International Day of Pink: April 12

International Day of Pink, also known as Day of Pink, is celebrated annually on the second Wednesday of April. It’s when we wear pink to celebrate diversity, acceptance, courage, and inclusivity within the 2SLGBTQIA+ community and beyond.
You may be thinking, didn’t we just do this in February? Not quite, February is when we celebrate Pink Shirt Day.
Pink Shirt Day was created when two students attending high school in Halifax were upset about the bullying that took place when one of their peers wore a pink shirt to school on the first day. Together, those two students started an international movement that takes a stand against bullying.
While similar, Day of Pink was created to specifically take a stance on bullying and discrimination faced by members of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community. The day, inspired by Pink Shirt Day, was created by the Canadian Centre for Gender and Sexual Diversity (CCGSD), previously known as Jer’s Vision. The purpose was to stand up against homophobia, transphobia, bullying, and to promote allyship as we move towards a future free of discrimination.
Day of Pink is for people who have previously, or recently, experienced discrimination because of their sexuality, gender identity, or gender expression. It’s for people to stand up and say, “this is not okay!” when these kinds of things happen in schools, workplaces, or anywhere. It’s for creating allyship. It’s for people to band together and be responsible for a future of kindness and inclusivity. We are strongest when we are together.
So, how can you take part in this global event? It’s simple, on April 12th show your support by wearing something pink (get your shirt in our Campus Stores). It can even be your favourite cardigan, newest shoes, or a bracelet. Just a little something to show you care and stand by the 2SLGBTQIA+ community members at RRC Polytech, Winnipeg, and all over the world.
Take Pledge Against Hate!
- The Spectrum (Notre Dame Campus FM66)
- P407 (Exchange District Campus)
When: April 12 from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM
- Sign the pledge against hate, intolerance, and oppression, and
- share a photo with the Pledge Poster with #DayOfPink.
We look forward to standing together for a brighter community.