Diversity Counts on Our Campuses.
RRC Polytech recently launched the Diversity Self-Identification Survey, where all employees and students are invited to voluntarily self-declare as part of one or more of the following equity groups:
- Women
- Indigenous peoples
- People with disabilities
- Racialized persons
- Persons of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community
Participation in the survey will help give the College an accurate picture of who is on our campuses, supporting future inclusive initiatives.
Over the next several weeks, employees and students will be sharing why they are self-identifying. Share your story on social media by using the hashtag #CountMeINcluded.
Jojo Delos Reyes
Research Program Manager, Research Partnerships & Innovation

I’m self-identifying because I believe that for an organization to succeed in implementing EDI programs, it must have a solid baseline. From an applied research point of view, accurate data collection is vital in determining the appropriate next steps. We all must participate in moving the needle toward a more inclusive RRC Polytech.
Shay James
Customer Service Representative, Enrolment Services

I’m self-identifying because diversity drives creativity and innovation which will lead to a higher rate of productivity and performance if we decide to join forces together and become an advocate. According to Stephen R. Covey, ‘’Strength lies in differences. Not in similarities.’’
Make your voice heard and representation know. Complete the Diversity Self-Identification Survey today.