Centre for Newcomer Integration


FREE Skating at The Forks

January 13, 2017

Join us for a free skating activity for students

There will be free skate rentals, hot chocolate and mini doughnuts.
You have never skated before? Well, this is your perfect opportunity to learn with your friends!
You must register for the activity. To register, click here. You will receive a confirmation email when you have registered.
Space is limited so register soon!
(Event hosted by RRC’s Diversity & Intercultural Services department.)

An emotional class project shows the talent of LTC students

June 14, 2016

This beautiful commercial was created out of a class project from IEIS instructor, Melissa Flores. The class was reading brochures and listening to ads to analyze techniques such as “emotional appeal”, “plainfolk” and “music”. Her student, Sunny, created this amazing commercial which really shows the emotions of an international student living in Canada. What talented students we have at the LTC!
*Video published with permission from Sunny.

You Can Be Successful Too!

June 14, 2016

What if you could get some good advice from someone who’s in a career that you’ve always dreamed of doing? Would you take that advice if  it was coming from someone who knew exactly what you’re going through?
RRC’s immigrant and international students got just that opportunity last year when six constables from the Winnipeg Police Service visited the Language Training Centre.
The purpose of their visit was to explain the pathways to becoming a police officer in Manitoba. But the presentation was unique, because all six officers also happened to be immigrants to Canada. Who could connect better with our students, other than these people who have experienced all the same cultural challenges?
The police officers, from Ukraine, Germany, Philippines, and Romania, each told his story. While they were very different stories, there seemed to be a common theme throughout. No matter what they experienced as newcomers, their end result was success. And their massage was overwhelmingly clear: Success is available to all who seek it, with a little hard work and a lot of determination and perseverance.
No matter when he arrived Canada, or what path he took to begin his career, each police officer’s experience and advice followed an obvious theme. This is what we learned from them:

  1. Pursue a post-secondary education. Find your passion or choose something that interests you greatly. If you are interested, and want to do it, don’t let anyone stop you!
  2. Finish your post-secondary education. Other opportunities may present themselves, but just get it done – you’ll need that piece of paper and that sense of accomplishment.
  3. Don’t give up. No matter what!
  4. If English is not your first language, learn it well. To do this, make English-speaking friends. Don’t spend all your time with people from your own culture and language.
  5. Volunteer. Especially if you can volunteer in an organization connected to your career goals. You’ll gain valuable skills and experience, learn time management skills, and gain a good reputation in your community.
  6. We all have knowledge, skills and experience of some kind. As you study and enter a career, bring that with you and use it. Everything is connected somehow, and you’ll find you can be valuable and valued for what you know and can do.

Studying and entering a career can be challenging and scary. But hearing that success is always possible – no matter what obstacles you face – should bring you some encouragement to keep trying.
Maybe one day you too can come back to the LTC and tell your story of success!

An Opportunity to Study: Could poverty be an obstacle for studying?

May 19, 2016

– An article written by Olga Pobereznichenko, Intensive English for International Students student at LTC
When people hear the phrase ‘There is a problem in Africa’, the first thing they think about is lack of food and hunger. It is hard to underestimate this issue, of course.
On April 11th, the BBC News website published a report about a huge drought in Ethiopia, Africa, caused by climate change. It means that millions of people lost access to drinking water, animals are dying, and the harvest is being destroyed and the risk of diseases is increasing.
Under such circumstances, children do not have a chance for studying. And schools, in their turn, will lose an opportunity for development and improvement, because all donations from charity organizations are used to provide help to overcome the challenges set by the drought. If you are reading this article, you probably had an opportunity to learn how to read and write. Living in a developed country, people think rarely about this great gift, such as, an opportunity to study.
On April, 9tha charity event which was titled “A Journey Back to Sedika (Ethiopia) from Winnipeg” was conducted by the speaker Samson G. Tadese. He presented about his native town and its problems, particularly educational. His goal was to attract attention and raise money which will be used for buying basic school supplies for the school in this town.

Participants of the charity dinner have traditional Ethiopian meals after the presentation.

Participants of the charity dinner have traditional Ethiopian meals after the presentation.

Firstly, there is only one secondary school in an old building in Sedika without even basic conditions for the students. Secondly, children are forced to drop out of school, because parents prefer that their children help them on the fields. As a result, children can not get full education and apply to a college to get a degree after it.
Using Sedika’s example, what can we ourselves do now? Engaging in charity work in general is one of the distinctive characteristics of the Canadian people. That is why, hopefully, one day Sedikas’ children could get a chance to graduate from school with dignity and choose other professions, besides farming.
“I believe that anyone who is in the position of being able to help others should do so,” said Adrea Pierce, a teacher at LTC. “We as Canadians are very lucky to have access to clean water and free education. We did not earn this right, but were born into it by sheer luck and we owe it to people who were not so lucky to help where we can. If everyone looked away and assumed it was someone else’s responsibility, everything would collapse.”
“In my opinion,” said Oleksii Iarosh, international student in RRC. “If you want to donate some money, you have to check all information about charity organizations and control their reports about spending money to avoid lies.”
“I believe that strangers who are able to help Ethiopian children to get an education should consider donating some of their money to such a cause,” said Christine Van Loon, LTC’s teacher. “I believe that the world is one big community and that all humans have a responsibility towards one another when help is requested.”
Resources: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-36012217

Christmas comes faster because of the Brunch with Santa at RRC

December 24, 2015

On Saturday, December 12 Santa invited all RRC staff and their children to have a Christmas brunch with him at the Notre Dame Campus. It was a great event and everyone had lots of fun!

Some of the organizing committee

Some of the organizing committee

The Brunch with Santa event is for Red River College staff and their children. It is organized by a College committee called the “Staff Club”. The committee organizes 2-3 social events per year for College staff. The Brunch with Santa has been a popular event for several years. Parents come with their children and have a delicious breakfast. Among other entertainment and activities, each child has an opportunity to sit with Santa Claus for a few minutes and receive a special gift.
What made the event and the entertainment so special this year? I decided to ask about all the features.
“The event this year was very good. We got a lot more families than we usually had. The expectations every year is to try to make this event fun and enjoyable for families. I think we achieve this again and again and our committee and I work together to try to think and figure out what new things will be interesting and different every year. This year we had a visit from Anna and Elsa and Spiderman and we had Elsa singing a song which was very popular. Each year the program has something new; for example, last year we had The Bubble Guy for entertainment and it was amazing. We had a lot of volunteers who helped us to manage this event and we have a “Staff Club” of around 18 people who made this event happen. We started to prepare in October. To everyone we wish a happy, healthy holiday, and great times and memories with their families’’. (Janice Manson, RRC Events Coordinator)
Visit from Elsa

Visit from Elsa

“The best part was watching the children. The children were so excited. When they looked at the elves and Santa, it looked like they had seen something special and it made me feel very good. This is actually what I expected to see – the children having a lot of fun and the parents who enjoying their children. Elsa singing was something new and it was definitely great. We made this event with a committee and we had been meeting about 4 months for this. At each meeting, everyone had a job to do and we came back to the next meeting and said “OK, I have done this, this and this.” It was great team work and Janice organized this really well to make sure that every piece was done. We are a great team! This holiday season, I wish every adult would have the same kind of joy that children have.”  (Carolyn Schmidt, Language Training Centre Program Facilitator)
“This brunch was special. I got pretty much what I expected. I am so glad to see a lot of people and kids here. We want every year to have people come. More people came this year and we are glad. For the holidays, I wish for people to get together and have fun, not just on New Year’s Eve.”  (Megan Havens, RRC Sponsorship & Public Relations Coordinator)  
For the last two years, this event has had volunteers from the Language Training Centre. Volunteers played the role of “craft elves”. Throughout the event, the “craft elves” went to each table and helped the children make a simple Christmas craft.
“It was fun to be “craft elves” today. I like to make crafts with kids; they are very creative. I decided to participate because I like to play with kids and make decorations. To be a volunteer, it is a great opportunity for me to improve my English and speak with native
Volunteer, Fay, with the author, Kate

Volunteer, Fay, with the author, Kate

speakers. Today I had a chance to improve my English and I am glad. Thank you! I wish for everyone to be healthy and happy in the New Year.”  (Guangfen (Fay), LTC student and event volunteer)  
“I am very happy today. I am also an elf and I am so excited. This event is very useful for me because I tried to copy native speakers and speak naturally. Before I was so shy but this practice made me more confident. To everyone, I wish them to be happy.”  (JinJin, LTC student and event volunteer)
Volunteers, Clara, JinJin and Fay

Volunteers, Clara, JinJin and Fay

There was also a cookie decorating table. Everyone had opportunity to make and decorate cookies.
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Some teachers from the LTC attended the event and shared with us their opinions about the Brunch with Santa.
“I liked this event more than last year. I came with my two daughters and husband; we spent a great time together. To everyone I wish to be healthy, and spend this year with their family. Have a great New Year!”  (Navnish Sidhu, ESL Instructor)
“It was definitely a super time. Everyone, even the adults, could feel that Christmas and New Year are coming. Thank you!”  (Naomi, ESL Instructor)

Our LTC blog team wishes to everyone a Happy Christmas and Happy New Year. We hope all your Christmas dreams come true!!!

– Post written by Kate Alekseienko, Intensive English for International Students 

Manitoba Legislative Building Open House: Saturday, December 12th

December 8, 2015

Every year, in early December, the provincial government invites the public to the Manitoba Legislative Building (450 Broadway) for a holiday celebration where participants can meet local Members of the Legislative Assembly (MLAs) and enjoy free entertainment and snacks.
This year, the event takes place on Saturday, December 12th, from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM. This event is free and great for the whole family. Guests can even pose for a free, professional photograph that will be printed on the spot!

Holiday Lunch and Learn: December 10th

December 2, 2015

Join your LTC counsellor, Chad Smith and your student integration coordinator, Jillian Hoogland for a special holiday lunch and learn about dealing with stress during the holidays.
Ho Ho Ho! or No No No!: What do the holidays mean to you?
Topics will include:

  • Learn about holiday traditions
  • Discuss common feelings and concerns
  • Think about ideas on how to deal with these feelings and concerns
  • Learn some tips for having a happy and healthy holiday


  • Thursday, December 10th
  • This workshop will be presented twice (12:00 – 12:45 and 1:00 – 1:45).


  •  Basement Lunchroom D

Christmas Cheer Board

December 2, 2015

Every year the Christmas Cheer Board accepts donations of food, toys and money from individuals and businesses in Manitoba. Volunteers then work tirelessly to prepare hampers of food and gifts in order to make sure that families who are facing financial struggles can have a happy and healthy holiday.
If you are a recipient of Employment and Income Assistance (EIA) and would like to apply for a hamper, please call (204) 948-2022.
If you are not receiving EIA and would like to apply for a hamper, please call (204) 989-5683.
Both phone lines are open Monday to Friday, from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. You must have your Manitoba Health card ready when you call.
If you would like to volunteer with the Christmas Cheer Board, please call (204) 989-5696 or click here.
For more information, please visit the Christmas Cheer Board website.

Movember 2015 at the LTC

November 30, 2015

Written by Kate Alex, International student, RRC’s Language Training Centre

Kate, Student at the Language Training Centre and author of this article.

Kate, Student at the Language Training Centre

The LTC`s Movember team is active and enthusiastic again this year. The LTC team consists of 14 members and has so far collected $ 511 for the cause. For more information on Movember and to see the progress of the LTC team, check out the official Movember website
In this article, I wanted to introduce you to some of the people who officially represent the Movember movement at the LTC in 2015 as they share their thoughts about Movember.
“Movember for me started out as a great way to grow a ‘stylin’ stache’ and not have anyone complain. As I participated in Movember more and more, I became familiar with the causes and goals of the movement. For me, having the ability to raise awareness and funds that can lead to cures for prostate/testicular cancer or tackle the stigma of mental health problems is all the motivation I need to participate in this annual event.”
Simon Haywood, Captain of the LTC Movember Team, Instructor at the Language Training Centre

Simon, Captain of the LTC Movember Team, Instructor at the Language Training Centre

“I heard about Movember several years ago and decided to participate to help bring awareness to men’s health issues. In Canada, men grow a new moustache in the month of November and men and women can take a “movement challenge” where they have to do some physical activity each day of the month.  Also, anyone can donate to a person or team participating in the Movember challenges in order to raise money for Movember. To me, Movember is about raising awareness of men’s health issues like cancers and mental health issues. This is not my first time participating in a Movember event, but it is my first time doing the 30 day movement challenge for Movember.”
Lori, Instructor at the Language Training Centre

Lori, Instructor at the Language Training Centre

“I’ve participated in Movember over the past few years .This is the second year that Simon has put together an LTC team, and before that my father participated in the fundraising effort by growing a moustache. Some very important people in my life are men. Movember for me is a time to show support for my loved ones (father, brother, uncles), friends and colleagues. I am participating in Movember by taking the challenge of moving every day….so far I’m doing pretty well!”
Kathy, Program Manager at the Language Training Centre
“I heard about it several years ago when it came to Canada. Some friends of mine were growing moustaches, and I asked them about it. I decided to participate because men’s health is an issue that gets swept under the rug. I believe it deserves a spotlight. In Canada, we celebrate Movember by growing moustaches to start discussions about men’s health and raise funds for related charities.  For me, Movember is a time of year for me to think about my mental and physical health and talk to others, especially men, about men’s health. The biggest challenge I have is that my partner hates my moustache! I also have trouble staying motivated to exercise weekly. It is not my first time growing a moustache for Movember.  I grew one two years ago and raised awareness, but I wasn’t able to raise money. This year is different; so far I have raised close to $100. I heard that there is a Movember party at the end of the month for people who have raised a certain amount of money, but have never been. Maybe I’ll have a chance to go this year.”
Logan, Instructor at the Language Training Centre

Logan, Instructor at the Language Training Centre

“I’ve known about Movember for several years. Simon has been a great advocate here at Red River College. I decided to participate because my father is a prostate cancer survivor. I’m celebrating Movember this year by participating in the “move” challenge. I’ve promised to exercise for every day in November. I upload pictures of myself exercising on our Movember team website. Sometimes it’s hard to be motivated to exercise every day, but I’m being kind to myself by exercising more on some days than others. “
Sherry, Instructor at the Language Training Centre

Sherry, Instructor at the Language Training Centre

I have been participating in Movember for 4 years now and I decided to participate because a friend had suggested it to me and I thought it was a good cause. I guess the biggest challenge is finding time in my schedule to get enough people to donate and raise the profile of Movember within my social circle. I am growing a moustache this month but I have also decided to take on the move challenge.”

Yaw, Assessor at the Language Training Centre

Here are some interesting facts about Movember:

  • Over $550 million have been raised since the launch of Movember.
  • The most money raised by a single person is $132 596 (Joey Johannson, Canada)
  • Only 30 people participated in 2003. In 2013, that number grew to 969,000. [1].

Movember concerns every one of us. Let`s keep going together for changing the face of men`s health.
[1] Retrieved from http://www.details.com/story/mustache-statistics

RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.

We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.

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