Academic News

RRC Nursing Instructor Designs Mobile Documentation App

April 4, 2013

Nursing students spend much of their time learning to document clinical findings at the bedside. Instructor Tasha Holt and Instructional Designer Claudius Soodeen developed a mobile application to guide first year students in correct procedures and terminology. The project won a 2012 Learning Innovation Award.

WNRCASN Graduate Student Research Award

April 4, 2013

Our very own Brenda Enns has been awarded the WNRCASN Graduate Student Research Award. This award, introduced in 2007, is intended to support the research activities of WNRCASN members who are graduate students. It is available to: 1) faculty members who are WNRCASN members and who are engaged in graduate studies; or 2) graduate students at WNRCASN-affiliated institutions. The focus of the research must be related to nursing education. Research within this focus may be directed to any aspect of nursing education, including issues of importance to faculty members or students, strategies pertaining to teaching and learning, or curricular challenges.

Brenda will receive funding up to $2500 for her research study entitled Nursing Identity Development in BN Education. This grounded theory study examines the process of developing a nursing identity during education and in particular, how participants enact their nursing values in their current practice. The ultimate long-term vision, which is the spirit behind this investigation, is to ensure that RNs, our colleagues, and our patients all experience a nursing practice that is congruent with the type of nursing that BN students are formally taught and which is depicted in our Code of Ethics (CNA, 2008) and provincial standards of practice.


March 28, 2013

Following raves in Barcelona and Paris, you can be one of the few organizations to join Joe Justice in the first Team WIKISPEED workshops in Canada. In each of two “WINNISPEED” workshops June 10th and 11th, Joe will guide participants through the building of a car from scratch to demonstrate how Agile techniques can transform your organization.

After that, you can apply the same concepts and methodologies to your own context (corporate innovation, small hardware/design start-up, service based startup, NGO, education, etc…) and begin to change the world.

The event will be professionally video taped for later release.


ICT Pre-Service Teachers present at BYTE Conference 2013

February 20, 2013


Jennifer Kasprick and Kate Hallett, Pre-service Teachers and Eva Brown, Teacher Education Instructor, Red River College present at the BYTE Conference.
Provide your students with opportunities to develop skills to collaborate globally and to become competitive in a global economy. This session will outline the phases to flatten your classroom and provide examples and resources to implement global education into your curriculum.

Global Education – Tools to Flatten Your Classroom

RRC Business and Technology

February 11, 2013

Videos created by Business/Technology Pre-Service Teachers in Multimedia & Digital Applications and Information and Communications Technology courses:





Art at the Forks

February 9, 2013

Our students were on Breakfast Television this Friday to promote the event. Thanks to our students Mariana, Tom, Dave and Kelli and Mo Razik from the Forks.
See the video here:

Teacher Education Info Session

January 29, 2013

As advertised in the Projector, Manitoban, Uniter and Winnipeg Free Press.

Teacher Education Information Session

The Teacher Education Program Information Session is on Thursday, Feb. 7, 2013 at 6 pm in room A-137 at the RRC Notre Dame Campus. The information session will be followed by a question and answer and also a tour of the facilities used by Teacher Ed. students during their respective program. Come out and meet the instructors, walk the halls and get the answers to all your questions.

2013 Entrance Portfolio Requirements

December 5, 2012

2013 portfolio requirements
Now that the deadline has passed for Fall 2013 admission the portfolio requirements have been removed.
The 2014 requirements will be available for download in December 2013.

Pre-Service Teachers Preparing to Hit the Ground Running as Global Educators

November 8, 2012

Pre-Service teachers enrolled in the integrated business/technology teacher education program at Red River College are experiencing global education in a real way. They are working as the lead teachers in the Eracism project, one of the Flat Classroom Projects founded by Julie Lindsay and Vicki Davis. The pre-service teachers are gaining the experience of flattening classrooms and will take this invaluable education and experience into their classrooms to continue the move to global collaboration one step at a time, regardless of the curriculum topic. Their instructor, Eva Brown, is a Flat Classroom Certified teacher and a Microsoft Innovative teacher who believes that global collaboration must be a literacy in every curriculum. Pre-service teachers will share their experiences about their involvement in this project and the importance of global education as a literacy in all curriculum areas on November 14th at 10:00 a.m. local time (GMT -6). The presentation will be in this virtual classroom. Click the link and join us!

RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.

We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.

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