Academic News

Information Technology

Spence Neighborhood Association

June 26, 2017

Currently, the data for the Spence Neighborhood Association is tracked in
many different formats. Aggregating the data for reporting is tedious and timeSpence Neighbourhood Association
consuming. Volunteers are using an arduous paper and manual recording process to track
participant and volunteer attendance, making the data disorganized and inaccurate.

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Mortgage Bidder

June 26, 2017

Mortgage Bidder is Canada’s first mortgage interest rate marketplace. Whether you are in the market for a brand new house or looking to renew or refinance, Mortgage Bidder is designed to help users find the lowest rate.Mortgage Bidders


When using the Mortgage Bidder website, users need to be able to perform mortgage calculations without leaving the website.The main goal of this project is to develop many different kinds of online calculators that will help users fully understand the numbers before making commitments. Clients will be able to know everything they need using these calculators before buying.


June 26, 2017


Innovine is a website that provides a space to steward ideas and innovations from all levels.

Senior leaders will have the ability to clearly define the issue they want solved.

The ideas going forward that have been approved will be visible to all teams, so that stakeholders will be able to track thinking and concepts across the organization.

Manitoba Association of Food Banks

June 26, 2017

MB Assoc of Food Bank

Students created a web-based application to enhance the current process of collecting food bank related information.

The collection of information for the Hunger Count Report is made easier with forms that
are filled out with a couple of clicks. A report summary can also be generated automatically so statistics about clients can be viewed at a glance.

CanU Canada

June 17, 2017

Currently CanU does all their attendance tracking through paperwork and excel spread sheets. This is not only time consuming but can also create error due to misprint in data. Every day after each program, their coordinator has to manually input all attendance for the day into Excel.

Three BTM students developed a custom app in Salesforce for the tracking and updating of users attendance. The application also automatically enrolls students into programs. Users are able to assign students to teams and buses for better organization and reports. Users can query who is on what team and what bus at all times. A complete and customized Salesforce experience for CanU to use. This will reduce downtime and increase accuracy of attendance tracking.

Skills Base – William Rae Industries

June 13, 2016

skillsBaseSmallCompany founders Dillon Perron and Kendra Garagan are former competitive swimmers at a national level and they created their company to help recreational and competitive athletes to develop their technical skills. As swimming coaches they recognized an area where it is difficult to track an athlete’s skills as they become more proficient in their sport.

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The Wedding Planner App – Penguin + Stone

June 13, 2016

PenguinStoneSmallBrides can spend up to 4 hours a day for up to a year planning their wedding. Penguin and Stone is providing a one stop shop with approved vendors to plan weddings. Couples will be able to plan their entire wedding in only a few hours using the Shopify application that students are creating. The main goal of the site is to expedite the planning of a wedding, but a couple can also use the application to explore the different possibilities for a venue, dress, flowers – or any other aspect of their wedding.

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The Winnipeg App – Consultica

June 13, 2016

IMG_1617_EDITEDLuc Bohunicky and Sergii Us are working with the City of Winnipeg to develop a system to manage multiple city services within a limited number of downloadable apps to allow citizens to easily access the services they are looking for.

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Rehabilitation Centre for Children

June 13, 2016

26620116082_3a3dd8b4a6_kDuring the winter of 2016, 6 students worked on an important project for the Rehabilitation Centre for Children who work with parents of children that have physical and developmental challenges. The students created a database, complete with user interface which provided a live, real-time “picture” of production scheduling for equipment. This application tracked equipment such as wheelchairs and prosthetics through the process of production from when they are entered into the system until they are provided to the client. This process was previously done using cards with signatures passing between clinicians and technicians and needed to be automated. This application also generated reports to show the progress of each job as well as weekly, monthly and annual reports. The students created a system that provided the following functionality:

  • Create jobs, create and track devices, list jobs, assign jobs to a specific professional, print jobs, list and edit jobs.
  • Create users, employees and clients.
  • View statistical reports and export data.

The students gained an in-depth experience using database technologies.

BIT Instructor Presents at the 2016 Wiley Accounting Workshop

March 15, 2016

On Friday, March 4th, 2016, the 2016 Wiley Accounting Workshop was held in Vancouver, British Columbia.  The workshop, which was sponsored by Wiley and CPA Canada, saw over 80 participants including educators from academic institutions across western Canada.

The workshop featured Valerie Warren and Red River College instructor Lori Novak who shared the results of a survey of accounting students across Canada on their readiness for and challenges faced in their accounting courses. The presentation challenged the audience to put themselves in the position of their students and to try to understand the challenges communicated by the students who participated in the survey.

The presentation was followed by discussion with other instructors as well as with students from Kwantlen Polytechnic University who were attending the workshop. After the discussions, ideas were presented for overcoming the challenges that students expressed in the survey.

loriBookLori Novak is the co-author of the accounting textbook, Accounting Principles Seventh Canadian Edition, Volume 1 and Volume 2 which was published in November of 2015 and March of 2016 respectively.

More information about the Wiley Accounting Workshop can be found here:









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We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.

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