Course-Based Registration


Many RRC Polytech academic programs are in the process of converting to Course-Based Registration.

Course-Based Registration is a new way of offering programs and courses to RRC Polytech students. It allows greater ability to plan and register for courses online and to adjust the pace of the program in many cases. It also introduces new common communication courses in these programs with sections available in a range of times and days.

This new model is being phased in over a multi-year period.

The benefits for students

Three people looking under a car
  • Interdisciplinary courses and projects that teach students from complementary fields and disciplines how to collaborate and work together (as they would in the real world of work)
  • Increased recognition for prior learning
  • Better access to programs across the College that will allow students to satisfy their personal interests and professional requirements
  • Removal of financial barriers that will enable students to have more options to take courses part-time or pay for courses as they take them
  • Offering greater choice for students interested in upgrading or re-skilling – focusing on competencies or specific skills rather than taking an entire program
  • Better accommodation of interrupted learning: as student’s lives change, they will have greater flexibility so their pathway can change as their own personal needs change
  • Greater choice based on employer’s needs. Learners will now have more options to take necessary courses to gain a skill or competency required by their employer
  • A more robust online registration experience for students and advisors

How CBR works

Fixed Menu / The Old Way

Students register, pay for and complete an entire program on our timeline and our terms, with little room to explore.


A la Carte Menu / The CBR Way

Under Course-Based Registration, students enrol in and pay for courses within a program at their own pace. They have the option to explore courses outside their program. (e.g., A student in the Social Innovation and Community Development program can take some of the credits that are offered in the Business Administration program.)

New program design

Woman mixing chemicals

For CBR to work, our programs must coordinate across the College. All RRC Polytech programs adopting CBR will follow these guidelines:

  • A maximum weekly student workload of 25 hours
  • 15-week semester length
  • Three semesters per year:
    • Fall (August–December)
    • Winter (January–April)
    • Spring (May–August)
  • Maximum six courses per semester
  • 45-hour course length for three-credit-hour courses
    90-hour course length for six-credit-hour courses
  • All courses will be on LEARN
  • All courses will adopt the Common Courses Framework

RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.

We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.