Life at RRC Polytech is unique – keeping up with demanding academic curriculum, balancing personal lives, and achieving academic and personal goals can be challenging. RRC Polytech has a wide range of student services and resources in place that can help support. Early Assist is a system that helps faculty, staff, and students identify and reach out to a student who could benefit from these services and help them connect with appropriate support.
Not sure whether to submit a referral? When in doubt, fill one out.
In an emergency or if you or someone else is in imminent danger of harm, call 911 or RRC Polytech’s Security Services.
If it’s possible and appropriate, talk with your peer about the concerns you have for them. Let them know that RRC Polytech has free resources available to support them. Suggest that the student visit or contact Student Counselling Services or the Mental Health Coordinator to get connected with supports.
If the concern is serious, if it does not change, or if it gets worse, submit an Early Assist referral.
Not sure whether to submit an Early Assist referral? When in doubt, fill one out.
Early Assist is not the place to report concerns about staff or faculty members. If you have a concern about a staff or faculty member’s well-being, contact Human Resources.
If you need support for a personal concern, the best thing to do is connect with Student Counselling Services. However, if it’s easier, you could submit an Early Assist referral form about yourself.
In a caring community, members look out for each other and try to help and support when possible. If someone is concerned about you, they may submit an Early Assist referral. Ideally, they will talk to you about their concern first; but this may not always be possible.
Early Assist referrals will go directly to the Early Assist case manager, who is specifically trained to support students, help them access resources and supports both on and off campus. The Early Assist case manager will assess the referral and decide whether it’s necessary to contact you. They will make two attempts to contact you by email/phone. If they don’t hear back from you, the matter will be considered closed. An exception to this would be if there is concern for your safety.
If you receive an email or phone call, we encourage you to respond. However, responding is voluntary. The choice is yours. There is no penalty for not responding, and you can still access supports and resources on campus at any time.
No. The Early Assist system is outside of any other system at RRC Polytech. Information submitted through an Early Assist referral will not show up on any student records. Academic records, academic progress, and access to funding are unaffected by an Early Assist referral.
No. Early Assist is a program that is designed to support students. It is not a place for reporting misconduct. Conduct violations should not be reported through Early Assist.
RRC Polytech is committed to providing services and supports designed to help our students succeed both academically and personally. We strongly encourage students to take advantage of the help that can be provided through Early Assist.
Students cannot opt out of being contacted by the Early Assist case manager if an Early Assist referral is submitted on their behalf. However, it is a student’s choice to respond or not. There is no penalty for not responding, and they can still access campus supports at any time.
No. The Early Assist system is outside of any other system at Red River Polytech. Information submitted through an Early Assist referral will not show up on any student records. If you require immigration related support, please contact Centre for International Education and Global Partnerships at iesuport@rrc.ca.
RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.
We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.