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All Project and Research Terms

Red River College – Change Advisory Board Application

September 4, 2019

Project Term: Summer 2019

The ACE Project Space required a robust and scalable application to better manage change and incident requests, assets and those using them. The system that was in use was clunky and did not provide the full range of functionality that the Change Advisory Board (CAB) was looking for. A student team at the ACE Project Space went about designing the application from scratch. The purpose was to deliver a working application with asset, user and change management functionality by the end of the four-month term. Completing the application was accomplished through extensive research and learning through Lynda, Code Academy and Udemy as well as collaboration with the RPI research group. Read More →

Red River Bookstore – Web Site and Inventory Management System

September 4, 2019

Project Term: Summer 2019

Red River Bookstore has been operating for decades and has amassed a huge inventory of used books, comics, music, movies, video games and other miscellaneous items. With such a large inventory and very little online presence, the bookstore staff could not meet the growing demands without integrating digital solutions. ACE Project Space students worked with the bookstore to gather their requirements, and then build viable solutions to help the business manage its inventory. Read More →

Manitoba Genealogical Society – Manitoba Name Index

September 3, 2019

Project Term: Summer 2019

The Manitoba Genealogical Society (MGS) organizes and archives information about the lives of Manitobans and their family relationships. In a previous term at the ACE Project Space, students helped to build the consolidated Manitoba Name Index (MANI) service to provide a central source for searching genealogical data. During the summer term, a new team of students worked on improvements to the MANI codebase and delivered a number of enhancements to improve the user experience and create new revenue generation opportunities. Read More →

Equal Opportunities West – Resource Management System

September 3, 2019

Project Term: Summer 2019

Equal Opportunities West is a Winnipeg-based non-profit organization that provides support services to adults with developmental disabilities, helping them to attain meaningful employment. The organization’s rapid growth in the past five years increased the burden of administering activities involving staff, students, and vehicle assets. Employees were using a paper-based system and board to set activities, track assets and communicate with staff. The system could not keep up with all the activities and associated changes happening simultaneously.  A team of students from the ACE Project Space built a comprehensive resource management system to digitize the organization’s current system and improve business processes. Read More →

Manitoba Angel Dresses Inventory Website

September 3, 2019

Project Term: Summer 2019

Manitoba Angel Dresses is a volunteer-driven organization whose vision and mission is to ease the stress of families grieving from the loss of their stillborn child. Volunteers create personalized dresses and other clothing items from donated bridal and bridesmaid gowns that are later used for dressing the babies to provide an opportunity for families to share a grieving experience and take photographs to provide a lasting memory. The organization was working with an outdated system for tracking their donation and new creation inventories. ACE Project Space students created a simple web application to improve the user experience of managing the organization’s inventory. Read More →

ACE Students Share their Geneva Experience

August 26, 2019

In the first week of August, our Applied Computer Education (ACE) students completed an overseas trip with support generously provided by ICTAM, Lotlinx and the ACE department at Red River College. Along with ACE faculty, the students travelled for seven days in and near Geneva, Switzerland and returned having experienced an international taste of what the global city has to offer. The trip provided our students with the new perspectives, cultural awareness, social experiences, self-reliance, and confidence needed to pursue their dreams.

Pictures from the Trip

Live vicariously through our students as you peruse some of the pictures from the trip!

Geneva City Tour


Inside a Glacier

UN and Red Cross Tour


June 8, 2019

Project Term: Winter 2019

The traditional process of facilitating peer tutoring can be a daunting task for many K-12 teachers and higher education institutions. Due North, an educational technology startup, worked with our students to build a digital platform to easily recruit, organize, connect, and schedule peer tutors with tutees. This result-based application has since been implemented in a number of Manitoba schools.
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ACE Change Management System

June 8, 2019

Project Term: Winter 2019

BTM students worked with the ACE department to build a robust change management system to minimize IT infrastructure incidents while providing processes and tools to maximize productivity for our students, faculty, ACE partners, and guests. Existing service desk solutions were investigated and evaluated. In addition, the students prepared wireframes for an alternative custom-built solution.
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Temp PT

June 8, 2019

Project Term: Winter 2019

Many private physiotherapy clinics have an increasing need for temporary physiotherapists, particularly within small rehabilitation practices. For smaller operations, the hiring process is time consuming and expensive.

Our BIT and BTM students implemented a web-based recruiting service (Temp PT) enabling clinic owners to post available work times and enable practitioners to apply for those times within the same platform.
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June 8, 2019

TAIV home page

Project Term: Winter 2019

Establishments such as restaurants, pubs, and hotels often have TVs set up to provide customers with live news and sports entertainment. Taiv was created to replace broadcasters’ ads with targeted ads from the establishment. The original solution did not optimize ad placement during commercial breaks.

BIT and BTM students built a solution that integrates with an establishment’s point-of-sale (POS) data to fetch and analyze real-time purchases to improve ad placement.
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RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.

We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.

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