Academic News

Chemical of the Week: Nitrous Oxide

June 25, 2014

The nitrous oxide molecule.

The nitrous oxide molecule.

Anyone perusing our Chemical of the Week molecules may notice that many pharmacologically active molecules are very large and complex. However, this is not always the case. An interesting exception is nitrous oxide, also known as dinitrogen monoxide. The nitrous oxide molecule is made of only two nitrogen (N) atoms and one oxygen (O) atom and so is very simple.

Nitrous oxide works as a general painkiller and anaesthetic and was first used in dentistry in the 17th and 18th centuries. Interestingly, it is still used today in modern dentistry and some medical procedures. This chemical has a side effect of inducing a supposedly pleasant feeling of euphoria and hence is frequently known by its slang name of “laughing gas.”

Although it is a simple molecule, nitrous oxide appears to produce its effects on the body through a complex series of processes, involving the inhibition of ion transport and other mechanisms. Not that many medical procedures that were popular two hundred years ago are still around, so nitrous oxide deserves some admiration, if only for its longevity!

Curriculum Day

June 25, 2014

 Curriculum Day 2014

June 5th saw the nursing faculty gather together for the Curriculum and Quality Assurance Committee’s annual Curriculum Day.  This event provides an opportunity for clinical and theory instructors to come together to examine the BN curriculum from a big picture perspective.   Brainstorming breakout sessions were designed to discuss curriculum themes and the goodness of fit between courses, across terms and throughout the years. This opportunity to share thoughts and ideas allows faculty to look for overlaps, possible gaps and ways to enhance student learning and flow of the overall curriculum.   Faculty also used their pizza lunch as a fund raising opportunity for the Nursing Legacy Fund, which supports Nursing students research and scholarship endeavors.    Dianne Brown, Chair of the Curriculum Committee presents Lois Tessier, Awards Committee Chair with a cheque for $222.00.

Thank you to the Nursing faculty for sharing your curriculum ideas, your enthusiasm was phenomenal.

Mae Louise speech, Curriculum day

Opening speech by Mae Louise, Elder-in residence, RRC

Curriculum Day photo3

Curriculum Coordinator Dianne Brown is shown here, giving a contribution to the Lois Tessier, member of the Awards committee, for the Student endowment fund, on behalf of the Department of Nursing at RRC. The Department of Nursing had their annual Curiculum Day event, and the proceeds from their lunch go towards this student's bursary opportunity

Curriculum Coordinator Dianne Brown is shown here, giving a contribution to the Lois Tessier, member of the Awards committee, for the Nursing Legacy fund, on behalf of the Department of Nursing at RRC. The Department of Nursing had their annual Curiculum Day event, and the proceeds from their lunch go towards this student’s bursary opportunity

RRC Slow-Pitch Tournament

June 17, 2014

It was another year of fun, excitement, laughs and a few victories for nursing team CODE BLUE at the annual RRC slow-pitch tournament.  We had a good turnout and everyone put their best foot forward.  Our team ranged in experience, but that didn’t stop our determination to get as many runs in as we could.  We couldn’t have done it without the support from our cheerleaders as they encouraged us every step (or should I say, run) of the way.  There were no injuries sustained, which make us even stronger for next year as we start to practice as soon as summer break starts…anyone?  It was a great day of food,drinks and friends.  Thank you to all of you who came out to partake in the excitement.

RRC Ball tournament, 2014













Chemical of the Week: Avobenzene

June 16, 2014

With the (relatively) warm weather here, it’s a good time to look at sunscreen chemicals! Avobenzene (IUPAC name 1-(4-Methoxyphenyl)-3-(4-tert-butylphenyl)propane-1,3-dione) is a popular ingredient of sunscreens. It is part of the “Helioplex” sunscreen system marketed by Neutrogena. Like almost all sunscreen compounds, it contains benzene rings, since these are good at absorbing UV light. In the case of avobenzene, it absorbs a wider range of UV light than many other similar chemicals and so is well-suited for its purpose of shielding us from the sun. One deficit of avobenzene is that it tends to break down rather rapidly under UV light, so it is normally packaged together with another chemical to help it stay stable. In the case of Helioplex, the compound oxybenzone is used. 

The avobenzene molecule.

The avobenzene molecule.






Second Year Chem/Bio R&D: What’s in that Popcorn?

June 16, 2014

Each year the Chemical and Biosciences Technology second year students perform an independent research project. A fascinating array of different projects are presented, and this year was no exception. The topics ranged from the environmentally-friendly extraction of pharmaceuticals from water solutions to a search for antibiotic-resistance bacteria. The most fragrant project, though, was performed by Kaarina, Hazel and Amanuel (shown here in the lab.)

Our popcorn team!

Our popcorn team!

This project was looking at an ingredient in microwave popcorn. Specifically, they were searching for diacetyl, a chemical ingredient that occurs in butter and other foods and is sometimes added to give popcorn an artificial “buttery” smell and taste. Unfortunately, there have been concerns that inhaling diacetyl vapours during heating of microwave popcorn can be hazardous to your health. The RRC team wanted to see if buttery popcorn still contained this chemical. A number of sophisticated analytical methods were applied to look for diacetyl, including mass spectrometry but, perhaps fortunately, none was found in any of the store-bought popcorn samples. The clean bill of health was a welcome result, since the team had a number of left over bags of popcorn which are still being enjoyed in the department!


RRC Pre-Service Teachers Presenting at ISTE 2014 in Atlanta, GA

June 13, 2014


An ISTE 2014 Presentation: Flipping PD

Meghan Reid and Anita Lesage, pre-service teachers, along with their instructor, Eva Brown, from Red River College in Winnipeg, Canada present a Poster session at ISTE 2014 on Saturday, June 28, 2014, 7:00 – 8:30 p.m., Table 9. Come and learn with them as they share their leading and learning!

Technology, you cannot stop it. Creativity, you should not limit it. Do not let innovation scare you, it will only limit yours and your students’ possibilities. Flipping PD, or Flipping Professional Development, is our mission to create opportunities for every educator and every student to be able to embrace innovation and creativity into their learning and teaching.

Our focus is innovation through technology and global collaboration. An educator’s curriculum is more than just an outcome, it is how that outcome is going to come alive. How are you going to make that outcome become more than just knowledge? Students need more than just knowledge, they also need experience. There is a huge need for educators to acquire technology and global education skills in order to meet the requirements of the Literacy with ICT Continuum–A Model for 21st Century Learning K-12, to deliver ISTE Standards and to give students the education they need as outlined in the Horizon Report. That is where we come in. Teachers must be given time to acquire these skills with just-in-time professional development and not have to do all of the professional upgrading “after hours” on their own time. While many educators devote endless personal hours to learning, this is not always possible for all teachers, so time must be provided for educators to acquire this learning.

We are teaching teachers to infuse technology into any curriculum. We are using experiential learning through student-centered approaches, project based learning models that work. We are lifelong learners and we want to inspire everyone to be lifelong learners. Our goal is to model our lifelong learning to our students, to be on-the-cusp providing the best learning for our students so that they are prepared for jobs that do not yet exist and that they become globally competitive digital citizens. We are growing our passion for leading and learning. Come join us!

College Day Event

June 6, 2014

A great morning was spent with the various Health Science departments of the Red River College, hearing what an amazing difference they are making to our community with their Innovative Research Projects.

The presentations included:

  • The College Wide Learning Outcomes evaluation tool that is being developed.
  • How Child and Youth Care pracitioners are helping youth’s voices to be heard.
  • How the Pharmaceutical manufacturing program’s purification of Canine Serum Albumin project provides students with essential workplace experience and assists the canine population.
  • How through the partnerships of Healthy Child Manitoba, and RRC’s Early Childhood Educations Dept, differences are being made with children and families here in Winnipeg through language development in early years.
  • An exploration of key ingredients essential for bridging education.
  • How opportunities are expanding for international students and Bridging Programs with Shanghai, China.

It is great to see so many showing their compassion through their research and findings!

Keep Up The Great Work!!





Mystery Skype

May 28, 2014

Business/Technology students experienced a Mystery Skype–inquiry, student-centered learning, in their ICT and Multimedia class this term.

Thank you to Jonathan Ferber and the eTV Department for creating the video!

Epidemiology Health Fair

May 27, 2014

Third year students from the BN program displayed their hard work and great effort in putting on a health fair on Epidemiology in the main corridor at Red River College on May 14th during Nursing Week. Great job everyone!

Third Year Nursing Students Participated in a Health Fair where they shared knowledge and awareness of topic such as Diabetes Prevention, Tick borne illness, sun safety, and measles.

Third Year Nursing Students Participated in a Health Fair where they shared knowledge and awareness of topic such as Diabetes Prevention, Tick borne illness, sun safety, and measles.


Nursing Week

May 23, 2014

May 16th, A Port in the StormMay 16th, pizza fundraiser, Nursing Week






Nursing Week was celebrated at Red River College on May 12-16th. Nursing students and instructors collaborated to put on a number of informative displays related to the field of nursing in the main hallway outside the library. A pizza lunch was also held with funds raised going back to the student in the form of a scholarship fund. There was an overwhelming turnout and a big thank you to all who participated to make this annual event a huge success.

RRC Nursing Faculty Members Kim Fraser and Nancy Ball demonstrate the Virtual Nursing community Project to RRC President Stephanie Forsyth during the Nursing Week events, May 16th, 2014. Journey North is an interactive tour of a Health Canada nursing station located on Bloodvein First Nation in northern Manitoba. Click here for more info:

RRC Nursing Faculty Members Kim Fraser and Nancy Ball demonstrate the Virtual Nursing community Project to RRC President Stephanie Forsyth during the Nursing Week events, May 16th, 2014.
Journey North is an interactive tour of a Health Canada nursing station located on Bloodvein First Nation in northern Manitoba. Click here for more info:

Nursing Faculty, Bonnie Peers, and Tara Roberts display their poster presentation highlighting features of the Rural BN program at the Red River College

Nursing Faculty, Bonnie Peers, and Tara Roberts display their poster presentation highlighting features of the Rural BN program at the Red River College

Jennifer Johnson, Nursing Lab Manager. Display some of the equipment used in the Nursing techniques lab.

Jennifer Johnson, Nursing Lab Manager. Display some of the equipment used in the Nursing techniques lab.















Nursing Students put on a Pizza Fundraiser on May 16th, in the library Hallway. Proceeds will go towards a Student Council Scholarship fund

Nursing Students put on a Pizza Fundraiser on May 16th, in the library Hallway. Proceeds will go towards a Student Council Scholarship fund

Nursing Students speak out for Social justice. Photo Essay assignment.

Nursing Students speak out for Social justice. Photo Essay assignment.

Nursing Students put on a Pizza Fundraiser on May 16th, in the library Hallway. Proceeds will go towards a Student Council Scholarship fund

Nursing Students put on a Pizza Fundraiser on May 16th, in the library Hallway. Proceeds will go towards a Student Council Scholarship fund

RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.

We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.

Learn more ›