Academic News

Nursing Graduate Suzanne Guay Recognized as an Outstanding Graduate Nurse

January 21, 2021

In December, BN graduate Suzanne Guay was featured as a Trailblazer in the Nursing the Future newsletter! Nominated for her hard work, leadership, and professionalism, Suzanne was recognized as an outstanding graduate nurse.

Congratulations Suzanne!

To learn more, check of the ARNM’s news release here.

Post by Meagen Chorney – Nursing Instructor
Content and photo taken from the ARNM Website

Nursing Student Marlo Pereira-Edwards Receives the CNF Virginia Lindabury Award

January 14, 2021

BN student Marlo Pereira-Edwards was the recipient of the 2020 CNF Virginia Lindabury Award for baccalaureate nursing students! This highly competitive award provides the recipient with a $3000 scholarship.

Marlo has demonstrated strong leadership skills throughout her education, from her engagement in research to her active role in mentorship.

Congratulations Marlo!

To learn more, check out the Canadian Nurses Foundation.

Post written by Meagen Chorney – Nursing Instructor
Photo from the Canadian Nurses Foundation website

RRC Flu Clinic

January 7, 2021

In the midst of a COVID 19 pandemic, the Red River College nursing students came out to support the college students and staff by holding an Annual Influenza Immunization clinic in November. Clinics were held over 3 days in collaboration with the college health unit. There was a lot of nervousness about how the clinic would go this year.

But like everything this year, it was also quite different and needed an extra level of careful planning. More sanitation methods, plentiful social distancing, and daily mask-wearing are all part of the new normal these days.

Since the flu season this year will also be paired with COVID-19 challenges, it’s more important than ever for employers to encourage workers to get the flu shot.

Over the 3 days, we saw about 120-140 people each day, and the students had a very unique experience of working during a pandemic on important skills, including IM injections, screening, and health teaching . I would say the clinics were a success and a great learning opportunity, and a way for our future nurses to give back to the college community.

Thank you to the Health Center for setting this up so well and allowing us to participate. A great team to work with.

Community Clinical – Older Adult NRSG 2811: Bonnie Peers, Diane Ammeter, Tracey McCulloch, Janet Zacharias, and Teri-Lyn Healy

Post written by Teri-Lyn Healy – Nursing Instructor
Photos by Bonnie Peers – Nursing Instructor

Bachelor of Education Programs – Virtual Information Session Jan. 20th

January 7, 2021

Join us for a virtual information session on Red River College’s Bachelor of Education programs. Learn about a future career teaching:

  • Business/Technology Education
  • Industrial Arts Education
  • Technical Vocational Education

The event will be hosted on January 20, 2021 from 5:30 – 6:30 PM virtually via WebEx. Use this link to join the session which will open just before 5:30. We hope to see you there!

Questions? Call Teacher Education at 204-632-2300

Happy Holidays!

December 24, 2020

We would like to wish everyone a Happy Holidays and all the best in the New Year! Hope the new year will be good to all and bring happiness to everyone.

Please celebrate safe, and share love and happiness with everyone!

Enjoy your holidays; everyone deserves it!!

Written by Jennifer Johnson – Nursing Lab Manager

Bachelor of Nursing Program Pinning Ceremony – Today at Noon!

December 17, 2020

You are invited to the 2020 Bachelor of Nursing Program Pinning Ceremony!

The 2020 graduates of the Red River College Baccalaureate Nursing Program will be celebrated in a virtual Pinning Ceremony today at noon.

Grab your 2020 Pinning Ceremony Program, and join us for this meaningful Nursing tradition on The College’s Facebook page.

The link to the ceremony will be available at noon. Join us then to leave live comments for the graduates!

The recording will remain on the RRC Facebook page for later viewing as well.

We look forward to “seeing” you there!

Post by The Pinning Ceremony Committee

Clinical Tips From First Year Nursing Students

December 10, 2020

I asked my students at the end of their 1820 clinical rotation to share some tips and tricks with their fellow students heading into clinical next term. I also asked them to share some challenges they have come across in clinical during COVID, and how they were able to overcome these challenges. They were excited to share their thoughts and knowledge, even at the end of a long clinical term, and at the end of our last day! Since these students had been through 1810 pre-COVID, they have a unique perspective to share.

This is what they said:

-Ask questions when you are unsure

-Remember to breathe

-Get to know your patients and tasks will become easier

-Trust your assessment skills

-Prepare by researching your skills ahead of time that you know you will be doing. For example, if you know your patient uses the Sara lift to transfer, go over that skill. Utilize your techniques knowledge; remember your steps.

-Make clinical fun: look for learning opportunities; enjoy what you are doing.

-Always but especially during COVID: remember to wash your hands. “If you think you have washed them enough, you haven’t”.

-Masks and eye protection make connecting with your patients more challenging, since your patient is not able to see your face or facial expressions. Enhance your communication; use more non-verbal techniques such as therapeutic touch, massage. For example, apply lotion to your patient’s feet in order to spend more time with them and provide therapeutic touch.

-Because you are not able to see your patient when you come for research, there is more of the unknown on your clinical day. So rely more on interprofessional communication, and talk with the nurse or health care aid caring for the patient that day. Also, this means it is even more important to complete a thorough assessment on your clinical day.

-Things can become stressful, so try to go with the flow, and practice self care.

Post by Kirsten Loewen – Nursing Instructor

Help Feed a Student this Holiday Season!

November 12, 2020

This year, because of COVID-19, instead of supporting one large family with food and gifts, the Students’ Association is purchasing and distributing food vouchers to RRC students in need. Your support is even more important at this time, as they expect an increase in hamper needs.

The Christmas hamper program helped more than 100 students and their families last year thanks to the generous staff and departments at RRC. Our goal again this year is to provide as many students in need with hamper food vouchers.

Please consider making a financial donation to the Students’ Association to help support our students in need this holiday season. With everything going on, everyone, especially our students, need our support and love now more than ever!

Online donations can be made at

If you have any trouble or questions, please reach out to Jennifer Johnson ( or Meagen Chorney (, and we’ll be more than happy to help you contribute this year.

Let’s make this year just as great as our past years for our students in need!

Written by:

Jennifer Johnson – Nursing Lab Manager

Adapted from the RRC Students’ Association (

Images from Pixabay:
Polar Bear

Red River College awarded $300,000 in Mitacs research grants

November 5, 2020

Canada’s fastest growing Mitacs funded college 2019-20

This news release originally appeared in RRC’s PR newsletter, November 5, 2020. Web version published here.

Red River College is now one of the fastest growing research colleges in Canada thanks to two new grants totaling $300,000 awarded by Mitacs earlier last month.

“Red River College is proud to be a leading Canadian institution in applied research,” said Fred Meier, RRC President and CEO. “We continue to expand our research efforts into new and emerging areas of technology – such as AI and machine learning – and through collaboration with businesses across Manitoba and our ACE Project Space.”

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RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.

We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.

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