings, composition, lighting and audio. Here are some samples of students integrating motion graphics into their video production. The goal here was to focus on composition, movement, natural light, colour correction, and designing motion tracked graphics. Once students have mastered basic camera and lighting, we move on to advanced digital filmmaking techniques with a focus on storytelling.

Learn UX and Interface Design

September 3, 2019

User experience, or UX for short, refers to how a person interacts with a company or brand. This includes interactions with websites, mobile apps, social media, as well as actual face-to-face interaction.
In DMD, we teach the key principles of designing a great user experience. We also teach about responsive web design, or designing for an equally great user experience across a wide range of devices (mobile, tablets, desktops, etc).

Sample DMD Demo Reels

August 12, 2019

Here are two terrific demo reels from two Digital Media Design students. The first one is from a 3D major, and the second is from a Video and Motion Graphics major. Which one appeals to you?

Learn Photorealistic Lighting and Rendering

August 8, 2019

The goal of this assignment was to learn how to create realistic lighting and materials in 3D. Students used their camera and composition skills to try to replicate prime lens photography with plenty of depth of field. This was accomplished with Maya and Mental Ray.

Learn Web Design and Development

August 7, 2019

Web design and development is one of the most sought after skill sets right now. In DMD, you’ll learn how to design and build a website from scratch using Photoshop and Sketch (to design) and HTML and CSS (to build). You’ll also learn how build websites using WordPress, the world’s most popular content management system. There is a shortage of people in the industry with great design skills AND great technical skills. Our goal in DMD is to teach you both.


Create Complex 3D Models

August 6, 2019

Here is a 3D commercial product rendering from one of the second year 3D Computer Graphics majors. The objective was to go beyond the typical turntable and show off the highly detailed modeling, texturing, and lighting through closeups, multiple camera moves, and cross fades.

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