Academic News

ACE Project Space

Hops Pizza

September 8, 2017

Partners Terry Davison and Angelo Palleta started the company in November 2016 after a year of planning and license negotiations with the MLCC. Read More →

CanU Canada

September 8, 2017

CanU is a local organization that organizes camps and workshops for students from grades 5 to 10. They had a need for an attendance application and automation of some tasks. Read More →


September 8, 2017

For entrepreneurs, time schedules and full time jobs become major hurdles. Fear of loss discourages small startups. Read More →

Penguin & Stone – Part 2

June 26, 2017

Penguin + Stone

Prior to this project, potential vendors had to email staff with products or services they wished to sell and staff had to enter data manually into their online store as vendors have no way of registering with the website or tracking their sales or products/services.

Vendors can now register an account with Penguin & Stone online. An easy to use electronic form was created for submitting products/services with Penguin and Stone which now allows for all products/services to be uploaded into the online store automatically with portals to view their products/services and orders.

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Autonomy Health

June 26, 2017

Autonomy Health 2No more waiting room anxiety! Autonomy Health is a privatized telemedicine platform that allows patients to communicate with online medical practitioners in the comfort of their own homes. Our users will be able to communicate with the practitioners through an embedded web video chat where they can explain their conditions or concerns. They will also be able to look at previous consultations and their current medications.

Autonomy HealthAutonomy Health 1

We are responsible for creating the very foundation of this new project. Our objective is to develop the main features of this web application and create the website to access this application. Since this application may deal with sensitive data, our task also includes researching compliance when dealing with medical data from our web host to our database.

Manitoba Genealogical Society

June 26, 2017

The Manitoba Genealogical Society currently has a website where users can search curateManitoba Genealogical Society cemetery records. Currently, they have volunteers who record the cemetery transcriptions on paper, which is a lot of work and can cause inaccuracies.

The updated website will provide:

An easier process for recording cemetery transcriptions.

A more updated Entity Relationship Diagram so future developers can more easily understand the structure of the project.

The ability for volunteers to create a formatted
report of cemetery transcriptions.

The Windows application will increase the efficiency of the recording process in regards to
readability compared to handwritten records. The application will also add the functionality to upload records in bulk to the database.

Spence Neighborhood Association

June 26, 2017

Currently, the data for the Spence Neighborhood Association is tracked in
many different formats. Aggregating the data for reporting is tedious and timeSpence Neighbourhood Association
consuming. Volunteers are using an arduous paper and manual recording process to track
participant and volunteer attendance, making the data disorganized and inaccurate.

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Mortgage Bidder

June 26, 2017

Mortgage Bidder is Canada’s first mortgage interest rate marketplace. Whether you are in the market for a brand new house or looking to renew or refinance, Mortgage Bidder is designed to help users find the lowest rate.Mortgage Bidders


When using the Mortgage Bidder website, users need to be able to perform mortgage calculations without leaving the website.The main goal of this project is to develop many different kinds of online calculators that will help users fully understand the numbers before making commitments. Clients will be able to know everything they need using these calculators before buying.


June 26, 2017


Innovine is a website that provides a space to steward ideas and innovations from all levels.

Senior leaders will have the ability to clearly define the issue they want solved.

The ideas going forward that have been approved will be visible to all teams, so that stakeholders will be able to track thinking and concepts across the organization.

RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.

We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.

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