
Opening Messages

Exterior photo of the Notre Dame Campus

A message from the President and Board Chair

Fred Meier, President and CEO
Fred Meier

The future is calling — and RRC Polytech stands ready to answer that call. RRC Polytech is well-positioned to face the challenges of tomorrow by adapting quickly to change, delivering education at the cutting edge and reconciling a broken trust in an education system with roots in a colonial past.

Fuelled by confidence and ambition, we are charting a bold new course into the future by getting In Front of What’s Ahead — the theme of our strategic plan for 2022–2026.

Our strengths have always been our exceptional staff, diverse students, outstanding programs and deep ties with industry. For more than 80 years, these advantages have helped us produce the job-ready graduates that Manitoba’s employers need — and to generate innovation, through applied research, that drives our industries forward. 

Loren Cisyk, Board Chair
Loren Cisyk

But the passing decades have introduced new challenges, from technological disruption to social and environmental change. The pace of change is accelerating — which means we must act now. Never before have we encountered a more urgent need to shape and follow a clear, bold, strategic direction. 

Meeting the priorities described in this plan will better prepare us to embrace disruption and protect our economy and our climate, and will allow RRC Polytech to grow in the years ahead. Indigenous perspectives on sustainability and stewardship remind us of the importance of making decisions that have a positive impact on the next seven generations. The objectives we establish in our new plan will serve as our north star, guiding us to plan with those future generations in mind. 

Here’s how.

By leaning into our strengths in polytechnic education, we will grow in pace with the needs of our students, our society and our economy. Together, we are transforming today’s workforce into a force for change.

By building greater flexibility into our operations and learning models, we will evolve quickly to meet workforce training and re-skilling demands, meet students where they’re at, and create lasting outcomes for our College, our community and each other. 

By tightening our ties across all sectors of industry, including new and emerging fields, we will maintain a direct sightline on the horizon ahead, and leverage our research and development strengths into innovation with global impact.

By embedding Truth and Reconciliation, equity, diversity and inclusion into every aspect of our work, we will shape a more vibrant future within the RRC community and across Manitoba.

We are grateful for the passion, hard work and insight of the students, employees, partners and stakeholders who helped shape this plan over the past several months. Thanks to you, we have a clear roadmap to follow in the years ahead — one that aligns us all in common cause. 

The pace of change we have witnessed in recent years has taught us that we must stay nimble and adjust our path so that we stay focused on the destination ahead. Now, we call upon all members of the RRC Polytech community to take the next step forward with us and transform our vision into a reality.

We know we can count on you to help us lead the way.

Fred Meier
President and CEO
RRC Polytech

Loren Cisyk
Chair, Board of Governors
RRC Polytech

A message from the Elders-in-Residence

Elder Paul Guimond
Elder Paul Guimond

Over the past few decades, the dedication, foresight and leadership of the Elders and Knowledge Keepers that have worked with RRC Polytech have provided the strong foundation for the Indigenous perspectives and reconciliation work that the College has embedded within it today. This foundation is critical for the advancement of Indigenous inclusion and equity, methodology and curriculum development, as well as respectful and meaningful relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples within the College community. 

Each Elder has brought with them a lifetime of experiences, stories, ceremonial gifts and lessons they’ve collected — each a rarity unto themselves. We recognize these distinct perspectives are not all-encompassing of Indigenous beliefs and ways of knowing, but represent microcosms of many nations on these lands that have created layers of organizational and belief system shifts.

Elder Una Swan
Elder Una Swan

The consultation process that has occurred leading into this Strategic Plan has been led by Paul Guimond, Okonace (Little Eagle Bone), from Sagkeeng First Nation, and Ms. Una Swan, Black Eagle Woman, from Fisher River Cree Nation, but they also wish to acknowledge and thank the Elders that have come before that have advocated, educated and shared of themselves, their knowledge and their gifts so generously. 

Along with sparking movement towards Indigenization within classrooms and boardrooms, and impacting the personal and spiritual development of many students and staff, Elders who have worked with RRC Polytech have advocated for the cultural spaces that allow for ceremony to occur, including the Medicine Wheel Garden, sweat lodge, teepees and the Indigenous Student Support Centres. 

It’s within this spirit of advocation and speaking truths with integrity, reciprocity, love and respect that Elders move RRC Polytech forward towards reconciliation, which simultaneously and equally can only occur where Elders are being utilized to assist in the process of inclusion, policy and strategy development, breaking down systemic barriers and integrating Indigenous knowledge and teachings. 

RRC Polytech acknowledges that many Elders not only carry the living histories, teachings and stories of their ancestors, but in many different ways, act as a gateway between other worlds as they seek guidance for what is asked of them, bringing their deep spiritual relationships and gifts with them throughout their work at the College. These values and personal sacrifices by Elders cannot adequately be thanked and recognized, but RRC Polytech is committed to reciprocity and, through intentional consultation, ensuring Elders take their seat at the strategic planning table.

Chii Miigwetch (thank you) to Mae Louise Campbell, Jules Lavellee, Levinia Brown, Jocelyn Pambrun and Mark Thomas, , along with the many visiting Elders who have left their mark on RRC Polytech. 

Elder Paul Guimond
RRC Polytech

Elder Una Swan
RRC Polytech

We’re a polytechnic.

RRC Polytech is taking a bold step forward in a spirit of partnership, respect and shared opportunity.

Learn More

RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.

We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.

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