Research Partnerships and Innovation

Research Partnerships & Innovation

Seany Boy! Research Technician Beginning New Chapter

June 20, 2017

Sean Audet will be leaving the Culinary Research & Innovation team to launch a project of his own. We caught up with Sean for this brief Q&A, and to wish him well on his next culinary adventure.
You’re an expressive character and we love that about you. Do you have any fun or funny stories during your time at the College?

I absolutely love that we get to work with such a wide variety of clients. Manitobans are a fun bunch and I’ve had the pleasure of meeting some pretty interesting characters throughout the course of my tenure here. I don’t think I’ll ever forget the summer I spent getting called “Seany Boy!” by a particularly boisterous client. Seriously. In emails, face to face meetings, you name it. Brought a smile to my face every time.
So, Seany Boy, you joined as the Culinary Research & Innovation program is emerging at the College, giving you an opportunity to shape things to a degree. What are your thoughts on the future of CRI?
I think it’s a great program with a lot of potential, and there’s no doubt it’s been left in good hands. I’m excited to see where it goes.
What was a highlight during your time here?
The degree of freedom I’ve been granted in my work has been immense. I really respect our management for having that trust. It’s allowed me to slowly grow the breadth of my responsibilities and find ways personally add value to the program to enhance what we can offer our clients.
What are some of the main things that you learned while working at the College?
Project management and client relations, for sure.
What advice would you give to incoming research cooks or chefs?
A great team is built on trust and initiative. Bring something unique to the table and find ways to improve the program.
What are you up to next?
I’ve spent most of my career working in restaurants, cooking food for amazing guests. I can say without a doubt that there’s no better feeling in the world than the one you get when you make someone else happy. My team and I want to give that feeling back. We’re building a service that takes the guesswork and preparation out of cooking at home. We want to make it easier for you to treat yourself and others to amazing food. Check us out on Facebook and Instagram – Redē Meal Solutions!
And lastly, if you were stuck on an island with one piece of food equipment and one type of food, what would they be?
Probably a propane torch and a supply of Soylent.

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