Academic News

Nursing Gold Medal Winner

March 14, 2014

BN GRAD GOLD MEDALHeather Day, the inaugural winner of the Nursing Gold Medal for Excellence is pictured here with the chair of the Nursing Department, Karen Wall. The prestigious award was handed out on Februaury 4th, 2014 at the Red River College Graduation.

This evening saw over one hundred students from the initial three year Nursing Degree class from Red River College graduate with faculty, friends and family present to honour their achievements.

Congratulations Heather! We wish you all the best as you embark on your exciting new career.




Is Winnipeg Really Colder Than Mars?

February 27, 2014

Sock Drive, WNRCASNWinnipeg has been in the news a lot this winter because of our current run of cold temperatures. While this may make for some stimulating (albeit whining) discussion at lunch, there are some very real concerns as a result of the frigid cold…….. finding warmth for the homeless.

Siloam Mission is a Christian humanitarian organization that alleviates hardships and provides opportunities for change for those affected by homelessness. They currently have an urgent need for warm socks. The Nursing Department wanted to find a way to help. And so, at the recent WNRCASN (Western North-Western Region Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing) conference, we provided conference delegates with the opportunity to help meet that need. Delegates were asked to bring a pair (or more) of new sports/work socks with them to the conference. Or, to “purchase” socks (generously donated by Walmart – Unicity) that were available at the conference.

We accumulated about 400 pairs of socks and collected $448.75!

Teaching Essentials goes CAE!

February 18, 2014

All the TEP participants were invited to take their Certificate in Adult Education courses together as a cohort.  The first course, Introduction to Instruction, began mid-January with 17 faculty.  In March, the group will take their second course, Instructional Methods.  More TEP participants will join the second course as a few new faculty members had already taken Introduction to Instruction.  By June, 25 new faculty will have completed three CAE courses together in the first ever CAE/TEP cohort.

September-October 2013 TEP Session – highly interactive sessions draw on the participants’ current and previous experience –


The first group of faculty working through their Certificate of Education as a cohort.  They will complete three CAE courses by June –



Three new faculty, Lee (Piping Trades) , Patrick (Piping Trades)  and Jordan (Deaf Studies), work through a classroom management scenario –


Health Fair Poster Presentation

February 18, 2014

health fair

health fair

3rd year nursing students held a Health Fair in the Library Hallway Wednesday February 12th, 2014.

This was an assignment in their Epidemiology and Illness prevention class.

With their instructor’s, students brought their coursework to life.


Health fairHealth Fair

Year 3 Nursing Students, Epidemiology and Illness prevention

Year 3 Nursing Students, Epidemiology and Illness prevention

This course focuses on concepts, research and practices associated with epidemiology, the prevention of chronic illness and injury prevention. It involves public health strategies for reducing health risk and the nurse’s role in the promotion of health and the primary and secondary prevention of illness.

3rd Year Epidemiology and Illness Prevention Health Fair


Red River College is proud to host WNRCASN 2014 Conference

February 11, 2014

Red River College is proud to host

An opportunity to engage in dialogue related to nursing education, support networking and enhance continued learning and awareness within the nursing education community.


Western & North-Western Region Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing Conference, 2014

Embracing Challenges:

Nursing Education in the 21st Century

February 19-21, 2014
Fort Garry Hotel
Winnipeg, MB

For more info, visit,

Congratulations to the first Graduating class of the Red River College Bachelor of Nursing Program

February 5, 2014


Congratulations to the Winter 2014 Graduates!

107 proud Red River College, Bachelor of Nursing Degree Graduates crossed the stage on February 4th.

This event marked the first Graduating Class of Red River College’s Bachelor of Nursing Program.

We wish the new graduates all the best as they have achieved the graduate outcomes of the program and explore how their roles will influence nursing practice in the years to come.


To see the live feed go to:

RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.

We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.

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