Academic News

Information Security

Partnership to help Red River College students gain work experience through wage subsidy program

February 7, 2018

ITAC Career Ready LogoOriginally published, February 5, 2018, in RRC’s College and Public Relations email newsletter.

Students in Red River College’s Applied Computer Education Department will gain an important first step into their new career, thanks to a new partnership with Information Technology Association of Canada (ITAC) Talent.

Through the ITAC Talent Career Ready program, eligible companies in the ACE Project Space and Co-operative Education and Work Integrated Learning (CEWIL) ACE Partners will receive a wage subsidy for a students’ work placement, which allows the companies to hire a driven employee who can apply cutting edge techniques and knowledge learned at RRC. The students in turn will gain valuable hands-on experience in the emerging digital economy. Read More →

Upcoming Webinar: Propel Your Business Idea – Connecting Students with Start-Ups

December 4, 2017

UPDATE: Please note that since the original posting, the dates have been revised to January 25 and February 15 instead of December 18 and January 15.

Are You?

• An entrepreneur or a small organization with a great idea and need assistance and
resources to turn your idea into reality?
• Looking for talent with ICT and workplace-ready skills?


Learn about the ACE Project Space and the ITAC Career Ready Program

The ACE Project Space helps entrepreneurs at the early stages of their business development and community partners reach their goals and have long-term success by working together, sharing experiences, and experimenting with new ideas. Community partners and entrepreneurs can also get advice on business decisions and discuss success strategies. The ACE Project Space is a safe environment for entrepreneurs, industry leaders, community organizations, and students to work together and have a chance to make a difference in their community. Read More →

Happy Halloween 2017

October 31, 2017

Halloween Group Photo of ACE staff and students

Thanks everybody who came out for the great big Halloween photo today! Happy Halloween!

NMM Lunch & Learn: Machine Learning Techniques

October 31, 2017

Haider Presenting Machine Learning

Haider Presenting on Machine Learning

Launching the New Media Manitoba (NMM) Lunch & Learn series this year, our Applied Computer Education (ACE) department chair, Haider Al-Saidi, delivered a compelling presentation on Machine Learning Techniques.

The slide deck is now available to view via Read More →

2017/2018 ACE & ACME Staff List

August 28, 2017

Applied Computer Education & ACME




Haider Al-Saidi – Chair of Accounting and Computer Education
Marnie Boulet – BIT and IBIT Program Coordinator
David Jones – BTM Program Coordinator
Dan Greenberg – Co-Op and Industry Project Coordinator
Rachell Acebo – Administrative Assistant
Karla King – Operations Assistant


Read More →

Essential requirement for successful technology learning in Manitoba Indigenous Schools

August 4, 2017

Ben Akoh, Ph.D(C), M.Ed., B.Tech
Instructor, Applied Computing Education, RRC

In 2013, I travelled by road for the first time to Thompson 760 kms north of Winnipeg, Manitoba, to present a paper at the Manitoba Education Research Network (MERN) conference held at the University College of the North  (UCN) Thomson campus. It was my very first trip to the “North” and I was very excited. This trip would eventually define the course of my life. My initial stop over was at the UCN’s Center in Misipawistik Cree Nation (Grand Rapids), 430 kms north of Winnipeg, where I experienced, for the first time, the technological challenges that Indigenous learners faced; not only with accessing content, but in pedagogy, planning, and in the delivery of learning. While I fell in love with the North and its people, I was disgruntled by the challenges that they faced, reminding me of my own humbling indigenous backgrounds. Read More →

New ACE Technology Corner

August 11, 2015

The project ACE Technology Corner is an amazing idea that our Chair, Haider Al-Saidi had. He asked these three nerds (Sylvia, Miguel & Pawan) to work on it and make it a reality.

Once upon a time (2015 AD) during the summer, Haider found out that RRC has had these Solar Panels installed 10 years ago, and he found a new application for them. Guess what?? The Solar Panels have been merely energizing our department’s staff by powering their coffee machine! No wonder our staff has been so greenly energized all the time. Haider thought of utilizing this massive power source. He decided to go to the nerdiest bunch in the department. This project will provide students an opportunity to work on a side-project in learning about Raspberry Pi and micro-controller technology, while providing a place for students to re-charge their phones, iPad and laptops etc.  That’s it, and the rest is history. #WIP



ACE Award Winners!

June 23, 2015

The Accounting and Computer Education department awarded 33 awards to students in Business Information Technology, Introduction to Business Information Technology and Applied Accounting.  On Wednesday, June 17 the award winners and their guests attended the Awards presentation at Roblin Centre to receive their awards.

Thank you to our Business Information Technology Advisory Committee Chair, Gerry Glatz, for helping to hand out the awards.

Thank you to our award sponsors, Eileen Penner, the Huhtala Family, Gladys Bell, Paterson GlobalFoods, Ricoh Canada, MTS, and Great West Life.


Awards Program 2015

CounterPoint App

January 13, 2014

Ready to count traffic? CounterPoint makes it easy. Count bikes, count pedestrians, count cars, count people in wheelchairs..and more!

CounterPoint’s users are helping to plan a better future for everyone, just by counting traffic. It relies on crowdsourcing and, like Wikipedia, is an amazingly reliable and easy way to gather important data.

All of the data is yours to download, analyse and share. You get instant graphs every count. Come back to the same spot next year to compare!

Developed by Canadian non-profit Green Action Centre, CounterPoint aims to make traffic counting easier and comparable everywhere. Each count you do adds to what we know about all kinds of traffic (not just cars). The important data generated by counterpoint users will help plan better bike lanes, monitor safer school zones, make stronger cases for new crosswalks and more!

BIT students helped to created the web application version of CounterPoint in 2012 and a prototype for an Android application in 2014.

View and download the CounterPoint App

ACE Vision and Mission

August 28, 2013

The Accounting and Computer Education department has a new Vision and Mission.

ACE Mission Statement

Foster an inclusive, effective  and innovative learning environment.

ACE Vision Statement

Recognized as the best choice for post-secondary accounting and information technology education.

RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.

We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.

Learn more ›