Academic News

2016 Pinning Ceremony

September 22, 2016



Congratulations to all our graduates! We wish each and every one of you the best in your new beginnings and wherever your path may take you!

Congratulations to Emily Lapp for receiving the College of Registered Nurses of Manitoba Gold Medal Award.

Our Pinning Ceremony has great meaning; the pins mark transition from education and preparation into the profession of Nursing.



Thank you to all the supporters (families and friends) that helped our students through the rough patches and to the staff for being who you are and organizing a lovely Pinning Ceremony.


Nursing Student Council

September 15, 2016

Nursing students are taught leadership but it is a quality they already exemplify in Nursing Student Council, run by nursing students for nursing students.

The council fundraises and plans the Nursing grad, as the cost is not covered by the department, but they want to be clear that they are more than just a fundraising committee. They believe that, as future nurses, it is important to maintain a presence within the community by helping out with events such as food drives. The council is also the voice of the nursing students at Red River College. They encourage all nursing students with any questions or concerns to come and talk to them and they will do their best to lead students in the right direction. While RRC has a larger student council, the nursing student council believes in the importance of a program specific voice, stating “It allows us to voice concerns specific to our program because who knows nursing students better than nursing students themselves.”

First Student Council Meeting - September 9th 2016

First Student Council Meeting – September 9th 2016

The council also encourages students to get involved in their field. They are now a part of the Canadian Nursing Students Association (CNSA), which is an association for nursing students across Canada that gives students a voice at a federal level. The CNSA is holding a national conference in Winnipeg this year and nursing student council is hoping a few RRC nursing students will be able to attend.

Putting on events and fundraisers is a major component of the council. During orientation week, the council held a Welcome Back Party for the nursing students. The evening consisted of games, raffle prizes, and a 50/50. There are also a number of events planned for the following year including a Halloween social, a Kernels Popcorn fundraiser, bake sales, food drives, and many more to come.

Nursing student council is currently run by Co-Presidents, Karen Calitis and Paige Procter, as well as Vice President and CNSA Official Delegate, Jake Kahler.

Karen, Paige, and Jake encourage all nursing students to get involved, if they can. There is no cost to join and, as students themselves, they know that Nursing is a busy program. They only ask students to put in the amount of time they can give. The council is striving to meet once a month but is looking at a minimum of one meeting per term. They will also need volunteers for their many events. The first student council meeting was held on September 9th.

L-R: Jake Kahler, Karen Calitis, Paige Procter

L-R: Jake Kahler, Karen Calitis, Paige Procter

They hope that the students will work together towards celebrating graduation, reiterating that grad is funded and planned by students so “what we put into our grad as students is what we are going to get out of it for a party.” This is not to say that nursing student council is only beneficial for students in their third year. By working with student council, nursing students of all years will be able to network with other students from different years, gain experience working with a team, and future insight into what they can do for their graduating year.

Nursing student council would like students to know that if they are available to help, they would really appreciate it. If students are interested in helping out or just want to voice their questions or concerns, please email any of the three executive council members. The council can also be followed on Instagram at bn_awesome. They are also currently working on a Facebook page, so keep an eye out for that!

They are kicking off the school year with a Kernels Popcorn Fundraiser! Download the order form here. All students and faculty members are welcome to order and support nursing student council. The fundraiser began on September 9th. All forms are due by Friday, September 30th.

On behalf of the Nursing department, we thank the nursing student council for the wonderful work they are doing!

Sketch Day 2016

September 9, 2016

At the start of each year our graphic design students head out for our annual sketch day. We met today under cloudy skies at Assiniboine Park. By 11 am the sun came out to make for a beautiful day. The park offered a variety of locations: the Leo Mol Sculpture Garden, the English Garden and the zoo. We look forward to seeing the sketchbooks Monday morning.
sketch4 sketch6
sketch1 sketch2 sketch3

Nursing Student Council Meeting

September 8, 2016

Nursing Student Council is having a student council meeting on Friday, September 9, 2016 from 1230-1300 in room E108.

All nursing students are welcome to attend. Those in attendance will receive free homemade cookies!

So, come out tomorrow and find out what nursing student council is all about!

Welcome Back!

September 1, 2016

Welcome back to all returning Nursing students, faculty, and staff! Also, welcome to our new intake of first year students!  We look forward to a great year together!

long service award 1

Faculty and staff began the year by reflecting on where we’ve come from, what we’re doing, and where we’re going.  Together, we celebrated the commitment and contribution of the Nursing instructors, acknowledging those of us who have reached their 5, 10, 15, even 25 years with the department!

simulation money

We also looked to our future in upcoming Nursing events, the new dean of Health Sciences, and the continuation of the simulation pilot.

Classes are already underway as we begin another year of teaching, learning, research, and innovation!

Skills Base – William Rae Industries

June 13, 2016

skillsBaseSmallCompany founders Dillon Perron and Kendra Garagan are former competitive swimmers at a national level and they created their company to help recreational and competitive athletes to develop their technical skills. As swimming coaches they recognized an area where it is difficult to track an athlete’s skills as they become more proficient in their sport.

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The Wedding Planner App – Penguin + Stone

June 13, 2016

PenguinStoneSmallBrides can spend up to 4 hours a day for up to a year planning their wedding. Penguin and Stone is providing a one stop shop with approved vendors to plan weddings. Couples will be able to plan their entire wedding in only a few hours using the Shopify application that students are creating. The main goal of the site is to expedite the planning of a wedding, but a couple can also use the application to explore the different possibilities for a venue, dress, flowers – or any other aspect of their wedding.

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The Winnipeg App – Consultica

June 13, 2016

IMG_1617_EDITEDLuc Bohunicky and Sergii Us are working with the City of Winnipeg to develop a system to manage multiple city services within a limited number of downloadable apps to allow citizens to easily access the services they are looking for.

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Rehabilitation Centre for Children

June 13, 2016

26620116082_3a3dd8b4a6_kDuring the winter of 2016, 6 students worked on an important project for the Rehabilitation Centre for Children who work with parents of children that have physical and developmental challenges. The students created a database, complete with user interface which provided a live, real-time “picture” of production scheduling for equipment. This application tracked equipment such as wheelchairs and prosthetics through the process of production from when they are entered into the system until they are provided to the client. This process was previously done using cards with signatures passing between clinicians and technicians and needed to be automated. This application also generated reports to show the progress of each job as well as weekly, monthly and annual reports. The students created a system that provided the following functionality:

  • Create jobs, create and track devices, list jobs, assign jobs to a specific professional, print jobs, list and edit jobs.
  • Create users, employees and clients.
  • View statistical reports and export data.

The students gained an in-depth experience using database technologies.

Teaching Excellence Day

June 9, 2016


The Nursing faculty had a great day exploring the world of simulation, hosted at CanadInn Polo Park.

Scenario Stars

The day was filled with many interesting presentations, starting with our guest speaker Patricia Morgan; RN, MSN, Director of the Clinical Simulation Center from the University of Calgary, who spoke of the simulation process including the pre-briefing, simulation scenarios, and debriefing.

Then we were put to the test and had to go through the process of a scenario simulation and debriefing hosted by STARS Brent Bekaris, Mobile Education Leader, featuring our very own Patti simulator.

inside Stars Bus

The day ended with a round robin to explore our own Patti Sim mannequin to see what she can actually do, as well as the STARS Mobile Education Bus, a Paramedicine Moulage station, and Patti’s extended family SimKid and SimBaby.

RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.

We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.

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