Academic News

Information Technology

G-Fit – Health and Fitness Coaching Application

December 23, 2019

Project Term: Fall 2019

G-Fit, a Winnipeg-based fitness company with 10 fitness coaches, was struggling with tracking and maintaining the volume of workout and nutrition plan details its 200+ clients. Grant Reid, the founder of Team G-Fit, worked with students at the ACE Project Space to build an application to manage the fitness activities of the company’s growing client base of trainees.

Blending fitness coaching with technology

The student team developed the front end for a health and fitness coaching application that will support integrated nutrition and exercise plans that can be viewed by clients and managed by G-Fit’s coaches. As a Progressive Web Application (PWA), users can interact with the application on mobile and desktop devices and even work offline. Our students created a weekly check-in form for coaching clients to record their progress on a weekly basis. Once client trainees can submit their progress, coaches will be able to review the the data submitted by their clients, and then provide constructive feedback. The students prepared an education library for clients as well as coaches, which will provide them with a wealth of fitness education resources to maximize client success.


The G-Fit student team completed the following application deliverables for the project during the fall term at the ACE Project Space:

  • Home page
  • Registration feature
  • User Profile section
  • Exercise Plan section
  • Nutrition Plan section
  • Education library

What our students are saying

“The ACE project space was a great opportunity for me to gain experience working with a real client and team members. This project helped me to improve my technical and soft skills. All my team members are from a different cultural background and we often had small talks during the day and lunch hour, which are really helpful to reduce the stress level sometimes. Requirements for our project changed several times and it was a good opportunity for me to learn how to handle requirement changes during the project.” – Shubham Mann

Technologies used

  • React
  • React Native
  • Material UI
  • Git
  • GitKraken
  • Firebase
  • MongoDB
  • Express
  • Postman
  • Insomnia

Login Screen

Login Screen


My Exercise Plan Screen

My Exercise Plan Screen


Library Education Screen

Library Education Screen

Stovetop Shield

December 23, 2019

Project Term: Fall 2019

Nadia Williams, the creator of Stovetop Shield came up with the idea for a stovetop safety solution due to a personal experience. We take stoves for granted, yet they can unexpectedly pose risks to overwhelmed workers, the elderly, and parents with infant children. If a cook does not pay adequate attention to cooking occurring on the stovetop, household damage, serious injury, or death can occur. Williams approached the ACE Project Space to build a solution to reduce the risks inherent in using a stovetop. A team of BIT and BTM students at the space built the foundation for a mobile safety application equipped with features to operate a stove as well as monitor the stove from any part of the world and at any time.

Creating a foundation for Internet-connected devices

Our BIT and BTM students built a user-friendly mobile application that enables users to register stovetop devices (hardware interoperability will be created in the future). These devices once connected will be able to display whether the stovetop elements are turned on and at temperature they are emitting. Eventually the solution will be able to allow the user to take pictures of the stovetop remotely.


The Stovetop Shield team completed the following deliverables for the project during the fall term at the ACE Project Space:

  • Account management features
  • Stovetop monitoring screen
  • Device registration
  • Notification system

What our students are saying

“Throughout the course of this project, I have learnt a lot. The beginning phase was a bit different as I had to start working with a new team and on a completely new project. This phase taught me to cooperate and collaborate with the team, gather requirements from the client and also learn a bit about coding and the technical aspect of the project.” – Arshdeep Singh

“I learned about the daily stand-up meeting with project manager where the team members can tell their problem and resolve it.  I also learned about teamwork and how to work in a team. If we have any conflicts, we resolve them by communicating with the team members. We appreciate the other team member’s ideas. It was a good experience working with a real client in the ACE Project Space.” – Mankaranvir Singh

“This project was a really good and challenging experience while learning and working on documentation and technical aspects of the project. The project itself was a unique idea to provide safety in terms of stoves and houses to leave alone afterwards. At the start of the project, it took me some time to get familiar with the project methodologies to be used to successfully start on the project. After the kick start meeting, the development of the project started smoothly and working together on all parts of the project, I gained a lot of experience to make the required and reliable documentation to support the project from start to finish, as well as working on the development, I experienced development of my technical skills creating a skill set for my future. Also, from start to finish of the project has been learning experience in each and every aspect.” – Harpreet Kaur Sekhon

“When I first joined, I was expecting that I would not have a very good experience. It mostly came from not knowing anything about the project. But it ended up being a very enjoyable and knowledgeable experience.

During the project I learned about working with/for a client and to meet and exceed their expectations and to develop a working relationship with the client. It was good that we were able to share our ideas to improve the functionality of the end product, as the client was very open to ideas.

I liked the open learning experience which really taught me how to teach myself to learn new concepts without much outside input other than the developer docs and some tutorials for when you get stuck or want to learn the proper/more accepted way to develop” – Keagen Bouska

Technologies used

  • React native
  • Expo
  • Firebase
  • Git/GitHub
  • G-Suite
  • Balsamiq
  • MS-Office

Login Screen

Login Screen


Home Screen

Home Screen


Device Registration Screen

Device Registration Screen

U of M Reconciliation – Canadian Reconciliation Barometer

December 23, 2019

Project Term: Fall 2019

The Reconciliation team at the University of Manitoba needed a way to gather information about Canadian perspectives on reconciliation with Canada’s indigenous people and compare changes in Canadians’ thoughts and feelings over time. The Reconciliation team worked with the ACE Project Space to build a solution that facilitates building a longitudinal study on Canadian perspectives.

Enabling longitudinal studies of Canadian perspectives on reconciliation

Several organizations are conducting research on the state of social conditions related to Canada’s reconciliation, but none have been doing so with long-term tracking. The client, the U of M Reconciliation team, explained that long-term tracking is both difficult and expensive and was a major challenge in completing their research. The client also expressed great concern regarding any potential for breach of data security and wanted to protect the integrity of the data captured.

The ACE Project Space team assigned to the project created a custom survey distribution system, leveraging a third-party API, and self-enrollment form through a new website. Users can submit their email address and receive a survey link at the address provided. After the user completes the survey, their contact information is added to a list, to be contacted annually until the survey’s term expires. To address the concerns about data security, the students leveraged the storage and security built by Google and Qualtrics. The students maintained data integrity by permitting only a single email address to have access to an instance of the longitudinal study.


For the fall term at the ACE Project Space, our students created the following deliverables:

  • Canadian Reconciliation Barometer website:
    • Landing page
    • Survey page
    • Education & Learning page
    • Related sites page
    • Team bios page
  • Qualtrics Bridge Survey Distribution and Tracking plugin for WordPress

What our students are saying

“While working on this project, I learned about the history of Canada and about Reconciliation. I researched on different existing websites related to reconciliation. We used WordPress software to build this website and I learned the functionality and features of this software, also how to work with WordPress plugins and themes. I also studied the features of Qualtrics software that how can you create and publish survey on that.

In this project, I polished my presentation skills and learned soft skills while working within a team. I have also developed communication skills and professionalism from meetings we had with customers or instructors and got real world experienced.” – Anmoldeep Dhaliwal

“Through the course of the Industry Project, I learned valuable lessons about teamwork, a different culture than mine, and, of course, technology.

I collaborated with my team to schedule stages of project development, and to cooperate in tasks requiring collective action. They assisted me in producing documentation, and I added the technical details. The lesson I take from this that delegation and division of responsibilities will produce valuable results.

I designed and developed an innovative solution to a business problem without a clear answer. This project was an example of the power of integrations, and of leveraging existing technologies to serve new purposes and to meet unique demands. The lesson here is that knowledge of available technologies is key, as well as a fundamental knowledge of how to work with said technologies to achieve something unique. The realm between what tech exists, and what potential it has to make something new, is the developer’s frontier.” – Raymond Weiss

Technologies used

  • WordPress
  • React
  • Qualtrics
  • Git
  • Balsamiq
  • Bizagi Modeler

Survey Administration Page

Survey Administration Page


Sample Page

Sample Page


Settings Panel

Settings Panel

Progressive Sanitation – Delivery and Route System

December 23, 2019

Project Term: Fall 2019

Progressive Sanitation, a sanitation supply company based in Brandon, Manitoba, experienced a high administrative burden managing its paper-based ordering process. The supply company worked with BIT and BTM students at the ACE Project Space to streamline the process. The student team created a series of applications to digitize, simplify and centralize administration, billing, and driver routing.

Digitizing paper-based processes for a streamlined workflow

Before Progressive Sanitation approached the ACE Project Space, the company’s administrative staff were processing orders through email, fax, phone, and text. The orders were entered manually into QuickBooks Enterprise after which packing slips were printed out for each order and handed over to the driver for loading and delivery. Once packing slips were signed by each client, they had to be returned to the office with manual entry for invoicing. All the associated manual entries and transfers resulted in excessive paperwork and loss of packing slips during transfers.

The student team assigned to Progressive Sanitation created applications for administration, billing, and routing resulting in reductions in paperwork for the company’s staff, fewer losses in packing slips, better route prioritization, and improvements in billing work.


The Progressive Sanitation team completed the following deliverables for the project during the fall term at the ACE Project Space:

  • Administration app
  • Billing Manager
  • Driver app

What our students are saying

“Project space helped me to gain a lot of professional work experience. I developed leadership, interpersonal and business skills during this 4-month term. Dealing with clients and working for a company developed professional attitude which will help me to build my career as well. Creating different kind of documents has enhanced my capability to think differently in every situation.” – Parul Kansal

“I learned that coding in new languages can be difficult to figure out first. But pushing past the confusing and difficult parts can improve you as a programmer. I learned how to think differently in certain scenarios by using different languages.” – Garett Friesen

“While in the project space I had practiced using different communication skills like listening, clarifying and summarizing. For example, I had practiced during a client meeting where I had to explain different technical topics to a person who would have a hard time understanding what I was talking about. This is a major skill that would be useful in my later career in the IT industry.” – Austin Reimer

“Work progression is what I’ve learned during my time within the project space. This really entails that working diligently on one part of the project, builds up into another part of the project and so on and so forth. This also means that teamwork is a part of the work process and we, as a team, must allow ourselves to progress to each stage of the project, even if the work gets tough.

I also learned about dealing with clientele. This really means that I would answer each and every question thrown at me without hesitation. I also began to deal with the environments of which the clientele is. Such as if the clientele lives very far and we must deal with doing our meetings remotely.” – Janeal Pimentel

Technologies used

  • Visual Studio Code
  • AWS Account
  • git
  • npm
  • yarn
  • Discord
  • WebEx teams
  • Serverless
  • ES6 JavaScript Babel
  • NodeJS
  • ReactJS
  • Python

Orders Screen

Orders Screen


Deliveries Screen

Deliveries Screen


Notes Dialog Box

Notes Dialog Box

Life Elevated – Virtual Senior Roommate

December 23, 2019

Project Term: Fall 2019

Millions of seniors who require personal care struggle with maintaining their independence, creating strain on themselves, caregivers, and nurses. Life Elevated was created to address the issue. In collaboration with students at the ACE Project Space, the firm is building a practical electronic assistive service to automate tasks that can be performed by a computer.

Building an application for an assistive device

The student team assigned to the Life Elevated project developed a database management system and a website to complement an assistive voice-activated device called a Virtual Senior Roommate or avatar that the firm had developed. The students extracted health, quality of life, and general activity information from the avatar and were able to present the data in a manner that nurses could analyze. In addition, the students learned how to a Cura Lulzbot to design and print a 3D case for the avatar to allow for easier transport.


The Life Elevated team completed the following deliverables for the project during the fall term at the ACE Project Space:

  • Database system to support the solution
  • Website with information collected from the avatar, seniors, and nurses
  • 3D designed and printed cases for the avatar.

What our students are saying

“I learned how to work effectively in a team, how to use Python/Django and git, and how to prioritize tasks. I learned team building by actively participating in group discussions and voicing my own opinions on matters at hand.” – Simon Tran

“Having this 4-month experience, it was an opportunity for me to enhance my soft skills, such as organizational, leadership, communication, and some technical skills as well.” – Nelson Munoz

“In my experience in the ACE Project Space, I’ve learned to work in a team, and by that, I mean I learned to accept other people’s opinions. There are a lot of differences in the way people do things. I self-learned new technologies and applied what I already knew to these technologies to further enhance my skills in development.” – Jose Jacap

Technologies used

  • Python
  • PyCharm
  • Django
  • PostgreSQL
  • Balsamiq Mockups 3
  • Drawio
  • Cura-lulzbot Software

Senior Information Screen

Senior Information Screen


Quality of Life Screen

Quality of Life Screen


Available Conversations Screen

Available Conversations Screen

ioAirFlow – Web-Based Air Quality Analytics

December 23, 2019

Project Term: Fall 2019

ioAirFlow was created to address climate control issues faced in virtually all commercial buildings with a focus on providing solutions to reduce high energy consumption. The startup approached the ACE Project Space for assistance in creating a solution that combines Internet-connected sensors with an application that analyses climate data measured throughout the target building to identify areas that may require fixing.

Working in scrum teams to build software

Our BIT and BTM students built web application features, including account and issue management, for the ioAirFlow application. In a future term, students will connect the application climate measurement sensors. During the term, the students learned how to work together within scrum teams to elicit and develop application features in an agile fashion.


The ioAirFlow team completed the following deliverables for the project during the fall term at the ACE Project Space:

  • Login page
  • Account creation
  • Graphs feature
  • Client page
  • About my building page
  • Issues page
  • Issue filters
  • Recommendations feature

What our students are saying

“Django Framework to make a website, Python and its readable syntax, refactoring code and documenting them, Database creation and management with SQLite, creating models and handling them in Django.” – Garret De Chavez

“I learn that how to solve the real-world problems in this project because I take this project as a job. I worked as an employee. I face some programming problems that I never faced before in my life. The biggest one is to do your work as the way your client wants because some time, he gives you the task that you never done before and that time you are learning and working together to fulfill client’s requirements.” – Mipandeep Bhathal

“As a Scrum master I have learned how to lead a team, how to run the Kanban board, doing stand-up meetings, communicating with client and being a team player, improved my presentation and communication skills. I have also learned to create technical document such as Project Charter, Communication plan, Business Requirement Document, Use case, Test case and creating wireframes.” – Ripunjay Borsiwala

Technologies used

  • Django
  • Python
  • SQL lite
  • Sensors


About my building screen

About my building screen

Client Page

Client Page


Survey Page

Survey Page


Health and Fitness Tracker

December 23, 2019

Project Term: Fall 2019

The traditional tools personal trainers use to keep track of client sessions, dietary habits, workout activities, and goals are often outdated, cumbersome, and time-consuming. Our students developed a mobile application that combines all these features into a single web-based solution.

Soft skills are the key ingredient to project success

In building the health and fitness tracker, the students developed soft skills, including teamwork, communication, conflict resolution, and time management skills. These skills were essential in managing expectations for the project, eliciting requirements, and building an effective solution in a timely manner.


The development team completed the following section deliverables for the project during the fall term at the ACE Project Space:

  • Schedule
  • Workout programs
  • Habits

Technologies used

  • React
  • Meteor
  • Technical reporting
  • Kanban board
  • Story mapping
  • Git
  • MongoDB

Login Screen

Coach Appointments Screen

Scheduling Screen

ProCS – Building Information Modelling

December 23, 2019

Project Term: Fall 2019

ProCS came to the ACE Project Space with a vision to provide builders with a customized building information modeling (BIM) solution available from anywhere around the world that employees can use to work on and discuss building designs. The BIT and BTM students assigned to the project were able to transform the solution concept into a tangible product suitable for demonstration purposes.

Optimizing performance to build a quality product

The BIM project started last term at the ACE Project Space with a working demo on a local machine. The next stage was to deploy the solution to a cloud provider that client companies and their employees could access online.  The students learned how to test online performance and use their teamwork, communication, and problem-solving skills to improve the BIM solution’s overall performance.


The ProCS team completed the following deliverables for the project during the fall term at the ACE Project Space:

  • Online BIM viewer
  • Administration page
  • Bug fixes

What our students are saying

“Working with the team for this project, my duties revolved around the role of a Project Manager. Learning the way how the industry works was quite a new experience for me. I learned being professional and punctual. I learned how to keep up with targets and deadline and prioritizing the tasks according to the requirements of the client. Doing standup meeting, discussing the problems being faced by the team members and sorting them out by involving the client and project sponsor into it were some of the daily done tasks by me. Another important thing that I learned from the experience working here was how communication is the key to solving any problem being faced by any team member.” – Dilraj Marwah

“Working as a front-end developer in the BIM project, I got to learn and experience working with other team members and how the joint efforts of the team members get the project to the end point as the client wants it to be. To work as a front-end developer, I learned working using react and python languages. Also at parts of the project, I had to go and work on the back end to develop some of the functionalities that the client wanted to add to the viewer and learning how to work on code that has already been developed, analyzing, understanding it and working with the other back end developer was quite a great learning experience.” – Owen Beatty

Technologies used

  • JavaScript
  • React
  • Python
  • Django
  • MongoDB
  • Amazon Web Services (AWS)

ACE Project Space Hosts Mitacs Lunch & Learn Session

November 21, 2019

Entrepreneurs and members of Red River College faculty enjoyed a catered lunch & learn presentation about the funding opportunities provided by Mitacs, a national not-for-profit organization that builds partnerships between industry and post-secondary institutions to support industrial and social innovation in Canada with the ultimate goal of commercializing academic research.

Brent Wennekes, Director of Business Development (Manitoba) at Mitacs, described how their Accelerate program pairs entrepreneurs and companies working across all sectors of the economy with student research opportunities. Mr. Wennekes provided details about the funding model and the application process, which include a $7,500 contribution from a business in exchange for a $15,000 research award from Mitacs to support a research student intern for four months. Mitacs funding has spearheaded many of the four-month projects delivered at the ACE Project Space.

Mitacs funding recipient and CEO of ioAirFlow, Matt Schaubroeck, described his experience of having leveraged Mitacs funding while working a full-time job to kickstart his new venture. Mr. Schaubroek’s company is building an AI-supported solution using a network of temperature sensors to provide building owners and tenants with the data they need to increase energy efficiency. The research student embedded at the ACE Project Space as part of the ioAirFlow project was integral in building a marketable solution that won stage time at the Falling Walls Lab pitch contest in Berlin.

Stephen Lawrence, ACE Project Space Coordinator, shared the opportunity and process that lend to entrepreneurs the application development skills of fourth term students at the ACE Project Space with support from Mitacs. Mr. Lawrence described how the mutually beneficial relationship provides students with valuable real life project experience while providing entrepreneurs with the ability to bring their ideas to fruition.

To learn more about how to bring your business ideas to life at the ACE Project Space, please contact Stephen Lawrence, ACE Project Space Coordinator or visit our ACE Project Space web site.

ISACA Student Group Hosts 1st Annual Mini-Conference at the ACE Project Space

November 1, 2019

The Information Security program from the Applied Computer Education department at Red River College is only in its second year, yet interest in the program and the field of information security has never been greater. And it shows. The Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA) student group at Red River College hosted its first ever annual mini-conference on Halloween at the ACE Project Space and it was a full house with over 70 students in attendance. Part of this group included high-school students from Seven Oaks School Division Met School and Maples Met School. Students enjoyed presentations from industry experts and one of our own information security instructors.

Along with a free pizza lunch and Halloween themed treats, students were treated to the following presentations by Deloitte, Manitoba Liquor & Lotteries, Auditor General of Manitoba, and Red River College:

Introduction to ISACA (Certifications and Resources)

Presented by: Fraser McLean, CPA, CA, CISA, CRISC, Senior Manager, Risk Advisory at Deloitte Canada

Fraser described the information security landscape, the ISACA organization, career options available for students as well as key activities including penetration testing, incident response handling, and cybersecurity red team versus blue team scenarios. He also talked about the certifications and resources recognized by industry.

Fraser McLean, a senior manager for risk advisory at Deloitte Canada, discusses the career opportunities in information security

Fraser McLean, a senior manager for risk advisory at Deloitte Canada, discusses the career opportunities in information security

Internal Audit 101

Presented by: Catarina Sousa Machado, CPA, CGA, CISA, Senior Audit and Risk Management Professional at Manitoba Liquor & Lotteries Corporation

Catarina educated students on the internal audit profession from an accounting perspective and contrasted it with the technology focus of information security professionals. She described the roles comprising internal audit, the importance of internal auditing to organizations, as well as the certification paths that are available.

Catarina Sousa Machado, a senior audit and risk management professional at Manitoba Liquor & Lotteries Corporation, talks about the internal auditing profession

Catarina Sousa Machado, a senior audit and risk management professional at Manitoba Liquor & Lotteries Corporation, talks about the internal auditing profession

Social Engineering: Human Element of Information Security

Presented by: Ganesh Sharma, FCA(India), CISA, CISM, CISSP, CIA, SAP Certified, Principal, IT Performance Audits at Auditor General of Manitoba

Ganesh shared the financial impact of data breaches on organizations and how social engineering allows these breaches to occur. He provided details on the time required to resolve incidents and the types of social engineering attacks, their methods of delivery, as well as points of exploitation, including people, processes, and technology.

Ganesh Sharma, a principal IT performance auditor from the Auditor General of Manitoba, discusses the financial impact of data breaches

Ganesh Sharma, a principal IT performance auditor from the Auditor General of Manitoba, discusses the financial impact of data breaches

Forensic Analysis

Presented by: Stephen Jay, Information Security Instructor, Red River College

One of our instructors, Stephen Jay, walked students through various aspects of forensic analysis in information security. He used examples of image analysis and demonstrated a multitude of tools that can be used to perform forensic analysis.

Stephen Jay, a Red River College information security instructor, describes how image analysis is performed as part of forensic analysis

Stephen Jay, a Red River College information security instructor, describes how image analysis is performed as part of forensic analysis

Interested in hosting a similar event for students?

For information about hosting an event at the ACE Project Space, please contact Stephen Lawrence, ACE Project Space Coordinator at (204) 224-2712.

RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.

We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.

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