March Digest: Highlights and Upcoming Events
February Highlights:
On 21st of February, we hosted a webinar called Collaborating with Specialized Supports on the 21st. The session featured three guest speakers who provided valuable insights into the roles of various members of collaborative healthcare teams.
Attendees learned about the common challenges faced by patients and clients needing specialized support, how to recognize those in need, and the resources available to assist them, including community resources, assistive tools, and relevant legislation. The speakers also shared communication tips and strategies to support patients and clients effectively, covering topics such as social work, spiritual health, and communicative devices.
Standardized Patients Workshops
Introduced last Fall, continued to gain popularity. This term, we doubled the number of sessions and offered them online at various times to accommodate different schedules. The workshops were so popular that registration filled up within 24 hours.
One student reflected on the experience, stating, “Reflecting on the experience of speaking with a simulated patient, I found it incredibly valuable. It allowed me to practice gathering a detailed history of the patient’s condition step by step. I felt confident in my understanding of the patient and ensuring he understood me. This experience also highlighted some areas where I need improvement… Overall, it was a meaningful learning opportunity.”
Upcoming March Activities
Standardized Patients Workshops
In March, we will continue with the Standardized Patients Workshops due to their high demand. Additionally, we will offer three online Enhanced Skills for CELBAN workshops, providing multiple time slots to fit students’ busy schedules. The workshops will cover Writing Opinion Letters, Talking about Current Health Issues, and Writing Narrative Reports.
Launching Two New Courses
We are also launching two core courses for Communication for Internationally Educated Health Professionals (IEHPs): Intercultural Competence for Health Professionals and Communication for Collaborative Practice. These courses are designed for IEHPs with CLB levels of 7 and 8.
Learn more about the CIEHP Program.
Webinar Guest Speakers
On March 14th, we will host the final Health Guest Speaker Webinar Series of the term, focusing on Communicating with Patients/Clients Across the Lifespan. Three guest speakers will discuss how to communicate effectively with young children, youth, teenagers, older adults, and those at the end of life. The webinar aims to help IEHPs develop a deeper understanding of the chall