Academic News


Global Collaboration Day September 17, 2015

September 17, 2015

Red River College Business and Technology Teacher Education students, Jessica Lister and Robert Porczek, hosted an event for Global Collaboration Day 2015 to connect pre-service teachers globally. The purpose of the event was to connect students and to create opportunities for global collaboration. Students created Google Slides that were shared via social media and on the Global Education Conference website so that other teacher education students could connect and participate. The image below is linked to the slides.GDC_badges_V1.indd


RRC Industrial Arts Teacher Education Students Collaborate with Community

February 11, 2015

IMG_4015The students and instructors of RRC’s Industrial Arts Teacher Education program in cooperation with Bonnie Heath of Equality Communication Centre of Excellence (ECCOE) designed and crafted a metal and glass display that will be featured at the Raw Almond Restaurant on the Assiniboine River from Jan 22 – Feb 12, 2015.

The display-project provided an authentic learning opportunity for RA display 1students in the program. Not only where they able to put their designing, manufacturing, finishing and project management skills to the test, they also gleaned a sense of pride knowing that they were contributing to a worthwhile community activity. While at the Raw Almond Restaurant, the display will serve as a collection site for financial contributions to a 4 million dollar housing unit that will be designed to meet the needs of the Deaf-Blind individuals.

RA display 2

Anyone wishing to make a charitable contribution to the housing project fund can contact Judy McGuirk, of the Teacher Education Department at or mail a contribution to the Resource Centre for Manitobans who are Deaf-Blind (RCMDB) Housing Project
228 – 285 Pembina Hwy
Winnipeg Manitoba, R3L 2E1

RA display 1A







CNC Laser & Plasma Cutter in Industrial Arts Program

September 16, 2014

The new CNC Laser and CNC Plasma cutter are being used by our Industrial Arts students. They are etching, engraving and cutting a variety of designs in wood, metal, plastic and foam core materials.



RRC Pre-Service Teachers Presenting at ISTE 2014 in Atlanta, GA

June 13, 2014


An ISTE 2014 Presentation: Flipping PD

Meghan Reid and Anita Lesage, pre-service teachers, along with their instructor, Eva Brown, from Red River College in Winnipeg, Canada present a Poster session at ISTE 2014 on Saturday, June 28, 2014, 7:00 – 8:30 p.m., Table 9. Come and learn with them as they share their leading and learning!

Technology, you cannot stop it. Creativity, you should not limit it. Do not let innovation scare you, it will only limit yours and your students’ possibilities. Flipping PD, or Flipping Professional Development, is our mission to create opportunities for every educator and every student to be able to embrace innovation and creativity into their learning and teaching.

Our focus is innovation through technology and global collaboration. An educator’s curriculum is more than just an outcome, it is how that outcome is going to come alive. How are you going to make that outcome become more than just knowledge? Students need more than just knowledge, they also need experience. There is a huge need for educators to acquire technology and global education skills in order to meet the requirements of the Literacy with ICT Continuum–A Model for 21st Century Learning K-12, to deliver ISTE Standards and to give students the education they need as outlined in the Horizon Report. That is where we come in. Teachers must be given time to acquire these skills with just-in-time professional development and not have to do all of the professional upgrading “after hours” on their own time. While many educators devote endless personal hours to learning, this is not always possible for all teachers, so time must be provided for educators to acquire this learning.

We are teaching teachers to infuse technology into any curriculum. We are using experiential learning through student-centered approaches, project based learning models that work. We are lifelong learners and we want to inspire everyone to be lifelong learners. Our goal is to model our lifelong learning to our students, to be on-the-cusp providing the best learning for our students so that they are prepared for jobs that do not yet exist and that they become globally competitive digital citizens. We are growing our passion for leading and learning. Come join us!

Mystery Skype

May 28, 2014

Business/Technology students experienced a Mystery Skype–inquiry, student-centered learning, in their ICT and Multimedia class this term.

Thank you to Jonathan Ferber and the eTV Department for creating the video!

Construction Technology

March 31, 2014

2014 Intro Construction ClassBernie Taronno along with his Intro to Construction Class 2014 take a break from building garden sheds.


RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.

We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.

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