ACE Project Space

Data Science and Machine Learning

In the ACE Project Space, students from the DSML program work on solutions to client problems using various data science techniques.

What We’re Doing

The ACE Project Space acts as a collaborative space for students, industry, research partners and the community to share ideas and opportunities that can benefit from a data science solution.

The ACE Project Space supports data science researchers and clients by providing office space, meeting rooms, hardware and software required to do their work.

Our facilities are equipped with internal High Performance Computing (HPC) servers, supporting databanks and other devices to provide the computational power necessary for researchers and users of the centre. The added computing power enables researchers to run their algorithms and process large datasets in a reasonable timeframe.


From emotion analysis and natural language processing (NLP) to facial recognition and image classification, students and faculty with specialization in machine learning can provide the expertise to develop practical applications in areas such as sales and marketing, finance, customer service, health, information security, law enforcement, human resources and so much more.

Student Expertise

Since the ACE Project Space first opened its doors in 2017, students have been advancing machine learning knowledge in a variety of interesting human-centred applications. Students have worked on creating solutions for customer service, determining emotional responses from EEG data, training people how to use wheelchairs using VR, building ergonomic smart desks tailored to individuals and classifying faces based on demographics.

Our first intake of students from the Data Science Machine Learning (DSML) program is in January 2023. There are a number of different applications being worked on for various Industry partners to answer questions that machine learning can provide answers to.

Faculty and Staff Expertise

Our faculty bring with them a breadth of expertise allowing for endless possibilities for machine learning research and development projects. In addition to having advanced programming skills in python and other programming languages, our faculty has research experience with various machine learning approaches and models. Supplemented with backgrounds in electrical engineering, physics and other disciplines, our faculty have skills that are well suited to provide leading edge innovation in machine learning applications.


The benefits of machine learning often arise from the analysis of large data sets. However, providing results in a timely manner requires computational power outside of most traditional computers. High-performance computing (HPC) involves the use of specialized computers designed to perform resource-intensive workloads in parallel. When paired with machine learning, HPC speeds up decision-making and solves problems at a faster rate.


Other Disciplines

Technology Development
User Experience
Virtual Reality
Information Security
Business Analysis

RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.

We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.