Students conversing at a conference

Career Services

Professional Perspective: Starting early with your job search

October 25, 2016

Welcome to the first edition of Professional Perspective where industry professionals share their insights regarding various employment related topics!

Answering today’s question is Zain Ali, Human Resource Manager at Domo Gasoline Corporation Ltd. Zain’s professional perspective comes from an accumulation of his personal experience as an international student and his professional work experience within various industries, and now as a Human Resource Manager.

Today’s question is:

Even though students have just started their 2016 academic term, what would you encourage them to do now to increase their chances of securing employment upon graduation?

Zain’s Professional Perspective

Starting a program can be challenging at times. From getting used to schedules, to knowing the classrooms, staying on top of your notes and assignments, adjusting sleeping patterns to getting groceries. You are likely in a time of many transitions and to help you with this transition and to plan for your future careers, I have listed below some basic ways to get ahead in securing employment right from the beginning.

1. Organization

Organization is the key to succeeding in almost every aspect of life. Every student should begin organizing their schedules and be on top of their academic curriculum. Read up on your program, in detail. Pay extra attention in class, read up on the chapters ahead so that when the Instructor is explaining to you some part of your course, you are well versed.

2. Know your surroundings

It is very crucial for every student to know what their surroundings are like, because sometimes what we are looking for the most may be just around the corner.

For example: What locality do you live in? Does it have a school, hospital or retail stores nearby? Or do you have any organizations or outlets that are related to your program? Are they hiring?

3. Identify resources and tools at hand (Network)

Red River College has a number of great resources available to assist you. The Student Employment Services offices can help to guide you with a lot of services that would help you advance in securing employment (for example – resume and cover letter building workshops, looking for employment opportunities and so many more areas– check out their website and book a meeting to find out first-hand how they can assist you).

Talk to your instructors after your lectures and get an idea of their point of view for program related jobs. Sometimes there are guest speakers and career fairs happening on campus or at your local community center, make sure to attend them. It could happen that you may not land a job, but you could get a placement or receive training (paid or unpaid) that will work wonders in your favour.

Communicate with fellow students and peers who may be a in the same semester or ahead of you, and ask them for job recommendations. Network with them in person and through social media (LinkedIn). Look for jobs online on free sites like RRC’s own job board,,,,,, and your local community websites.

4. Get busy!

To be ahead and be the best, you need to act like the best. Every successful person you may have ever come across was once in your shoes, and today they are successful because they did something that not everyone was willing to do – which was put in the time and effort into making themselves better each day by being Productively Busy!

College is a gateway to build yourself, use your time wisely. Although, I do agree that fun and other extracurricular activities during your time at the College can be good, always remember to make your education and training the number one priority.

5. Set a GOAL and accomplish it!

With this I mean is, what is your end goal? Where do you want to see yourself in the upcoming years? Do you want to be successful or do you want to be average?

Remember your future is only created by all the hard work and effort you are willing to put in. If your instructor requests you to put in 100% of your attention and effort, put 120%. If you don’t understand something, ask. Your education is very important because it will shape you into a person you will be a year from today!

“Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among stars!” – Les Brown

Stay tuned for more Professional Perspective!
Next up: What are employers really looking for in a resume?

For more information, contact Red River College’s Student Employment Services

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