Course-Based Registration

Student Planning Instructions

What is Student Planning?

Self-Service Student Planning allows you to plan and register for courses you need to complete your academic program. This process helps you plan, schedule and register for courses in your program. You will also have the ability to change and Add/Drop courses during the College’s Add/Drop period.

Three main functions within student planning are:

  • My Progress shows an approximate percentage of program requirements completed or need to complete for academic program.
  • Plan and Schedule allows you to see a calendar view of the courses you are planning to take or registered for in a particular term. It also gives you an overview of the steps needed to plan all courses required to complete your program.
  • The Course Catalog provides the option to search RRC Polytech’s Course Catalog.

Checklist Before You Start

  • Please ensure both your HUB and Self-Service Student Planning accounts are working before your scheduled registration date.
  • Information on how to retrieve your credentials is sent to your RRC Polytech Email account ( as well as your personal email account provided to the College during your application process.
  • Self-registration dates vary by program. Please review communications sent to your RRC Polytech email account ( to confirm your registration dates.
  • Ensure that you do not have an outstanding account as this prevents you from registering for your selected course sections(s).
  • Please follow the instructions included in this document to ensure a successful self-registration experience.

Step 1: Logging into HUB and Accessing Student Planning

  1. Log in to your HUB account
  2. Click on Student Planning

Note: It is very important to log in at your scheduled registration date and time to complete your planning process and register for your courses as soon as possible.

Step 2: Planning Your Courses

  1. Before you start planning, click on View My Progress. This section of the Student Planning tool provides a list of required courses to graduate from your program. As you complete courses, the View My Progress screen will display the approximate percentage you have completed for your academic program.
  2. The courses listed in the Requirements section are required to complete your program.
  3. To plan your courses for the upcoming term, click on the first course.
  4. This next screen will display the course code, title and description. Click on Add Course to plan.
  5. You also have the option to click on the View Available Sections link at the bottom. However, we recommend using Add Course to plan, which allows you to view all selected courses in a calendar. This makes it easier to organize and schedule once you have added all your courses.
  6. The next popup window will display more course details. Select the correct term from the dropdown menu.
  7. Click on Add Course to plan.
  8. Click on the Back to My Progress arrow on top left corner and repeat this process to add your remaining courses for your upcoming term.
  9. Once you added all your courses for the upcoming term, return back to the Student Planning homepage.

Step 3: Creating Your Course Schedule

  1. Click on Plan and Schedule under the Student Planning hyperlink in the top tool bar.
  2. The next screen will display your current term courses. Advance to the next term using the forward arrows under the Schedule, Timeline, Advising and Petition and Waiver tabs.
  3. The courses you planned will be on the left and the schedule on the right.
  4. Choose a course and click on View Other Sections to see the options.
  5. Section options will display on the left-hand side of your screen. All options will show as grey squares in your schedule.
  6. When you hover over a section option on the left, the corresponding time block will turn black in the schedule on the right.
  7. You can click on View Other Sections to compare section dates for any given course. Directly below View Other Sections there may be multiple pages of course selections offered. Click on the arrow button to scroll through the pages (< or >).
  8. To plan a section, click your desired time on the left-hand menu or on the right-hand schedule. Click Add Section.
  9. Where multiple programs offer the same course, you will only be able to register for sections that are specific to your program.
  10. Please ensure you review the Additional Information field, which identifies the section program/term.
  11. If successful, the planned section will turn gold/yellow.
  12. You may notice that some courses display side-by-side with no conflict. These courses are offered during the same time slot but during different date ranges.
  13. If you accidentally plan a time conflict, the affected schedule times will turn red and an alert will show on the course information on the left-hand side. You will not be able to register for any course sections that have conflicts.
  14. To remove a planned section, click the X at the top right of the box in the right-hand schedule.
  15. To remove a planned course, click the X in the relevant course box in the left-hand menu.

Note: Planning a course allows you to build a potential schedule. Planning is not the same as registering and you need to register for your courses.

Step 4: Registering Your Courses

  1. Once your sections are planned, you can register courses individually by clicking Register on each course on the left-hand menu. You can also register all at once by clicking the Register Now button on the top right.

Note: There is no guarantee you will be able to register for the courses that you have planned, you may need to make an alternate plan and then register.

  1. If successful, the yellow fields will turn green.
  2. Congratulations! You are registered!
  3. Once registration is complete, you will receive a generic acknowledgement. Approximately 5-7 business days following your registration, your Student Records Officer will send you a more detailed registration confirmation to your RRC Polytech email account.

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