Academic News

RRC Industrial Arts Teacher Education Students Collaborate with Community

February 11, 2015

IMG_4015The students and instructors of RRC’s Industrial Arts Teacher Education program in cooperation with Bonnie Heath of Equality Communication Centre of Excellence (ECCOE) designed and crafted a metal and glass display that will be featured at the Raw Almond Restaurant on the Assiniboine River from Jan 22 – Feb 12, 2015.

The display-project provided an authentic learning opportunity for RA display 1students in the program. Not only where they able to put their designing, manufacturing, finishing and project management skills to the test, they also gleaned a sense of pride knowing that they were contributing to a worthwhile community activity. While at the Raw Almond Restaurant, the display will serve as a collection site for financial contributions to a 4 million dollar housing unit that will be designed to meet the needs of the Deaf-Blind individuals.

RA display 2

Anyone wishing to make a charitable contribution to the housing project fund can contact Judy McGuirk, of the Teacher Education Department at or mail a contribution to the Resource Centre for Manitobans who are Deaf-Blind (RCMDB) Housing Project
228 – 285 Pembina Hwy
Winnipeg Manitoba, R3L 2E1

RA display 1A







Nursing Winter Convocation 2015, Today, Feb 10th, 7:00

February 10, 2015

School of Health Sciences Convocation, 2014Convocation ceremonies for the School of Health Sciences and Community Services will be held today at the Centennial Concert Hall, 555 Main Street, Winnipeg MB.

Tuesday, Feb 10th at 7:00pm

Tickets are not required. If you are not able to attend, the ceremony will be streamed live online. Just click on the link below:
Winter Convocation

Former RRC grad on cover of CRNM publication

February 5, 2015

She may look familiar to you! Check out the following link to see former RRC Nursing Graduate and Gold Medal winner, Heather Day on the cover of CRNM’s most recent publication, the winter 2015 issue of NurseLink.  Heather talks about her current role in the STI/HIV prevention team at Nine Circles Community Health Centre.

Christmas Hamper donation

January 15, 2015

This year saw another generous donation by the Nursing Department to the Red River College’s “Feed a Student Christmas Hamper Donation Drive”.

The generous donations were made into hampers for 2 families which included ten people. There were nine jam packed boxes of food, goodies and gifts delivered to the Student Association on behalf of the Nursing Department.

Participating in this ongoing service to the community of RRC is always a great start to the Holiday Season for the RRC Nursing Department. Happy Holidays and the very best in the New Year from the RRC Nursing Department!

Learning Inside and Outside of the Classroom

December 22, 2014

IMG_00000294“Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it” –  William Arthur Ward, inspirational author

Field trips and guest speakers have always made students young and old excited about a class. That’s no different in college. We have had many people from industry partner with the Civil Engineering Technology department in varied ways. We have had many past graduates speak to our first year students to help guide them through the maze of programs to choose from. We have had industry experts come to classes and lunch ‘n learns to share new ideas or to confirm the lessons in the classroom about construction, environment, and management. And we have had others provide jobsite tours to classes. All of these have had significant impacts on the students. The students return to class with renewed energy as to why they are in their program and they have a better idea of whether they should be in the office or the jobsite.

Here are some of the comments made by the students.

“I have quite a bit of background in construction but it was a very informative tour and I learned a lot. I think it is a great course in the A/E program to allow students to visit various job sites and learn what is going on. Our tour guide was very helpful and was good at answering our questions. I look forward to visiting many other job sites.”

“This is my first site visit in the construction field. I have five years’ experience doing drafting job. But I never get any chance to go to job site. This job site visit make me little confident regarding the construction. Now I can relate theoretical drafting and practical construction.”

“I don’t have any construction background prior to coming to Red River so getting to see a project start and finish is quiet interesting to me.”

“I enjoyed this site visit simply because it was my first time being in a real construction job site. It was interesting to see how interior wall assembly’s support systems are made. It was also interesting to hear what the site supervisor had to say about the project and how concerned he was about creating a safe environment.”

“I have been on site trips during my previous course in BC but they were mostly residential single family dwellings and no one from the company doing the construction gave us a tour. Having someone from the company that is in charge of the project gives you a better understanding of what is actually occurring on site at that stage of construction and the reasons behind certain aspects of the structure.”

“Being on an ongoing jobsite was very interesting. I learned a lot of things compared to sitting in class and listening rather than being on a real construction project and being observant. This experience helped me pursue my current program even more.”

There are so many to acknowledge and we will focus on the tour guides this time.  Over the years, we have visited sites of most of the builders. If I should miss a few, I truly apologize. It takes a lot to provide the tours and the time and energy involved does not go unnoticed. The ability to take the hour or two for the tours can be challenge. And over the years with the safety protocols increasing, it has not waivered the enthusiasm to have the students come on site. We thank you all very much.

Past Tour Providers (click on the name to link to their website)

2014 Tour Providers (click on the name to link to their website)

Thank you to all of you.

Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” – Benjamin Franklin, statesman, inventor, writer

Celebrating Excellence Awards

November 21, 2014

Red River College Nursing Program Awards Presentation 2014

Congratulations To This Years Award Winners

Jean Burrows Scholarship  – Erin Conway : Jean Burrows was the Nursing Dept. Chair from ErinConway,141974 to 1998 and upon her retirement this scholarship was created for a 1st year student recognizing their outstanding academic achievement.




Wiley Scholarship – Erin Dahl, Jake Manliguez : This award is generously donated by Wiley Erin,Jake,Whiley,14& Sons Publishing, the publisher of the A & P textbook awarded for academic excellence achieved to BN students upon completion of Human Anatomy and Physiology course.





Nursing Students Endowment ScholarshipCandice Plett, Lindsay Motriuk,
April Lindsay,CandicePlettAprilGraham,AshleyAlonius,14Graham, Ashley Alonius
This award was established from students who in 1997, each student as part of their tuition fees contributed to this endowment fund.  In 2001, a portion of this money was dedicated to the creation of these awards.  The class of 2002 also made a sizeable contribution from their own fundraising efforts.

Bernice Parrott Award – Stephanie Labossiere, Angelina Hartwell :
AngelinaHartwell StephanieLabossier
This award was established to provide financial assistance to a deserving student after term six in the BN program to recognize their hard work and efforts.



Nursing Legacy Award – Brent Campbell, Krista Delaquis, Kim Speiss, Nicole Badger,

 BrentCampbellKristaDel,14KimSpeissNicoleBadgerAprilGrahChristineWallaceChrintineRobidouxAshAlApril Graham, Cristine Wallace, Christine Robidoux, Ashley Alonius: This award recognizes outstanding clinical performance of students.








Thorey Johnson Nursing AwardKenton Nickerson : In honour of their mother, Mrs. KentonNJohnson’s daughters have established this scholarship for a nursing student who has expressed a special interest in rural nursing practice.




Nursing Leadership Award – LaDawn Dyck, April Graham :
This award is for deserving students who have gone above and beyond in support and leadership of their peers.  Established by the awards committee, with nominations from faculty and peers.

Discipline of Professional Nursing Award – Danielle Saltel, Mary Darlene Jackson, Alisha MacMillan : These awards are presented students for their outstanding achievement in the DanielSaltelMAryAlishaMcMcourses of Discipline of Professional Nursing 1-5.



Mary Langhan Nursing Award – Courtney Taylorson, Vicky Hildebrand : This award is CourtenyTaylorson VickyHildebrandpresented to two 3rd year students who have demonstrated a high level of skill in the clinical setting and have expressed a special interest in obstetrics and gynecology.


Community Service Award – Cynthia Chartrand, Elyssia Prell :
This award is presented to a second and a third year student who has volunteered for a community agency while maintaining sound academic achievement.



Karen Wall Aboriginal Nursing Student Award – Melissa Kehler :
This award is presented to a 3rd year student of Canadian Aboriginal heritage who has achieved academic success in the BN program, and has demonstrated leadership within the Aboriginal community.




*Aknowledgement goes out to all of the hard work of the Awards Committee members who continue to make this event  an honourable tradition every year*

A Healthy Partnership

November 14, 2014

Student and Faculty in Community Service

Davorka, Luanne and Nancy at Knox Healthy Start Program

Davorka, Luanne and Nancy at Knox Healthy Start Program

The nursing program and Community Clinical Course for Perinatal & Growing Family Health, has been in partnership with Healthy Start for Mom and Me for the past several years. Knox Church Healthy Start is run by Healthy Child Manitoba and has been a clinical site for 3rd year students. The Healthy Start Program is geared towards Health Promotion of new immigrant women and babies. Participants meet each week and attendance is approximately 70-90 adults at a time. They have over 17 translators on site for each of their language groups to provide interpretation of the health messages provided. The site sets up a table of give-away items including warm clothing, children’s books and toys, which is very popular.

In the spirit of community service, the RRC Nursing faculty conducted a warm clothing drive to support the participants of the Knox Church Healthy Start program. The faculty and staff brought forward an amazing collection of cozy items to donate. The generosity of the nursing department overwhelmed the staff at the program. The faculty received a lovely thank you note from Know HealthyStart in response to the generous donations.

Dianne Brown with donations

Dianne Brown with donations

The faculty hope to have a second drive in February when the students return again. The plan is to support “I Love to Read Month”. We will be collecting new and used children’s books. Anyone with a book they would like to donate contact Dianne Brown and/or Luanne Hill. A third drive in April will be to collect clothing that is for warmer weather.

As part of their clinical experience, nursing students attend Knox Church Healthy Start for a experiential day each term and they will plan for a second occasion for a student led Health Fair a month later. On the first visit, students focus on assessing the learning needs and conversing with participants and staff. The second visit is a Health Fair Day where the students hold presentations focusing on a Health topic chosen by agency staff. Door prizes are drawn at the end to provide added incentive for participating at the Health Fair.

Student work

November 14, 2014

Two new shows of student work are now on display in William Building.
The 6th floor jury room has a display of 2nd year magazine spreads. The OnWard Gallery on the 3rd floor has a display of first year Basics of Form typography assignments.
show2 show1

RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.

We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.

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