Virtual Event: EmployABILITY Expo October 20, 2021
The Manitoba Tourism Education Council (MTEC) is thrilled to announce the employABILITY Expo will run in 2021 as a virtual event!
The employABILITY Expo is an integral part of the Disability Employment Awareness Month (DEAM) in Manitoba. The employABILITY Expo is for career-minded people with disabilities! If you are engaged in the workforce or want to be, join the Expo to find out more!
Wednesday, October 20, 2021
9:00 am – 1:00 pm
Register here
You may be student, an active job seeker, happily employed, an entrepreneur with your own business, or someone looking for a career change. You may be someone with a lifelong disability or someone with a recently-acquired one. In fact, your friends, parents, co-workers, fellow students, teachers and neighbours are all welcome to tag along, too.
Attendees can attend the keynote address, participate in breakout sessions, and check out virtual exhibition booths with live chat.
For more information visit: employABILITY Expo 2021 – Job Seekers