
Alumni Engagement

News, Profiles and Events

Free Virtual Event: Ace That Interview and Land Your Dream Job

November 1, 2021

You’re invited! To celebrate Career Month, Ten Thousand Coffees is hosting a panel discussion on November 18, 2021 at 12:30 p.m. CT covering how to ace your next job interview so you can land your dream job.

Join Ten Thousand Coffees for an exciting workshop with industry pros on how to build your confidence and learn the skills to rock an interview. Whether you’re navigating your next steps as a fresh graduate, searching for a new opportunity, or have been out of the interview game for a while, you’ll get a chance to hear from a group of experts who will share resume writing advice, as well as best practices, tips, and tricks to conquer every interview you have.

Ten Thousand Coffees CEO Dave Wilkin will chat with senior Human Resources professionals from top employers, including adidas, Expedia, the City of Toronto, and Loblaws. The event is free and open to all Red River College students and alumni. Whether you’re already a member of the RRC Polytech Café or new to our mentoring and networking platform, you’re invited to listen in and ask questions!

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Culinary Arts grad begins opportunity of a lifetime at World Expo 2020 in Dubai

October 20, 2021

Over the past year and a half, those who love to travel have mostly been kept waiting at home. Borders have closed and flights have been grounded, as the world put health and safety at the forefront during the COVID-19 pandemic.

As normalcy starts to creep back in, though, jet-setting opportunities are starting to pop up. This timing couldn’t be better for Culinary Arts grad Denice Linag. After graduating with honours last spring, she learned about the chance to go to Dubai to work at World Expo 2020 — a massive event planned for last year, which was postponed to start in fall 2021. Without any hesitation, she jumped at the chance.

“My instructor, Chef Melissa Hyrb, did the Expo ten years ago in Shanghai,” says Linag. “She remembered that when I was in class with her, I told her that I wanted to travel to learn more about cooking. So, she got back to me and that’s how this whole opportunity was presented.”

“To be honest, I’d never heard of the World Expo until this opportunity was presented to me — but I wanted to take advantage of it because during COVID, nobody was able to do much of anything. I have nothing tying me down, so I told them I was more than willing and I’m so happy I did. I couldn’t pass that up.”

Linag, 22, is part of a small contingent representing Canada at World Expo, a massive, six-month event put on by the United Arab Emirates, which opened on October 1 and will continue through to March 31, 2022. The Expo 2020 site takes up 1,080 hectares and features pavilions from 192 countries, which allows visitors to explore many different cultures, and — the focus area for Linag – their cuisines.

“Canada’s pavilion is huge,” Linag describes. “The inside of it has a panoramic theatre, which shows what Canada has to offer and what it went through during the pandemic, so it’s very interesting. We also have a VIP room and a boardroom, which is mainly who [the culinary team] is serving to. We also do casual event food for those walking through — teas, coffees, canapés — that’s mostly our role in the pavilion.”

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RRC Polytech alum set to speak on design influences at CreativeMornings Winnipeg

October 18, 2021

RRC Grad Jordan Stranger
Jordan Stranger, RRC Polytech grad and artist behind TotemDoodem

More than a decade ago, CreativeMornings was launched out of a desire for ongoing, accessible events for creative communities to connect. Today, these communities gather in 223 cities across 67 countries — including right here in Winnipeg.

The Winnipeg chapter of CreativeMornings not only celebrates our city’s creative talent, but also promotes an open space to connect with like-minded individuals. From marketing legends to hometown heroes, speakers are selected by each chapter based on a global theme. This month’s theme is all about design and how to design is to create, play, think, and influence every interaction we have with the world around us.

Jordan Stranger, RRC Polytech grad and the artist behind TotemDoodem, is CreativeMornings Winnipeg’s speaker on Friday, October 29 from 7:45 – 9:30 a.m. CT. He’ll be unpacking the past by discussing his relationship to design from an Oji-Cree perspective, cultural influences and symbolism in his work, and the processes from which he draws inspiration. Registration is open and the virtual event is completely free.

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IT grad “Karves” out niche as co-owner of agile tech startups

October 7, 2021

James Warren is a big believer in having the right tool for the right job.

“You use a drill to drive a screw,” he says. “But sometimes, a drill is too much — you need to be more delicate, so you use a screwdriver. You can have different tools for different applications.”

Warren does not work in carpentry or building construction. Rather, he is CEO and part-owner of Karve, an information technology (IT) start-up in Winnipeg. The company was born of his time as a budding entrepreneur in the ACE Project Space at Red River College Polytechnic.

Warren and his Karve business partner, Jared Kozak, also co-own another tech company, DueNorth Systems. The two met when they were both with the Royal Canadian Navy. Warren remembers being “fascinated” by Kozak, a self-taught programmer in high school at the time.

Today, with a small staff made up of RRC Polytech graduates, they build, sell and maintain enterprise resource planning (ERP) software systems, the architecture of which sounds complex to the untrained ear. These systems are used to manage the various flows for operations of medium to large-scale businesses. In other words, resource planning.

Karve IT CEO James Warren at the company’s Osborne Village office. Photo by Jason Halstead

Warren uses a multinational moving company called You Move Me as an example to illustrate how his company’s ERP software works. It enables movers to schedule a crew, who get a particular truck, which gets assigned to a particular job, which needs a set of materials and assets that need to be on that truck for that job. The crew needs to go to the client’s starting location, pack a house, go to an ending, unload, and finally return to the office.

“The perfect audience for our platform is in companies that understand there are technological ways to improve,” Warren explains, while seated in Karve’s new offices in Osborne Village. “They must also understand that technology isn’t always the answer.”

Warren graduated from RRC Polytech’s Business Information Technology program in January 2018. A clever and innovative student, he left school with the mindset that he wanted to start his own business in technology programming and developing software. He knew exactly where to turn.

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Bold Future Contest: Share Your Story to Win Exciting Prizes!

October 6, 2021

RRC is now RRC Polytech! With the launch of our new strategic plan for 2022-2026, In Front of What’s Ahead, Red River College has also embraced an identity that reflects our new direction, becoming Red River College Polytechnic (RRC Polytech).

Learn more about our name change and plan for the future >

Contest Now Closed

We’re giving away three prize packages that celebrate RRC Polytech’s new chapter, as well as RRC Polytech alumni-owned and operated businesses. To win, tell us the bold direction you’ve taken in your life, and how RRC Polytech has helped you reach your goals.

From a helicopter tour along the shoreline of Lake Winnipeg to a DIY woodworking session with an expert RRC instructor, plus an exclusive Cake Class for two with Jenna Rae Cakes, these prize packages offer quintessential RRC Polytech experiences. You’ll also get the chance to rep the new brand with RRC Polytech swag, and enjoy a meal at Jane’s, RRC Polytech’s fine dining restaurant and training ground for Hospitality and Culinary Arts students.

This contest is open to all RRC Polytech alumni and closes at 3 p.m. CT on November 5, 2021.

*Contest is open to all RRC grads and alumni. The draw will be held on Monday, November 8, 2021 and the winners will be contacted via email.

Announcing a bold new path

October 5, 2021

Red River College has legacy of being employer-driven and future-focused. Since our early days responding to a post-depression and post-war world in the 1930s and 40s, to our new reality adapting to a pandemic, we’ve always been an institution where learning mirrors the market.

Today, we’re embracing a new model that fully represents who we’ve always been, who we are today, and who we’re growing into: Red River College Polytechnic.

The term polytechnic is used around the world to identify institutions focused on strategic workforce development. As Manitoba’s polytechnic, our top priority is preparing students to thrive in a rapidly changing world of work. We’re embracing a bold approach that shows our community and industry partners we’re not only ready to meet rapidly shifting demands, but also ready to lead the way forward.

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Support Local Contest: Update your contact information for a chance to win!

August 23, 2021

With a new season comes change. Even though we don’t know exactly what’s ahead for Manitoba, we do know that the RRC community is resilient and ready to help our province recover. Let’s show up for one another, support local businesses, and help our community thrive.

Giveaway Now Closed

Thank you to everyone who entered to win one of five $25 gift cards to GoodLocal, an online shop featuring Manitoba makers and sellers, including RRC alumni makers!

We have more exciting contests planned – simply update your contact information so you can stay in the loop. We have an exciting fall ahead and RRC’s next chapter is going to be bold and unlike anything you’ve seen from us before – you won’t want to miss our announcements!

The draw for winners was held on Monday, September 13, 2021. Winners were contacted via email.

See contest rules and regulations >

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Join the Red River College Students’ Association Board of Directors

August 20, 2021

The Red River College Students’ Association (RRCSA) is seeking applications to fill one ex-officio board member position. All interested alumni members are encouraged to apply!

The alumni representative to the RRCSA board brings industry knowledge and experience to the student leadership on the board, providing insight, direction, and mentorship. The SA board oversees a $3 million budget for projects, initiatives, trust funds, and donation requests, and decisions made by the board impacts the RRC student body, the entire RRC ecosystem, and the wider community. The alumni representative also sits on the trust fund committee, which oversees capital projects.

The successful candidate will serve on the board as a volunteer for a one-year term from September 2021 to October 2022, with the opportunity to extend per interest and approval. Meetings are held monthly during the evening via video conferencing.

Deadline to apply is September 8, 2021. For more information, visit

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Free Virtual Event: Alumni Training – How to Make the Most of Ten Thousand Coffees

August 17, 2021

Join alumni across the country for tips on how to maximize Ten Thousand Coffees in a free Office Hour event on Tuesday, August 24 from 12:30-1:30 p.m. CT.

The Red River College Café, powered by Ten Thousand Coffees (10KC), is RRC’s free online networking and mentorship platform that connects Red River College students and alumni through virtual ‘coffee chats’ and exclusive nation-wide events with career development experts.

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Thanks for joining the Red River College Café on Ten Thousand Coffees!

July 7, 2021

The Red River College Café, powered by Ten Thousand Coffees, is RRC’s free online networking and mentorship platform that connects Red River College students and alumni through virtual ‘coffee chats’ and exclusive nation-wide events with career development experts.

More than 2,100 current students and alumni members have already joined the Café, and more than 12,200 connections have been made so far since launching in 2020!

Learn more about how Ten Thousand Coffees works >

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RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.

We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.

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