Centre for Newcomer Integration


Centre for Newcomer Integration Student Support Services Weekly W-O-R-D-S

October 4, 2023

CNI Students- Check your class BINGO card for a chance to win some great prizes!

Here are this week’s 4 words and definitions: 

  1. Resumé
    • A resumé is a document that has information about a person’s qualifications for a specific position. It includes information about work history, education, and job-related skills. It is often needed when applying for a job. 
    • Check out RRC Polytech Career Services resumé tips: https://www.rrc.ca/careerservices/students/employment-resources/resume-development/  
    • For additional information on resumés, contact an LTC- Student Integration Coordinator. Jillian (jhoogland@rrc.ca) for Winnipeg students or Christy (cdepp@rrc.ca) for regional students. 
  2. References
    • People such as an employer, manager or instructor who can be contacted by an employer to discuss someone’s work ethic and character, or whether they think the person is suitable for the position that is being applied for.  
  3. Associations and Memberships 
    • Joining associations / becoming members of different groups is a great way to network with like-minded people working towards a shared purpose. 
  4. Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)  
    • A process that identifies, documents, assesses, and recognizes formal study, and informal learning gained through work and life experience. 
    • For more information on RPL, click on the following link:  https://www.rrc.ca/advising/rpl/  
    • To make an appointment with the CNI RPL advisor, click on the following link:  https://www.rrc.ca/advising/rpl/contact/  

Check your class Weekly W-O-R-D-S card and try to complete one of the following patterns for a chance to win a prize:

If your class completes a BINGO, email CNI Student Integration Coordinator, Jillian (jhoogland@rrc.ca).

Centre for Newcomer Integration Student Support Services Weekly W-O-R-D-S

September 28, 2023

CNI Students- Check your class BINGO card for a chance to win some great prizes!

Here are this week’s 4 words and definitions: 

  1. Immigrant Centre 
    • The Immigrant Centre provides newcomers with free programs and services including settlement, employment, language, nutrition training, and verification of translations. 
    • For more information, click on the following link:  https://www.icmanitoba.com/  
    • If you need help to connect with the Immigrant Centre, contact an LTC- Student Integration Coordinator, Jillian (jhoogland@rrc.ca) for Winnipeg students or Christy (cdepp@rrc.ca) for regional students. 
  2. RRC Polytech Student Accessibility Services 
    • Provide persons with documented disabilities fair and equal access to educational programs, services, and facilities.  
    • These services are available to students with all types of permanent and temporary disabilities including physical, sensory, neurological and learning disabilities as well as persons with medical conditions or mental health disabilities. 
    • For more information on Student Accessibility Services, click on the following link:  https://www.rrc.ca/accessibility/  
    • If you would like to request support from Student Accessibility Services, click on the following link:  https://hub.rrc.ca/Forms/Start/AccessibilityRequest  
  3. Culture 
    • All the ways of life including arts, beliefs, and institutions, that are passed down from generation to generation. It creates a sense of security and safety for individuals as it gives them a united and unified sense of belonging. 
  4. Communication 
    • Good communication isn’t only about how we talk to others; it involves active listening and the ability to intentionally observe others as well. 

Check your class Weekly W-O-R-D-S card and try to complete one of the following patterns for a chance to win a prize:

If your class completes a BINGO, email CNI Student Integration Coordinator, Jillian (jhoogland@rrc.ca).

Good luck!

Truth and Reconciliation Week 2023

September 27, 2023

All students, staff and faculty are invited to participate in RRC Polytech’s fifth annual Truth and Reconciliation Week, September 25 to October 6, 2023

Through in-person events and self-guided learning offered by departments across the College, you’ll deepen your knowledge and understanding of Canada’s true history, Indigenous cultures, and spark conversations and take action towards Truth and Reconciliation. 

This year’s event has been expanded to two weeks to enhance the opportunities for the College community to participate and includes sessions featuring special guests. 

Click here for a full list of events.

Free Activity for Students: The Dances of India (EDC, NDC and Virtual)

September 27, 2023

India has a rich cultural heritage including a wide range of dance forms. There are many mudras – graceful hand gestures which are significant from Yogic viewpoint too.

Dr. Nandita Selvanathan who was born and brought up in Varanasi, India – a city which saw Indian dance thrive, leads participants through the visual treats of graceful dance postures and shares information about the folk and classical dance forms originating in India. Participants will also learn and try a few Mudras (hand postures).

REGISTERExchange District Campus: Tuesday, Oct 3, 4:30pm to 6:30pm, P107, The Roblin Centre, Exchange District Campus

REGISTER – In-Person or Virtual – Notre Dame Campus: Tuesday, Oct 10, 2023 – 4:30 to 6:30pm, Connected Classroom in EMP, near the North Gym.

RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.

We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.

Learn more ›