Academic News

Information Technology

e-Care Smart – Part 1

January 8, 2018

e-Care Smart is a project created to address the need for chronically ill people to be under constant medical care and supervision. Read More →

e-Care Smart – Part 1

January 8, 2018

view of treatment plan page

e-Care Smart is a project created to address the need for chronically ill people to be under constant medical care and supervision. The students worked from a client-provided mock-up.

This web-application allows for direct interaction between patients and medical practitioners, where doctors are able to prescribe medication and treatment for their patients online. An alerts system allows doctors to track patients condition, study the pattern and prevent dangerous outcomes. Read More →

Eclectic – Explore Manitoba

January 8, 2018

Municipality screen in mobile format

Tourism has been increasing in Manitoba over the past years. Entrepreneur, Simone Allard, saw an need for an application that could feature different historical sites and landmarks found in Manitoba Municipalities. Currently users would have to go to multiple tourism websites for more information about a site giving very little information on them.

Our ACE Project Space students created a web based application that will act as a central hub for all municipalities in Manitoba. This application is a way to motivate users to go out and explore sites and events found in municipalities. Users will be able to navigate to different sites and events, plan their own trips within the app, or follow pre-made trips. This will also increase the tourism helping a municipality’s economy. Read More →

RoofBundle Estimating Web-App

January 8, 2018

Screen Capture of RoofBundle website

Screen Capture of RoofBundle website.

The majority of roofing companies in the industry are making their employees draw a sketch of a roof based on measurements taken for at least 75 percent of the roofs that are contracted to be built or repaired. Once this process has been completed the roofers need to take the data they have complied as well as the sketch and upload it into a system that the company is using.

Entrepreneur-In-Residence, David Peters, realized this is an ineffective way of doing business due to the fact most of the roofing job requests happen during a two-week span at two specific times of the year. The current process slows down how quickly the turn around time is therefore cutting into the number of clients they can accept, business profits, etc.

The students at the ACE Project Space built a web-application to present a solution to this challenge. The solution is “RoofBundle”, an application where the roofers can compile the data of the roof they have gathered into a form and sketch the roof digitally. Once the roofer has completed that step then the application should build an estimate of the cost of building/repairing the roof, a work order of job, and a purchase order of the materials necessary to complete the job.

The students built a comprehensive content management system, and delivered a minimal viable product on this job: a website where the roofer can login; fill out all the necessary forms for the complied roof data they have; and generate an estimate. Read More →

PostEd: Student Activity Planner

January 8, 2018


Logged-In Landing Page for PostEd

The ACE Project Space students developed PostEd, a web application conceptualized by post-secondary students for post-secondary students.

PostEd, formerly Connexus, is an idea that started from four university students: David Teffaine, Brett Swope, Sam Cohen and Carson Milberg. The purpose of the web application is to show nearby free and paid events on a user calendar within the app. Users will be able to show interest in a variety of events.

This tools allows users to post events, subscribe to events, and plan their social calendar around their post-secondary institution.

In the second phase of their project they plan to provide all the information they’d need to assist students to find the right scholarship the app filters students’ selections (GPA, faculty, etc.) and customizes the results for the them. Read More →

Speak Easy

January 8, 2018

Speak Easy is a student-sponsored project that ran this past Industry Project term. It is a social networking system designed to disrupt the election industry. Disruptive technologies are those that create a virtual market place by providing better communications between buyers and sellers within the industry. Elections are market places where voters shop for a candidates. Technology can be used to find efficiencies in the election industry just as they would any market place where a free market transaction is occurring. Read More →

Willy Lai and his UX Workshop World Tour

January 5, 2018

Coming up on January 18-19, 2018: Red River College and North Forge are very excited to present Willy Lai’s two-day UX (User Experience) workshop in the ACE Project Space.

This will be the only Canadian stop on Willy Lai’s UX Workshop World Tour, where participants will learn through hands-on exercises, lectures, and class discussions. This workshop is intended for both non-designers and design to learn from award-winning experience designer, Willy Lai.

Please read more and find registration details on North Forge’s site:

There are only a few spots left!

Upcoming Webinar: Propel Your Business Idea – Connecting Students with Start-Ups

December 4, 2017

UPDATE: Please note that since the original posting, the dates have been revised to January 25 and February 15 instead of December 18 and January 15.

Are You?

• An entrepreneur or a small organization with a great idea and need assistance and
resources to turn your idea into reality?
• Looking for talent with ICT and workplace-ready skills?


Learn about the ACE Project Space and the ITAC Career Ready Program

The ACE Project Space helps entrepreneurs at the early stages of their business development and community partners reach their goals and have long-term success by working together, sharing experiences, and experimenting with new ideas. Community partners and entrepreneurs can also get advice on business decisions and discuss success strategies. The ACE Project Space is a safe environment for entrepreneurs, industry leaders, community organizations, and students to work together and have a chance to make a difference in their community. Read More →

Fall 2017 ACE Project Space Projects

November 28, 2017


The project term is nearing it’s final weeks and our students have been working hard on a number of projects. Stay tuned in the new year to find out more about these projects:

  • Roof Bundle
  • Eclectic Software Travel App
  • e-Care Smart
  • PostEd
  • Democracy App
  • Building Information Modelling

Resources in the ACE Project Space

November 10, 2017

Did you know …

The ACE Project Space not only helps to develop solutions for Entrepreneurs in Residence, there are also a number of resources available in our front office at 321 McDermot Avenue, 5th floor:

  • NSERC: Available Thursday afternoons from 1:00 to 4:00 pm.
  • NRC IRAP: Available half-days on Wednesdays, call for available hours.
  • CRA SR&ED: Available every second Thursday (Nov 16, 23 and Dec 7, 14) call for available hours.

What exactly are these organizations able to provide? Read More →

RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.

We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.

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