Academic News

Information Technology

2015 Fall BIT Projects

September 21, 2015

Photo of Fall 2015 BIT Project studentsA very successful spring and summer project semester (May through August) just wrapped up with our last two Brazilian students heading back home this week. Now a new group of eight BIT students is getting up to speed in the Massey Building (standing, left to right: Skye Valde, Jie Chen, Samara Hoffman, Cole Denslow, Parminder Singh, Aaron Bao; crouched: Chris Xuan; not in photo: Fiona Grant).

Their assignment: three separate fall projects (PanoPlā, Student LIFE App, Food & Farm Discovery Centre). Read More →

Trying on Scrum with TOTT

September 2, 2015

Photo of four trades

Four TOTT skilled trade examples

Apprenticeship Manitoba (AM), a long-time client of Red River College’s Teaching and Learning Technologies Centre (TLTC), dreamed mid-2014 of a game that could engage middle-school kids and introduce them to the world of the skilled trades. The vision was an immersive 3-D virtual world where custom avatars used all kinds of tools and materials to build cool stuff. But with a small budget and only a few months to deliver, it was a tall order. Read More →

A real puzzler

August 31, 2015

Photo of Reuel Ramos RibeiroReuel Ramos Ribeiro is a computer science student from Brazil who, like his five other Brazillian BIT Project teammates, is getting extra experience in Canada thanks to the Brazilian government’s Ciência sem Fronteiras (Science Without Borders) program. Though Winnipeg and the BIT Program were selected for him, Reuel said that Canada appealed to him “because of its good quality of life, the respectfulness of its population (which is easy to find), and the low level of corruption”. A puzzle games enthusiast and problem-solving driven programmer, Reuel’s technology preferences are Web-related, and his skills in that area are quickly growing these days. Easily the most quiet of the team, Reuel shines in back-end development and his database and coding skills have underpinned everything the rest of the team has built. Read More →

Technology Corner Project

August 21, 2015

This is Miguel, one of the three nerds working on the ACE Technology Corner Project. My responsibility in this project so far has been to obtain all the information that is being received while the solar cells are in operation.
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New ACE Technology Corner

August 11, 2015

The project ACE Technology Corner is an amazing idea that our Chair, Haider Al-Saidi had. He asked these three nerds (Sylvia, Miguel & Pawan) to work on it and make it a reality.

Once upon a time (2015 AD) during the summer, Haider found out that RRC has had these Solar Panels installed 10 years ago, and he found a new application for them. Guess what?? The Solar Panels have been merely energizing our department’s staff by powering their coffee machine! No wonder our staff has been so greenly energized all the time. Haider thought of utilizing this massive power source. He decided to go to the nerdiest bunch in the department. This project will provide students an opportunity to work on a side-project in learning about Raspberry Pi and micro-controller technology, while providing a place for students to re-charge their phones, iPad and laptops etc.  That’s it, and the rest is history. #WIP



Spirit, Soul, and Dialectical Thinking in Adult Learning

July 26, 2015

Abstract: A discussion about spirit and soul in an adult learning scenario should start examining the definition and purpose of adult learning. The approach to this term involves many learning theories such as: behaviorism, humanism, constructivism, and critical theory. In addition, many types of adult learning like: instrumental, communicative, and emancipatory learning (Nesbit, Brigham, Taber, & Gibb, 2013, pp. 95-100). Per instance, if we just consider UNESCO’s focus: “… educational processes, whatever the content…whereby people regarded as adults by the society to which they belong: develop their abilities, enrich their knowledge…turn them in a new…development” (Spencer & Lange, 2014, p. 8). It will be difficult to find the role of the spirit and the soul in such consideration.

Date of Publication: July 2015

Author: Miguel Guzman, Department of Accounting and Computer Education

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Tropical Popsicle

July 17, 2015

Photo if Julia's farewell cake from the team

Julia’s farewell cake from the BIT Space team

Coming from almost as far from Winnipeg as her team member Anderson Pires Pereira (10,000 km), Julia Chiarello Passamani also hails from the Brazilian sub-tropical state of Rio Grande do Sul, but from Passo Fundo, a city of about 180,000 people some 9,300 kms south of us. Following two academic semesters of Business Information Technology, Julia is just days away from completing her year-long stay here and her current project with Bit Space Development. The good news for her team members is that she will maintain a virtual connection to the project and continue to contribute after returning to her university in Brazil.

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The Best of Both Worlds

July 3, 2015

Douglas ModenaA lover of technology, reading, travelling, and games, Douglas Modena’s first kick at coding was in his high school computer technician course. He then moved on to carpentry at the Brazilian National Service for Industrial Training (SENAI) before returning to Systems Analysis at the Federal Institute of São Paulo, Brazil. Now, thanks to a scholarship from the Canada/Brazil Science Without Borders program, he is wrapping up a year in the Web Development stream of RRC’s Business Information Technology (BIT) program. Interestingly, Douglas’s current development project combines his love of both information technology and carpentry. The interactive game environment he is helping to build for Apprenticeship Manitoba is a platform to introduce young adults to the skilled trades. Read More →

ACE Award Winners!

June 23, 2015

The Accounting and Computer Education department awarded 33 awards to students in Business Information Technology, Introduction to Business Information Technology and Applied Accounting.  On Wednesday, June 17 the award winners and their guests attended the Awards presentation at Roblin Centre to receive their awards.

Thank you to our Business Information Technology Advisory Committee Chair, Gerry Glatz, for helping to hand out the awards.

Thank you to our award sponsors, Eileen Penner, the Huhtala Family, Gladys Bell, Paterson GlobalFoods, Ricoh Canada, MTS, and Great West Life.


Awards Program 2015

RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.

We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.

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