Two students smiling in a computer lab

Career Services

Cover Letter Writing

Do you need a cover letter?

If you want to make a good impression, generally every resume should be accompanied by a cover letter. Your cover letter and resume should show why you would be a good fit for the organization, by introducing your talents and skills as they relate to the job posting.

Some people in the hiring process may not read the cover letter, but those who do read it really care about it. Some won’t read the resume if it did not come with a cover letter.

Types of Cover Letters

Invited Letter

  • Used when responding to an advertisement
  • Focused on matching your qualifications to the position requirements

I am applying for the position of (name of position) with (name of company) as advertised in the (name of newspaper, website, job board) on (date). With my experience in (related field) and my (name of studies), I possess the skills and knowledge required to be successful in this position.

Networking Letter

  • Used when applying to an organization that does not have an advertised position
  • Used to generate an informational meeting
  • Used when applying to an opportunity that you found out through your network
    • If a referral has been made, mention the person who referred you
    • The name of a current employee/contact may catch the employer’s attention

In a recent conversation with Jane Doe, I learned of a possible opening in the (department). I am writing to express my interest in a (position name) with (company name). As you will see in the attached resume, my skills, abilities and experience make me an ideal candidate for this position.

Essential Elements

  • Header – Include the phone number and an appropriate email address where you can be reached, and applicable online profiles (LinkedIn, portfolio, professional website)
  • Address Block
    Date of when you are submitting your application
    Employer’s address including the recipient’s full name and company name
    Subject line indicating the position name and/or reference number as advertised
    Salutation addressing a specific person or if unknown, consider using something neutral, naming the hiring team, or the person to whom the position reports to
  • Opening – Invite the reader to read the rest of your cover letter, answering the employer’s question “Why should I hire you?”
  • Middle – Summarizes your education, experience and skills according to the job requirements
  • Closing – Express your interest, thank the reader appropriately, and wrap your letter up with a call to action – ask for an interview
  • Signature Block – Includes complimentary closing (Sincerely,) and your printed name

Sample Middle Section

Job Posting – Group similar qualifications togetherJob Requirements – Label each skill clusterMy Accomplishments – Provide proof of skills based on training and experience
Post-secondary education/experience in marketing/communications/community relationsRelated education and experienceCreative Communications Diploma from Red River College and experience in implementing community outreach program in one of Winnipeg’s leading youth-serving agency
Experience in using social media to build a brand or an active inbound content strategy; experience in writing content for use on social media sitesSocial media managementExperience in company Facebook, Twitter, and blog account administration, including content writing and editing
Superior people/social skills; excellent communication and presentation skillsInterpersonal communication skillsConducted group presentations and 1-on-1 consultations with current and potential customers
Excellent planning, budgeting and execution skills Proven ability to work at a senior level with minimal supervisionLeadership abilitiesOversaw fundraising initiative as Project Team Leader, planning with and delegating tasks to a team of 10 sales representatives

Putting It All Together


  • Research the employer and position, and tailor your cover letter according to the requirements
  • Write clearly and highlight both technical and soft skills
  • Reflect your attitude, personality, motivation, and enthusiasm
  • Indicate how you learned about the position or the organization
  • Sound skilled and confident
  • Proofread! Proofread! Proofread!
  • Keep a copy of every letter you send out


  • Use a one-size-fits-all approach
  • Focus on your own needs
  • Mention your weaknesses
  • Beg, demand or show desperation
  • Overuse “I”, “me”, and “mine”
  • Repeat your resume word for word
  • Be vague when describing your background


  • Paragraph Style – Create a paragraph(s) highlighting your qualifications using the statements from the My Accomplishments column
  • Bullet Style – Create a bulleted list of qualifications using the statements from the My accomplishments column
  • T Style – Create a table of qualifications using the Job Requirements and My Accomplishments columns

RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.

We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.

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