Academic Success

Student Accessibility Services

Tech Tips: Work Smarter, Not Harder

“Understanding How You Learn” Workshop

January 18, 2024

While this isn’t specifically technology related, it falls in line with our belief that everybody learns differently. This workshop explores four topics that impact learning in a very significant way, with the aim of understanding and leveraging the influence they have on learning.

Workshop Topics:

  1. The Brain and Learning – Friday January 19th, 12:15-12:45pm
    How does the brain learn? What can you do to maximize your brain’s learning potential?
  2. Critical Thinking and Learning – Friday January 26th 12:15-12:45pm
    What is critical thinking? Why do we talk about it so much?
  3. Stress and Learning – Friday February 2nd 12:15-12:45pm
    How does stress impact your ability to learn? What can you do about it?
  4. Procrastination and Learning – Friday February 9th 12:15-12:45pm
    Why do we all procrastinate so much? How can we control it?

How to Attend?:


Time Management Skills

January 11, 2024

Let’s do a quick check-in after the first week of classes – how are things going? Are you finding it difficult to stay on top of all of your assignments, find time to study, read your textbook, and, generally keep up with your studies… not to mention having a social life, working, or finding time for hobbies.

Yeah, we hear you.

Self-Directed LEARN Tutorial

  • Make time to be emotionally healthy by recreating your routine, preparing a workspace, and planning for leisure time
  • Make time to be physically healthy by implementing good eating, sleeping, and exercising habits
  • Establish a routine by avoiding procrastination and distractions, prioritizing tasks, and planning ahead
  • Stay organized by using a calendar to keep track of course requirements and personal events

Previous Blog Posts

For more resources on task & time management, check out these past blog posts:

Other Supports?

Now, if this post and learning Time Management Skills is not the type of Tech Tips you were looking for, here’s two quick reminders that you can:

  1. Browse through past Tech Tips: Work Smarter, Not Harder blog posts
  2. Sign up for the “Accessibility Tech Tips” newsletter to receive email notifications when new blog posts are added – Newsletter Subscriptions : RRC Polytech

Welcome 2024!

January 4, 2024

Welcome 2024, and welcome to new and returning students! Hopefully you had a refreshing holiday season. 🙂

To start the year we wanted to do another (yes, another) post to summarize the different supports we’ve highlighted. Maybe your New Years Resolution is to be more organized, read more, be more focused, or maybe just generally, get better grades. …and that my friends, is why we’re doing another summary style post!

This time however, we’re formatting things a little differently! What’s the application, where is it available, what does it support, and blog posts for more information, all presented in a neat little table!

What’s the application, and how does it help?

Table listing different applications and the supports available within them. The table has three rows, the first names the application and lists where it is available, the second lists the supports that application provides, and the third column has links to previous blog posts on that application.

Other (awesome) blog posts not listed above

In-Person IT Support at NDC and EDC

From January 2nd to 15th, there will be pop-up service desks at both the NDC (in DM18) and EDC (at the Lower Learning Commons Service Desk) campuses.

The pop-up service desks will assist Students, Faculty and Staff with their IT related issues such as: accessing Wi-Fi, setting up MFA and other account or IT issues. 

Read&Write Live Demonstration!

January 3, 2024

Event Details

Wednesday February 14th 2023, noon-1pm
Connected Classroom (G139)
Notre Dame Campus

Or attend virtually through Microsoft Teams!


Registration is recommended as there is a limit of 40 people for the in-person session:

2023 Wrap-Up

December 21, 2023

…and just like that, 2023 is almost over! But what a year it’s been! Tech Tips: Work Smarter, Not Harder celebrated its first birthday (there was no cake), we had snowfall warnings in April that were no joke, and, well I’m sure you all can fill in another memory of 2023.

As we move into the Holiday season, we thought we’d “wrap” things up by outlining the different types of supports we’ve identified, and the tech resources highlighted for those supports. Links to previous blog posts are included in each section, and you may even find a new resource (or 2)!



Writing Supports

Still looking for more help with Academic Writing and Citation? Check out the supports our friends over at the Academic Success Centre have!


Thought organization, time organization, task organization… *phew* Let’s just look at the supports we’ve highlighted!


Fun Features of Microsoft Word – Part 3!

December 7, 2023

We’re at it again, round three of Fun Features of Microsoft Word! But first, we have to take a moment and say, Word is great, there are so many features and modes, ribbons, toolbars and sections, and fun buttons to click on… but, at the same time having all of those different settings may also make it difficult to navigate Word or to find a particular setting. In walks in Fun Feature #8…

Fun Feature #8 – Quick Access Toolbar

Fun Feature #9 – Styles in Word (& How to Create your Own)

Word comes with predefined “Styles” that you can use to format your document. By applying one of the predefined styles, you can automatically adjust text in your document to have consistent font, font size, font colors, and even spacing. The “heading” styles also create a means of navigating through your document (and don’t worry if you’re not sure what we’re talking about here, it may just be explained in an upcoming fun feature).

Fun Feature #10 – Navigation Pane

Fun Feature #11 – Emailing a Word Document (or PDF)


As a Red River College Polytechnic student, you have access to the latest version of Office 365, including Word, and to LinkedIn learning!

Previous Fun Features of Microsoft Word Blog Posts:

Fun Features of Microsoft Word – Part 2!

November 23, 2023

That’s right Tech Tips fans, we’re back with another round of fun features of Microsoft Word! Today we’ll be continuing to highlight fun features in Word, this week focusing in on features that support those who speak multiple languages.

CharacterKeyboard Shortcut
à, è, ì, ò, ù, or À, È, Ì, Ò, ÙCtrl + ` (grave accent) then the letter
á, é, í, ó, ú, ý or Á, É, Í, Ó, Ú, ÝCtrl + ‘ (single quotation mark) then the letter
â, ê, î, ô, û or Â, Ê, Î, Ô, ÛCtrl + ^ (caret) then the letter
ã, ñ, õ or Ã, Ñ, ÕCtrl + ~ (tilde) then the letter
ä, ë, ï, ö, ü, ÿ, or Ä, Ë, Ï, Ö, Ü, ŸCtrl + Shift + : (colon) then the letter
å or ÅCtrl + Shift + @ then a or A
æ or ÆCtrl + Shift + & then a or A
œ or ŒCtrl + Shift + & then o or O
ç or ÇCtrl + , (comma) then c or C
ð or ÐCtrl + ‘ (single quotation mark) then d or D
ø or ØCtrl + / (forward slash) then o or O
¿Ctrl + Alt + Shift + ? (question mark)
¡Ctrl + Alt + Shift + ! (exclamation point)
ßCtrl + Shift + & then s
Table of keyboard shortcuts of special characters and characters used in other languages.

Fun Feature #7 – Immersive Reader


As a Red River College Polytechnic student, you have access to the latest version of Office 365, including Word, and to LinkedIn learning!

Fun Features of Microsoft Word

November 9, 2023

Yes, you read that title right, today we’re here to show you some fun features of Microsoft Word!

Fun Feature #1 – Focus Mode

“Focus” is a mode built into Word that removes all of the ribbons and toolbars, and leaves you with a clean view of your document. This mode can be helpful when needing to read your document, but you don’t want to get caught up in formatting your document. You can find the Focus Mode in the “View” tab, then in the “Immersive” section. …or, you can find it by using the next Fun Feature!

Image showing the focus mode button. The focus mode button is found in the view tab, and then in the Immersive section (to the left of the Immersive Reader button).

Fun Feature #2 – Microsoft Search

You may be familiar with some of the common keyboard shortcuts such as ctrl+c (copy), ctrl+v (paste), but did you know there are keyboard shortcuts for opening/saving documents, formatting your document, and for how you view your document? Well there are! Below is a table of commonly used keyboard shortcuts in Word (but heads up, there are more and you might see this topic pop up again in a future blog post!).

ActionKeyboard Shortcut
Open a new blank documentCtrl + N
Open an existing documentCtrl + O
Save your documentCtrl + S
Copy selected textCtrl + C
Paste selected textCtrl + V
Select all text within documentCtrl + A
Bold selected textCtrl + B
Italicize selected textCtrl + I
Underline selected textCtrl + U
Decrease font size of selected text (by 1 point)Ctrl + [ (left bracket)
Increase font size of selected text (by 1 point)Ctrl + ] (right bracket)
Center selected textCtrl + E
Left-hand justification of selected textCtrl + L
Right-hand justification of selected textCtrl + R
Table of common keyboard shortcuts in Word.

Fun Feature #4 – Quick Parts

Reducing Distractions in Windows 10 or 11

October 26, 2023

Having access to your course materials on your computer is great! But, for some of us, that means that we are accessing our course materials on the biggest source of distraction we own.

Today’s blog post is here to highlight some of the different features built into Windows that may help reduce some of those distractions.

Minimize Visual Distractions in Windows

Other Technology Supports

October 19, 2023

Some of the technology we’ve highlighted on the Tech Tips: Work Smarter, Not Harder blog didn’t fit into the previous summary posts, but we wanted to make sure our new subscribers were aware of these amazing supports!

…and speaking of other supports, don’t forget to check out our very special blog post highlighting some of the supports available through the various departments at the College (Counselling, Accessibility, Indigenous, etc…) – Tech Tips Blog Post: Tech Supports (and Other Supports) at Red River College Polytechnic

RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.

We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.

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