Research Partnerships and Innovation

Research Partnerships & Innovation

News and Events

Robotics is fast changing the manufacturing landscape; let’s collaborate to bridge the gaps

June 20, 2017

Oyedele Ola, Manager, Technology Access Centre for Aerospace and Manufacturing at Red River College, published this article in the latest issue of the Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters.
It is no news that robotics will play a pivotal role in the imminent 4th industrial revolution. With the rapid expansion and evolution of robotics, it is essential for manufacturing to stay ahead of the curve. There is a plethora of technology and knowledge gaps across industries, so Red River College is working to bridge this gap with applied research and partnerships, technology demonstration and specialized training programs to help with successful technology adoption and implementation. Robotics is fast-changing the manufacturing landscape, so let’s collaborate to keep up with this rapidly changing environment.
Read full piece here.

Seany Boy! Research Technician Beginning New Chapter

June 20, 2017

Sean Audet will be leaving the Culinary Research & Innovation team to launch a project of his own. We caught up with Sean for this brief Q&A, and to wish him well on his next culinary adventure.
You’re an expressive character and we love that about you. Do you have any fun or funny stories during your time at the College?
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Job opening: Applied Research Professional

June 20, 2017

Red River College has a term position opening for an Applied Research Professional in Advanced Materials and Manufacturing.
Reporting to the Manager of the Technology Access Centre for Aerospace and Manufacturing (TACAM), School of Transportation, Aviation, and Manufacturing (STAM) of Red River College (RRC), the Research Professional will support, enhance and grow applied research and technology development activities at the College for the aerospace and manufacturing sectors.
Closing Date: June 30, 2017
Full job description here (PDF).

York Landing Nursing Station

June 14, 2017

York Factory First Nation is collaborating with BETAC to perform an air leakage test on a nursing station built in 2000 that has since encountered some roof damage due to ice damming.


Based on site visits performed by Tower Engineering Group, GW Architecture Inc., and QCA Building Envelope Ltd. in November, 2016, it was discovered that significant amounts of insulation had been missing, moved, or become detached in the attic space, causing substantial amounts of heat to travel into the attic and melt the snow on the roof – resulting in ice damming.

In order to rectify this issue, the nursing station will be undergoing an envelope upgrade that is projected to begin in July, 2017.

Services provided

The objective of this applied research project is to capitalize on BETAC’s abundance of knowledge and recent experiences in conducting air leakage tests on larger buildings, and conduct testing of the existing building prior to any renovations.

  • The pre-renovation test will use smoke machines and infrared thermography to identify the major leakage paths and air barrier deficiencies, particularly focusing on the leakage paths to the unconditioned attic space; however, diagnostic testing will identify other problem areas throughout the entire building as well.
  • While there, BETAC staff will provide one training session for any interested persons from York Factory on the basics of building science, with an emphasis on the impact of air leakage and its testing.
  • Afterwards, any training session attendees from York Factory are encouraged to witness and assist with the building test, with specific engagement during the diagnostic testing of the building.
  • A post-renovation test is recommended after the work has been completed, to ensure a reduction in air leakage has been realized, especially for major leak paths.

Saskatoon Provincial Correctional Centre

June 14, 2017

The Saskatoon Provincial Correctional Centre in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, was built in 1981. One of the Centre’s buildings recently underwent renovations in 2016, upgrading its building envelope and mechanical systems. This upgrade included installing insulated metal roof panels and insulated metal wall paneling as the new exterior shell to the building.

Services Provided

  • BETAC’s involvement with the project was to perform a whole building airtightness test so the owner could see how efficient the retrofit has been, to then document the results of the test, and to provide a comparison of the results to Red River College’s database of large building air leakage rates for reference.
  • BETAC will also offer a strategy for any future additional remedial work on the building to ensure it meets the requirements.

From Vineyards to Whale Blubber: In Conversation with Joel Lamoureux

June 12, 2017

We met Joel Lamoureux in Jane’s Restaurant to snap a few pictures and talk about the expanding culinary research program at Red River College.
Joel is the Research Manager of the Culinary Research & Innovation program at Red River College. Joel has over 10 years of culinary experience and has a Culinary Arts Diploma from Red River College and a Bachelor of Science in Food Science from the University of Manitoba.
Joel’s passion for cooking and food has taken him across Canada and abroad to gain experience and learn new techniques. He’s spent time working in France, New York City and Montreal to name a few.
Following the completion of his undergraduate degree, Joel worked in product development and food safety sectors. Read More →

Thermal Testing of Polycarbonate Windows for Local Manufacturer

May 14, 2017

The objective of this project was to compare and evaluate the thermal performance of two samples of a polycarbonate glazing, which behave similarly to Insulated Glass Units (IGU), provided by a local window manufacturer to the Building Envelope Technology Access Centre (BETAC) at Red River College.

Research and Services Provided

  • BETAC used the Red River College’s dual environmental chambers in the Centre for Applied Research in Sustainable Infrastructure lab (CARSI) to compare the thermal performance of the two samples using a benchmark from a material with a known thermal resistance.
  • The polycarbonate samples each had different thicknesses, and heat flux sensors were used to measure the thermal transfer across the samples under a set temperature differential, which followed a specific ASTM Standard.


Results of this test can be used for further research and development of the manufacturer’s products.

College Receives Provincial Sustainability Award

May 10, 2017

Left to right: Rob Spewak (Building Envelope Technology Access Centre Manager), Jose Delos Reyes (Research Manager), Neil Cooke (Dean, Teaching Excellence, Innovation and Research), Ray Hoemsen (Executive Director, Research Partnerships & Innovation), Cathy Cox (Manitoba Minister for Sustainable Development), Mark Hoddenbagh (Red River College VP Strategic Development).

Red River College today received a Manitoba Excellence in Sustainability Award at the provincial Legislature during an event hosted by provincial Sustainable Development Minister Cathy Cox.
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RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.

We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.

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