Centre for Newcomer Integration

Managing Stress During this Uncertain Time

April 5, 2020

A message from your LTC Counsellor, Larissa:

During this time of not knowing, it’s natural to feel stress. We are always getting updates from the news, social media, our workplace, school and our friends and family.

Our routines are changing quickly. We live every day without knowing what will happen tomorrow. So, our thoughts and feelings will be affected. Some may also have negative memories come back as they live this new experience.

Common ways of feeling stress: 

  • Irritability (quick to anger/ frustrate) 
  • Difficulty sleeping 
  • Difficulty concentrating 
  • Stomach troubles 
  • Tearfulness 
  • Headaches 
  • Frustration 
  • Wanting to use drugs or alcohol 
  • Nervousness or anxiety (worries) 
  • Hopelessness 

Everyone is different. Your reaction isn’t right or wrong, it is your reaction. You may be experiencing something else and that’s okay. What matters is that we can do our best to actively manage it. 

What do you normally do to manage stress? If you usually spend time with friends, can you chat on the phone or have a video call? If you usually go to the gym, can you stream an online workout video?

Here are some things to try now:

  1. Limit news and social media. Stay informed but be sure to take breaks.
  2. Remember the basics. Be sure to eat nutritious food, get fresh air, move your body, and get enough sleep. 
  3. Connect with others. Telephone, text, or video calls can be a great way to stay in touch. Remember to laugh as much as possible. 
  4. Practice kindness. Everyone around us is likely stressed too. Be kind, be patient. 
  5. Breathe. Taking slow, deep breaths that fill you belly. Inhale for 4 long seconds and exhale for 4 long seconds.
  6. Reach out for support. Sometimes, in order to be at our best we need to ask for help. There are several people ready to assist you. 

 Counselling and support services for LTC students:  

Larissa Klymkiw: lklymkiw@RRC.CA  

Lauren Joyce: ljoyce@RRC.CA  

Jillian Hoogland: jhoogland@RRC.CA  

William Barr: wbarr@RRC.CA  

We are here. Please email. If you prefer a phone call, we will call you. Just let us know. 

RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.

We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.

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