Academic Success

Student Accessibility Services

Tab Groups (in Edge)

March 14, 2024

Just when you thought we had “cooled our jets” (or calmed down) with our posts about how great Edge is, here we are again! Surprize! Another post about why Edge is great, and you should use it as your primary browser. But first, let’s recap some of the other features of Edge we’ve highlighted…

Previous “Edge is Great” Blog Posts & Features Highlighted

  • Immersive Reader
  • Automatic meaningful text when copying/pasting links
  • Sidebar feature
  • Collections
  • Read aloud
  • notetaking on PDF files

Tab Groups


Both Collections and Tab Groups allow you to custom name them so you can recall what’s stored in them, but Tab Groups allow you to choose a color for your group! (yes, we made a whole point, and the first point, about color!)

Maybe you want to have personal tab groups in one color, and school tab groups in another?

Pin Tabs!

What arguably could have been the first and most important point that makes Tab Groups stand out from Collections, is the fact that you can pin them!

What this means is that a pinned Tab Group will always sit in your tabs (and if you’ve colored them, they add a nice pop of color to your window!).

Practical Application for Tab Groups

Here’s a suggestion for students on how to practically use the Tab Groups to make your academic life easier (because isn’t that our goal here at Tech Tips?!):

  1. Create a Tab Group for a course you are in (name it with either the course code, TEST-1234, or the name of the course)
  2. Choose a pretty color for that Tab Group
  3. Within the tab group, save (if available):
    • the LEARN course
    • your online textbook
    • additional resources from your instructor
    • YouTube or LinkedIn Learning tutorials
    • your notes (e.g. Word or OneNote online)
  4. Pin the tab group so it’s always there
  5. Repeat for all of your courses

Now every time you open Edge, a Tab Group for each of your courses is right there! Simply click on the Tab Group to expand the pages saved within – click on the Tab Group to open all of the webpages you need for that course!

Need more space? Have too many tabs open? You can click on the Tab Group again to collapse the pages saved within back into the Tab Group.

Finished with that course and no longer want it pinned? Either unpin it, or move it to one of your Collections!

RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.

We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.