Research Partnerships and Innovation

Research Partnerships & Innovation

Student Research Showcase Project Listings!

March 24, 2018

We are excited to release the list of student applied research projects that will be on display during Applied Research & Innovation Day on April 5, 2018.
Space is filling up fast for the event so register now!
Come see how what Red River College students are doing is working.
Access to Law – Business Project
Tyler Quick, Jaspreet Sohal, Jordan VanLeeuwen
A divorce package that allows low-income families to get a divorce without a majority of the legal costs.
Advocating for Change: The Impact of Introducing Safe Injection Sites in Winnipeg
Suzanne Guay, Tessera Ball, Caitlyn Edwards
Winnipeg has a drug-use and overdose crisis and existing solutions are proving ineffective. In 2003, Vancouver was the first city in Canada to pioneer a safe injection site model. In Winnipeg, to date, there have been many barriers both publicly and politically to implementing a similar model. This team of nursing students have developed an advocacy model and photo essay to raise awareness and inspire change by showing the benefits of safe injection sites.
Alternator-Driven Electric Bicycle – New Product
Patryk Siedlik, Seokmin Oh
An alternator-driven electric bicycle that is built using recycled vehicle materials to help reduce vehicle waste and emissions. This product prototype repurposes existing bicycle and car components, runs on renewable energy, and provides efficient performance for a low cost. 
Bedside Reporting – Nursing Research & Advocacy Project
Gurpreet Sandhu, Shelby Marks, Candace Blahey, Kelsey Pashishnik
Bedside reporting is now a mandatory policy in the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority. However, after years of completing patient reports at a nursing station, not all nurses are in favor of bedside reporting. This nursing research team determined that the benefits of bedside reporting outweigh the drawbacks, and argue that an advocacy-based approach is necessary to implement bedside reporting in WRHA hospitals in order to put patient-centered care first.
Beyond VR
Jonah Perron, Eric Steinke
Public speaking is the number one fear in the world, and most people never overcome it. Beyond VR aims to help people master their speaking skills in the easiest, most convenient, yet effective way possible. Beyond VR offer the opportunity to practice public speaking in front of a virtual audience, and receive instant feedback on every aspect of speech ranging from eye contact to voice volume.
Building Information Modelling – Real-Time Data Analysis
Bradley Froese, Kaiqiang Xu, Bradley Froese, Gurjit Kaur, Xueyin Xia
Monitoring and remediating faults within existing buildings is time-consuming, expensive and an inefficient use of resources. In order to decrease maintenance costs, this team is developing an integrated BIM (Building Information Modelling) platform that combines 3D Building Modelling software with Measuring and Monitoring Systems to aid facility managers to see a 3D representation of their building populated with real-time data (energy, circuitry, backfill, pressure, and outdoor environmental conditions).
Conversion of Portage Place to an Urban Farm – Thinking Big
Wanda Farian
The advantages of a downtown farm, in place of what is primarily a place of commerce, are many-fold. The majority of the goods sold in Portage Place are manufactured overseas, in factories employed by underpaid workers, and these same goods will be found in landfills within in two years of purchase. There is a correlation between the social benefit of work that boosts worker morale and community well-being. By working together we can create a downtown all of us will be proud of calling our own.
DueNorth Systems – Peer Tutor Management System
Prince Hector, Caleb Hiebert
Students have not had access to technologies in school that facilitates the process of getting, or becoming, a peer tutor. Teachers are also then responsible for the manual upkeep and maintenance of such activities. This project solves these problems through the use of a flexible organization and time management web application. Students can request appointments when they feel like they need help, without having to wait. Teachers can manage more than twice the amount of tutors and students with greater ease, allowing them to focus on teaching, rather than organizing.
Easy Forms – Marketing & Business Plan
Dylan Murray, Felipe Matoso, Alexander Hartung, Keaton Thibeaut
A marketing and business plan for Easy Forms, an online divorce agency that aims to service the large number of Manitobans who do not qualify for legal aid but are unable to afford the rates charged by family law firms.
eCareSmart – Mobile App Development
Gurkirat Kaur, Manvir Dhillon, Jonathan Garcia Galeas
eCareSmart is a mobile app that would be a platform for making patient-doctor collaboration easier. It helps doctors assign home-based tasks to patients, allowing doctors to keep track of a patient’s health after they are discharged from the hospital. The app would enable patients to contact their doctors easily too.
Electric Bus Data Collection, Monitoring, and Analysis Project
Jeongsoo Bae, Seokmin Mike Oh
The Battery Redevelopment Project is an applied research project with Winnipeg Transit and New Flyer as industry partners. The project requires the installation of data loggers to monitor the health of a transit bus that is in operation. The collected data provides insights into battery health, and allows for prognostic analysis to ensure that issues can be addressed early on to minimize and prevent battery problems from occurring.
Sight Unseen – Marketing & Business Plan
Dylan Murray, Felipe Matoso, Craig Fisher, Alyssa Jonasson
A local digital studio is branching out into virtual reality. To do so requires a novel brand and marketing plan that will maximize their unique strengths and position them as the premier service for virtual reality in crime scene recreation, event planning, and construction management.
Ethnic Market Research – Business Proposal
Truc Quynh Doan, Xuan Nguyen
This student-team developed Ethnic Market Research as a business idea to offer preliminary market research services to Canadian export companies. Prior to exporting a product, local and regional firms can test the commercial viability of their products on a target market within Canada. Newcomers and immigrants in Canada would not only provide valuable insights about product viability in their home-countries, but can also be opinion-leaders and influencers to home countries and export markets, helping ease market entry for Canadian firms.
Full Of Life Youth Services – LGBTTQ* Housing & Support Project
McKenzie Wainwright, Savanna Norris, Nikolai Bola
In Winnipeg, there is a large number of homeless youth that identify on the LGBTTQ* spectrum. There are currently no intersectional supports in place that address mental health, shelter and LGBTTQ* specific programming. Full of Life Youth (FOL) Services will be the first of its kind in Manitoba, offering a unique mentorship program, which partners LGBTTQ* identified youth with community volunteer members that identify similarly. Coupled with long-term care, program-specific supports and professional counselling will help empower the youth involved. It is FOL’s vision to better society by helping educate and serve a marginalized demographic to become successful in their future.
Go Oil Canada – Online Service Platform
Christian Uminga, Ruoyu Zhang, Gurkirat Kaur
Go Oil Canada is a start-up from Winnipeg providing mobile oil changes, battery replacements and vehicle check-ups. This student team worked to remove the manual process of getting appointments booked, scheduled, and re-scheduled by creating and developing a website where the customer can book an appointment online, see available dates and times, and prepay for the service.
Harnessing the “Collective Intelligence” of Police-Civilian Relations – Website Proposal
Bernard Cansino, Vikas Kumar, Jiawei Zhu
This team evaluated online communication channels of the Winnipeg Police Department, and subsequently develop a website proposal as a new communication channel to improve police-civilian relations, which would provide an efficient flow of credible information, improve understanding within communities, and potentially save tax dollars through technological efficiencies.
InMotion Group Physiotherapy – Marketing Strategy Proposal
Dylan Murray, Felipe Matoso, Nicole Veloso
A marketing campaign for a physiotherapy company, inMotion Network, with eight clinics under five different brands. The final marketing proposal involves brand structure, visual identity, an advertising campaign, social media configuration, community involvement activities, online presence recommendations, and customer engagement ideas.
Laughing Yoga and Meditation Club – Business Development Idea
Shloka Trivedi, Yen Hoang Vu, Shama Verma, Loc Huu Do, Shloka Trivedi
Laughter yoga is based on the belief that voluntary laughter provides physiological and psychological benefits. This International Business team conducted a public survey and found that people were responsive to a Laughing Yoga and Meditation Club business idea. The team subsequently developed a business plan for the Club.
Lullaby Music Therapy in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit – Nursing Research & Advocacy Project
Bridget Burns
This nursing project explored the use of lullaby therapy in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). The stressful physical environment and invasive interventions within the NICU may adversely hinder growth and development, and cause excess stress to the already fragile neonate with long-term implications. A review of existing research was conducted to confirm the benefits of lullaby music therapy. Infants who participated in musical intervention were discharged three days sooner than other NICU patients.
Motor Vehicle Challenge 2018 – Energy Efficiency Study
Bin Yang, Jeongsoo Bae, Michael Myrowich
This student team competed in the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers’ 2nd Vehicular Technology Society motor vehicle challenge earlier this academic year. The challenge focused on the energy management of a Range Extender Electric Vehicle (RE-EV). The team used vehicle system simulation tools to modify a Chevrolet Volt model in order to develop a robust energy management strategy to minimize gas consumption and optimize battery use.
Open Democracy WordPress Plugin – Web Platform Development Project
Daniel Axelsson, Heng Yu, Joel Hurtig, Simranjeet Hunjan
This Business Information Technology team are developing several features for an unbiased election resources website for Open Democracy Manitoba, converting it into a custom WordPress plugin to upload to the WordPress plugin directory. This totally free and open source website package will be easily adoptable by groups like ODM in other cities that are interested in increasing voter awareness and empowering the electorate.
Random Transport Tracking App
Weslie Navarette, Sean Thickson, Zhaoping Luo
This Business Technology Management student team are working with an external partner to create a web application and mobile web application to track cargo and communicate efficiently with users including customers, drivers, dispatchers, and administrators. This will allow all parties involved to communicate with each other through an innovative, user-friendly interface.
Redirecting Prepared Foods from Landfill to Filling Plates – Feasibility Study
Larissa Crescente
Approximately $31 billion of food is wasted every year in Canada. One solution is to redistribute this food to feed people. The challenge for industry is storage and safety, since the food is ready to eat. This project identifies opportunities and barriers to redistributing prepared foods, and provides technology solutions to facilitate the connection between source and user. One possible solution identified is a mobile/website application that notifies recipients, facilitates deliveries, addresses safety and liability concerns, and manages potential financial incentives.
ReGen Composite Blocks
Guia Lalic, Angela Grafilo, Danika Bouvier
Regen Composites have designed a block that is made with wood waste and polymer from industrial and construction waste. The intention is that these blocks will become an environmentally friendly replacement to concrete masonry blocks. This student team conducted research to confirm that the blocks comply with building standards and are actually better than concrete blocks for some building components. The team is now testing the block’s thermal and water resistance properties.
Shell Eco-Marathon: Efficient Vehicle Design, Build, & Race
Ari Robinson, Bin Yang
A team of Mechanical Engineering Technology students designed and fabricated a battery-powered car and will be racing it in the 2018 Shell Eco-Marathon in California. The Shell Eco-Marathon is an annual design competition that challenges student groups around the world to design and build the most energy efficient vehicles possible. 
Story Time – Childhood Literacy Project
Sanket Dhameliya, Anna Aleikina, Georgia Brackett, Weiyun Mao
A project that tackles the social challenge of improving early childhood literacy among immigrant children, through the translation of traditional stories with the help of modern software.
Talminds Website Promoting Life Sciences – Website Proposal
Vikas Nair, John kabiru, Andrzej Jendrula
This team aims to create, curate, and distribute high quality written content about life sciences. The team have conducted interviews and have articles ready for publication, and have aspirations to publish and distribute student-led projects to give maximum exposure and unlock new possibilities and opportunities for students. The team plans to evolve beyond bloggers and become certified consultants for streamlining the processes of biotech start-ups and supply talents.
Tooliaba – Website Development Project
Rahul Randev, Eric Gagne, Pengfei Sun
Tooliaba is tool rental website which allows a customer to rent out a tool from the another customer any time to earn profit. Their goal is to create a fully functional website to their client by spring 2018 that will include the ability to rent and post tools, an online payment system and a rating system, and a back-end portal for Tooliaba staff.
Virtual Reality Escape Room – Business Development Project
Prince Hector, Lawrence Llanes, Peace-Peggy Abua, Quiwen Zhang
This Business Information Technology student team worked with an external client to help merge the concept of an escape room with virtual reality, creating interactive puzzles to facilitate communication with a player in virtual reality, who would then communicate with their fellow team members in the real world.

RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.

We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.