Academic News

What is Relational Nursing? Joe’s story (part 1 of 3)

April 23, 2012

Our new curriculum is founded on the relational approach. But what exactly is this?

Joe, age 55, has Type 1 diabetes and is in hospital after having suffered an insulin coma. His primary nurse, Suzette, practices relational nursing. What will this mean for Joe?

Suzette begins by seeking to learn about Joe – not only his medical condition, but also who he is as a unique person, what concerns him most, and what this hospitalization means for him. In relational practice, the nurse seeks to know who the particular person/family is in this particular situation at this moment in time, and what is meaningful to them.

Suzette is authentic and responsive in her interactions with Joe, and takes initiative to make a connection with him. This means that whenever she is in the room to do a nursing task, she is at the same time interacting with Joe to get to know him, what he is experiencing, and what he needs. She invites Joe and his family to be partners in Joe’s recovery by providing information and support. She also collaborates with the interdisciplinary health team. Partnership is the heart of relational practice.

Educational Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game for Teaching Youth Finance

April 1, 2012

Abstract: It has been stated that people need to improve their knowledge of finances and make better choices with their money. Many programs have been created to teach basic finances. These programs target people of all ages from adults all the way down to kindergarten students. The vast majority of opinions on teaching finances state that education begins with children – the younger the better. The goal of this research project is to create a fun to play (massively) multiplayer online role playing game (MMORPG) capable of teaching younger students how to better manage their personal finances. The game will be designed as an educational title with an attempt to balance both the entertainment and educational components. It will be a combination of a game and a simulation. Students will live out a virtual life in a generated game world making financial decisions for their character in an attempt to develop enough wealth to allow that character to retire.

Date of Publication: April 2012

Author: David Jones, Department of Accounting and Computer Education

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Nursing Says Farewell to the JBN and DNA Nursing Programs

March 20, 2012

On behalf of Karen Wall, Chair of Nursing, and the Red River College Nursing faculty, we would like to announce and celebrate the enormous success of two very important programs in Red River College Nursing history.

The Red River College/University of Manitoba Joint Baccalaureate Nursing Program (JBN) was established in 1996 and in the same year all diploma nursing programs in the province of Manitoba were closed.  The students completed their first 3 years of education at Red River College followed by their final year at the University of Manitoba.  The JBN Program remains the only joint degree program in Canada that was a 3 + 1 model.  The first entry of 20 students graduated from the University of Manitoba in 2000. In its final years the student intake for the JBN Program was 108 students. The collegial working relationship between the RRC Nursing Department and the University of Manitoba Faculty of Nursing resulted in an excellent joint program that ran successfully for 16 years.

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Virtual Robot Games Website

March 12, 2012

A trio of Red River College students have received rave reviews from a local robotic software developer, for their work on a prototype website for the Manitoba-based Virtual Robot Games (VRG).

As part of their coursework for the fall term of RRC’s Business Information Technology program, second-year students Cyle Hunter, Scott Bevan and Nathaniel Dolynchuk paired with Winnipeg-based Cogmation Robotics, a software developer specializing in robotic simulation.

The students developed a web application that allows VRG competitors to register their virtual players and teams, to upload autonomous game behaviours, robots and arenas, and to view their resulting scores and rankings.

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Business Conference Helps Students Network

March 9, 2012

RRC business students will have a valuable opportunity to rub elbows with leaders from Manitoba’s business community at Red River College’s 2012 Directions Business Conference.

Approximately 600 people, including past RRC alumni, are expected to attend this year’s event, which will be held on February 1 at Canad Inns Polo Park.

The annual business conference is aimed at engaging RRC students in the school of Business and Applied Arts, and helps provide them with a chance to meet people in the industry where they want to work. Participation also allows students to create contacts, and benefit from the experience of attending a professional business conference.

Students will be able to take in valuable career advice from Paul Soubry Jr., President and CEO of New Flyer, who is the event’s breakfast keynote speaker. After graduating with a Bachelor of Commerce from the Asper School of Business at the University of Manitoba, Soubry went on to study at Harvard and began his career in Winnipeg at Standard Aero. He eventually became that company’s president before joining New Flyer in 2009, and now sits on the Board of Directors at Mondetta Clothing, the Associates IH Asper School of Business, Economic Development Winnipeg and the Winnipeg Airports Authority.

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RRC Teacher Education Students Participate in the International Benchmarking Conference

March 5, 2012

Eight students from the RRC Business/Technology Teacher Education program participated in and worked at the International Benchmarking Conference 2012 held March 2nd at RRC’s Roblin Centre. The video below identifies the countries represented at the conference sharing their best practices in education. In addition, the United States was represented by Dr. Richard Van Eck from the University of North Dakota.

The Conference was sponsored by Manitoba Innovation, Energy and Mines, MindSet Manitoba, and Red River College. Students from the Teacher Education program at the conference were Matthew Busilla, Taryn Fenwick, Ashley Hoitink, Sean Hopps, Justin Pasosky, Carl Pfahl, Fatma Schewczyk, and Nadya Schewczyk as well as instructors Eva Brown, Reynold Redekopp and Cynthia Zelenewich.

The conference provided an excellent opportunity for the pre-service teachers to grow their professional network gaining a valuable global education perspective.

Teacher Education Entrance Scholarship

March 1, 2012

Entrance Scholarships (2 x $600) for Teacher Education Program

This award is available annually to students entering the Teacher Education program at Red River College; preference will be given to those entering the five-year program.  Applications should be accompanied by a current high school transcript including first-term grades.  Selection criteria will include academic achievement with secondary consideration to leadership qualities or peer support activities.  A reference letter from an educator supporting these traits should also be included.  Application deadline is June 15th. General RRC Application Required

John Zonneveld’s class featured in Free Press

February 29, 2012

John Zonneveld, Industrial Arts Teacher Ed grad (1997), is featured in the Free Press with four Kelvin High School students from grades 11 and 12. They designed a warming hut for this year’s river skating trail at the Forks.

Business/Technology Teacher Education

February 27, 2012

Marni Russell, Business Teacher Education grad, is featured in Alumni Profiles of the Going Places blog.

CGA Manitoba employees (from left): Zachary Minuk, Coordinator, Marketing & Communications; Bruce Granke, Director, Professional Regulations; and Marni Russell, Manager, Communications.

RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.

We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.

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