Equity, Diversity and Inclusion on Campus

News and Events

Raising the Progress Pride Flag

June 14, 2022

RRC Polytech staff and students gathered to recognize and celebrate the start of Pride Week on May 27, by raising the Progress Pride flag at the Notre Dame Campus, and subsequently at the Exchange District Campus.

The new flag still honours the classic rainbow design, but adds a five-stripe chevron, indicating forward momentum, and includes the baby blue and light pink colors of the Trans flag, brown and black stripes representing people of colour, and white to represent those who are transitioning, intersex, or identify outside of the gender binary.

Diversity is one of our greatest strengths, so we strive to provide a barrier free environment for all individuals to succeed in their academic, employment, and research goals. This flag serves as a beacon of hope for many in an oft-marginalized community. It represents the College’s dedication to continue to push for change and ensure acceptance for all. 

Diversity Speaker Series: Jonathan Niemczak

June 9, 2022

You’re Invited – A History of Pride in Winnipeg: The Struggles, The Victories, The Challenges Ahead – Featured Expert and Q&A Discussion

Pride, like the many people the movement represents, comes in endless forms, colours, shapes, sizes, and identities. The 2SLGTBQIA+ community still seeks understanding and acceptance but is more mobilized than ever before to elevate and embolden members and allies, on a mission for meaningful change.    

Join RRC Polytech’s Anti-Racism Committee for the second in a four-part virtual speaker series featuring champions of equity, diversity, and inclusion in a post-secondary setting. Keynote speaker, Jonathan Niemczak is the Chair and CEO of the Canadian Pride Historical Society, Past President of Pride Winnipeg, and a gender, sexuality, and relationship (GSRD) advocate with over fifteen years of community leadership experience.

After a personal introduction by friend, ally, and committee member Vassan Aruljothi, our passionate expert will address Pride in Winnipeg today, by examining the long and often difficult path travelled so far, by advocates and activists like himself. Jonathan will share his experiences in a post-secondary setting, respond to your questions, and lead a discussion about meaningful change. 

See additional resources available at RRC Polytech ›

Event Details

  • Date: June 16, 2022 
  • Time: Noon – 1pm
  • Host: RRC Polytech Anti-Racism Committee via ZOOM
  • Registration Deadline: June 16, 11:30am


Jonathan Niemczak, Canadian Pride Historical Society


Vassan Aruljothi, WIL Coordinator, Electrical Manufacturing & Mechanical Engineering, School of Skilled Trades and Technologies

Note: If you have a specific accessibility request, please contact kmichie@rrc.ca. For all other questions, please contact diversity@rrc.ca.

If you have technical difficulties when logging on to this Zoom event, please contact kmichie@rrc.ca or text 204-299-8000.

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Anti-Racism Speaker Series: Dr. Leela Viswanathan

April 1, 2022

Sharing Experiences and Strategies for Effectively Addressing Racism in Post-Secondary – Featured Expert and Virtual Panel Discussion

To combat racism, we must address racism in all forms and in all areas of our daily lives. How can you help? It’s simple. Listen, learn and act. 

RRC Polytech’s Anti-Racism Committee presents the first in a four-part speaker series featuring champions of equity, diversity, and inclusion in a post-secondary setting, accompanied by a moderated panel discussion designed to inspire change.

Keynote speaker, Dr. Leela Viswanathan, an award-winning educator and anti-racism advocate, introduces several themes – accountability, practices to address bias, and ways to support the journey of all students to see them flourish.

A panel representing RRC Polytech’s senior leadership team, distinguished alumni, and the student body then join the discussion to share their experiences and suggestions and respond to questions. 

Event Recorded

April 14, 2022


Dr. Leela Viswanathan, PhD, RPP, MCIP, Viswali Consulting


  • Jamie Wilson, Vice-President, Indigenous Strategy and Business Development 
  • Kyra De la Ronde, Student, Social Innovation and Community Development
  • Jackie Wild, President, Manitoba Filipino Business Council – Senior Community Investment Manager, TELUS – RRC Polytech Graduate, Creative Communications 2013                       


Ginger Arnold, Instructor, Social Innovation and Community Development 

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Pride 2021

June 1, 2021

A week of live events and self-guided resources that explore LGBTQ2+ inclusion and the Two-Spirit experience.

We are excited to offer a week of opportunities for us to gather as a community, create safer spaces and learn together.

June is Pride Month and National Indigenous History Month, and at the College we have very strong Indigenous supports as well as powerful commitments through diversity and inclusion for LGBTQ2+. However, we witnessed the opportunity for education, enlightenment, and further inclusion for Two-Spirit persons. During Pride 2021 we have decided to highlight Two-Spirit identity, and provide opportunities for knowledge sharing and the creation of safe(r) spaces as we work towards enhancing inclusion and equity at the College.

The week features three live virtual opportunities as well as self-guided films and resources for you to take in. The live events will provide opportunities for you to engage in the conversation, share in our Healing Lodge, and hear lived experiences with special guests that will help us learn more about the meaning of Two-Spirit — from pre-colonization to the present. Live events will be held by either WebEx or Microsoft teams.

As you participate in this week’s events strong emotions may arise. Be sure to take breaks and practice good self-care. To assist you in this we invited Adriene Shum to record a guided video meditation on the theme of acceptance. Watch the recording here>

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Panel Event – Anti-Racism: A Dialogue about Transforming Higher Education

November 2, 2020


This panel discussion unpacked the ways in which racism and discrimination present themselves in our society.

Panelists discussed how each of us can be a stronger ally and anti-racist on and off campus. We delved into ways to safely talk about race and discrimination and explored how post-secondary institutions can transform themselves into more inclusive spaces for staff and students.

This panel was presented in partnership with the RRC Polytech Students Association. Ginger Arnold, an Instructor in Social Innovation and Community Development, moderated the discussion.

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RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.

We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.