Strategic Transformation and Applied Research (STAR) is an internal funding program at RRC Polytech that aims to support a broad range of activities at the College with emphasis on interdisciplinary and multi-department projects.
There are three main categories for applications:
Proposals must clearly demonstrate innovation, align with RRC Polytech strategic plan commitments, and clearly identify how the project will positively benefit and transform RRC Polytech.
Note: This category will capture applications normally supported by the former Program Innovation Fund (PIF).
Encourage and support innovation and improvements in the teaching and learning activities of RRC Polytech. Such support could include the initiation of a new program, a new activity or service, or the elaboration of those already existing in order to increase their effectiveness or efficiency.
The following are examples of proposal themes:
Note: This category will capture applications normally supported by the former CARD Fund.
Develop and build internal research capacity within the College while providing a platform for innovation for those who are eager to conduct practical research but are in need of opportunities and resources.
The following are examples of proposal themes:
Supports innovation and improvements with potential College-wide impact. Proposals must clearly demonstrate what is new or innovative as it is not intended to support what is usual College business or projects that have already been supported through other means.
The following are examples of proposal themes:
The process starts with the applicant completing the Expression of Interest (EOI) form. The applicant must coordinate with team members and potential stakeholders (i.e. Finance, ITS, Facilities, Materials Management etc.) to ensure that the potential project can be supported. In most cases, the information gathered from potential stakeholders could strengthen the expression of interest as it could lead to a more accurate work plan.
The completed expression of interest must be sent to the Chair/Manager and Associate Dean/Director for review and approval to be considered by the STAR Review Committee. If there are multiple EOIs coming from one School, the Associate Dean will have the option to rank the applications prior to sending to the STAR review committee.
The STAR Review Committee will evaluate all applications based on the evaluation rubrics (see Appendix A). Applicants will be notified if they are moving forward to the full proposal. The applicant then submits the full proposal to the Committee for the second stage of evaluation.
Applicants are encouraged to meet with the Research Financial Administrator, Charandeep Partola, prior to filling out the application form. This is to ensure an accurate budget is being requested.
Note: Project budget overruns will be the responsibility of the respective department/school.
Similar to previous funds, the total project cost can be up to $10,000 (Canadian dollars). In situations where the anticipated cost of the project is more than the $10,000 per project allocation, the review committee will decide based on project merit and availability of funds.
Note: Purchases must follow existing/current processes within the College. This list is not exhaustive. Expenses are subject upon the review of your budget holder, STAR committee, and finance. You are encouraged to contact your financial analyst at the early stage of developing your EOI.
Funding is made on the understanding that the conduct of the project and all participants are subject to both the general policies and procedures outlined in this guide and the policies and procedures of RRC Polytech. The College reserves the right to withdraw funding, after due notice, if it is found that the conditions are not being observed or if the project deadlines are not met.
If changes to a project are required that don’t reflect what was requested in the original STAR application, a written request identifying all the changes that are necessary in order to complete the project successfully must be submitted to the Director of Research Partnerships & Innovation (or designate) for approval.
As a condition of accepting awarded STAR funds, applicants are expected to provide mid-term progress report and a final report upon completion of the project. Applicants will also be required to present the outcomes of their project at various venues and events held at RRC Polytech.
All proposals will be evaluated based on the following assessment criteria.
Assessment Criteria | Factors Considered |
Alignment to Priorities |
Excellence of the proposal |
Potential Impact |
Multi-disciplinary |
Resource management |
The Review Committee will be composed of members from the Academic, Research and Support departments and will review both the proposal and the final report for each project.
Unlike the previous funds (CARD and PIF), the applicant and respective department are expected to manage and monitor the awarded funds. Applicants are expected to generate project costing working with Finance and include expense report as part of the final report submission.
Important: Funds awarded must be spent within the fiscal year of the award, which ends on March 31. Extensions will not be granted. Please carefully consider the scope of your project to ensure that all funds can be expended by this deadline.
Project Title | Participants | Category |
New Nursing Graduates Decisions and Educational Preparedness Entering Practice in Rural and Remote Areas of Canada: A Mixed Method Study | Joanne Loughery Luigi Imbrogno Dr. Tom Harrigan Dr. Elsie Duff Dr. Michelle Pavloff Dr. Beverley Temple | Applied Research |
Fish Silage Applications for the Manitoba Commercial Freshwater Fishery | Farah Laj Chowdhury Peter Myers Michael Judge | Applied Research |
Right in the Centre of it All: Using 360 and 3D Technology to Create Immersive Experiences for Early Childhood Education Students and Educators. | Marc Battle Ruth Lindsey-Armstrong Mirja Cole | Academic Innovation |
ASL – English Interpretation Video Project | Ginelle Giacomin Kyra Zimmer Cheryle Broszeit Cindy Koskie Mandy MacDonald Phyllis Ginakes Christopher Basarowich | Academic Innovation |
Measuring the Effectiveness of Global Access Programs on Student Success | Bobby Varghese Bryan Meng Kaleigh Quinn Favour Eforuoku Norlan Page Eddy Lau | Academic Innovation |
Generative Artificial Intelligence: Practical Uses in Education Open Educational Resource | Rebecca Molly Hiebert Instructor Nataliya Kharchenko Elona McGifford Ebony Novakowski Linda Manimtim | Academic Innovation |
Design and Fabrication of a Benchtop Analytical Food Press to Support Quality Assurance and Product Development Processes in the Food Manufacturing Industry | William Ryzniczuk Culinary Arts Student Riley Cornelius MET Student Ryan Cummine | Applied Research |
Truth and Reconciliation Community of Practice | Joanna White Kaleigh Quinn Rebecca Molly Hiebert Vera Godavari Carla Kematch Ruth Lindsey-Armstrong | College Wide Improvements |
Enabling Digital Accessibility Through Innovation | Chair of Entrepreneur in Resident Associate Dean, Creative Arts and Applied Computer Education ACE Project Space Students and Instructors Manitoba Institute for the Deaf | Academic Innovation |
Using Immersive Experiences for Transformational Change in Sustainability Mindset | Deborah M. Gural, PhD Jennifer Morin, RN MN CAE Lilian Mugweni, RN MN Murray Toews Dylan Smitzniuk Easter Udarbe | Applied Research |
STAR Fund Rubric | Exceeds Expectations (10) | Meets Expectations (5) | Need Improvement (2) | |
Benefit to RRC Polytech | Alignment to Strategic Priorities | The proposal clearly articulates a strong alignment with multiple priorities in the strategic and/or academic and research plan. | The proposal clearly articulates alignment with a priority in the strategic and/or academic and research plan. | The proposal does not articulate a strong alignment with priorities in the strategic and/or academic and research plan. |
Potential Impact | The proposal clearly articulates great impact for RRC Polytech, including but not limited to innovative idea, scalable project, solves a current problem and/or meets a need at RRC Polytech. | The proposal describes how the project will positively impact the RRC Polytech community. | The proposal does not clearly identify the impact of the project, or the impact will likely be small and/or not scalable. | |
Multi-disciplinary | The proposal identifies a cross-disciplinary team and/or cross-disciplinary benefits across RRC Polytech. | The proposal has potential for cross-disciplinary impact and/or the project team includes consultation across disciplines. | The project is unlikely to benefit other disciplines and does not include cross-disciplinary representation on the project team. | |
Feasibility and Logistics | Budget | The proposed budget is clearly identified, reasonable, and feasible. All anticipated costs are included and accounted for, including quotes where applicable. | The proposed budget is complete and reasonably accounts for the costs of the project. | The proposed budget is incomplete and/or does not consider the necessary costs required to complete the project. |
Workplan, timeline and methods | The project proposal clearly identifies team members, their role in the project, and their qualification for the role. The work plan and timelines are reasonable and attainable. | The project proposal identifies a project team, work plan and timelines that are achievable. | The proposal lacks details of project team, work plan, timelines and/or details included are not attainable. | |
(If research component is included): there is a clear research question and methods/analysis are sufficient to complete the study | (If research component is included): a research question and reasonable methods are described | (If research component is included): research question and/or methods are unclear or incomplete | ||
Overall Impression | Excellence of the proposal | Overall impression of the proposal is exemplary | Overall impression of the proposal is very good | Overall impression of the project is mixed, there are general concerns about the level of detail and/or ability to complete the project as proposed |
RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of the Anishinaabeg, Ininiwak, Anishininwak, Dakota Oyate, and Denésuline, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.
We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.