Equity, Diversity and Inclusion on Campus

News and Events

Show your support during Ramadan

March 17, 2023

RRC Polytech is committed to creating a respectful community that is diverse, inclusive and equitable — a place where we can come together to better understand, embrace and uplift each other’s culture and experiences, and a place where all are welcomed for who we are, and for what we can build together.

Ramadan is a sacred month for Muslims around the world, marked by obligatory fasting and a spiritual cleanse.

To members of the faith, the ninth month on the Islamic lunar calendar is considered the holiest and healthy adults who are able, are required to fast from food and drink during the sunlit hours as a means of drawing closer to God and cultivating self-control, gratitude, and compassion for those less fortunate. Ramadan is a month of intense spiritual rejuvenation with a heightened focus on devotion and special prayers.

In 2024, the month-long fast of Ramadan begins around March 10 and ends around April 8. At the end of Ramadan, Muslims celebrate one of their major holidays called Eid ul-Fitr or the “Festival of the Breaking of the Fast.” In 2024 the holiday will be celebrated around April 10, and features prayer ceremony, food, games and presents for children as friends and family spend time together.

While the personal commitment to these sacred rituals may go unnoticed by some and spark curiosity in others, please be mindful that this observance may result in altered sleep patterns, changes in energy levels, increased anxiety around meeting deadlines, and requires a commitment to prayer timings.

Here are a few simple ways for non-Muslims to be supportive of students, staff and members of the College community who are fasting for Ramadan.

Be flexible, adaptable, and respectful.

Be conscientious of how much physical energy is required for an activity or outing you may propose, the time of day in which meetings or events may fall, and the settings in which you are doing them.

There are also various reasons Muslims may not be fasting, premised in the faith tradition or entirely personal, so you shouldn’t assume or ask someone if they’re observing. Please respect their privacy unless they choose to share and engage.

Be an ally in your department to those who are observing Ramadan and seek out more information to better understand and support your colleagues.

Click here to learn more about Ramadan

International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

March 14, 2023

Image showing group of people holding hands, with the title "International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination."

International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination is March 21. 

The International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination is observed annually on the day the police in Sharpeville, South Africa, opened fire and killed 69 people at a peaceful demonstration against apartheid “pass laws” in 1960.

Since then, some racist systems have been dismantled but, in many regions, too many individuals, communities, and societies suffer from the injustice and stigma that racism brings. We can use this day to reflect on the fact that Indigenous Peoples and racialized communities continue to experience racism and discrimination in Canada every day. We can re-commit to take action against racial discrimination in all forms to ensure a world where everyone has equitable access to all aspects of society. 

Source: Canada.ca 

Visit the Anti-Racism Action Committee’s booth on March 21st from 12pm-1pm in the NDC Library hallway and EDC Roblin Atrium to: 

  • Commit to an action towards ending racism 
  • Make a button and wear it to show your solidarity 
  • Enter to win a book educating about anti-racism 
  • Explore the Anti-racism book display 
  • Get a treat! 

Join us in the fight to end racial discrimination! 


Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Resources at the College

Canadian Centre for Diversity & Inclusion Resources (For employees only; Login may be required)

Winnipeg Public Library

The Winnipeg Public Library has compiled resources to help you learn more about different forms of racism, racial privilege, and what it means to be anti-racist.

Living legend Dr. Jean Augustine visits RRC Polytech

March 9, 2023

To close out Black History Month, RRC Polytech in partnership with Black Manitobans Chamber of Commerce, hosted a living legend, the Honourable Dr. Jean Augustine at Manitou a bi Bii daziigae for a screening of Steadfast: The Messenger and the Message, the remarkable story of Dr. Jean Augustine who played a key role in the recognition of Black History Month in Canada, among many other notable and incredible achievements.

The Roundhouse Auditorium was full of students, staff, and faculty eager to celebrate the incredible life and career of Dr. Jean Augustine and hear her story from those she met along the way. Guests were lucky enough to hear Dr. Augustine share more of her story and answer questions from the crowd after the screening had concluded.

Dr. Augustine is known as a social activist, educator and trailblazing politician where she made history as the first African-Canadian woman elected to the House of Commons and was responsible for championing unanimous legislation to designate the month of February as Black History Month in Canada and helping to raise the only statue featuring women on Parliament Hill, the Famous Five Monument.

After the event, Dr.  Jean Augustine presented Kirk Johnson, Dean, School of Business, IT & Creative Arts and School of Hospitality & Culinary Arts, with a signed copy of “In Her Words,” a collection of convocation addresses she has delivered at various universities over the years. We hope to find a space at the EDC campus where we can display this gift prominently and proudly.

Thank you to Dr. Zita Somakoko, the Founder and President of Black Manitobans Chamber of Commerce, for reaching out and helping to put together this amazing event and to Dr. Jean Augustine for sharing your story. 

Pink Shirt Day 2023

February 22, 2023

RRC Polytech encourages all staff, students and community members to take a stand against bullying.

Pink Shirt Day began in 2007 in Nova Scotia when a grade 9 boy was bullied for wearing a pink shirt.

Two of his classmates organized a schoolwide protest, asking all students, teachers and staff to wear pink in solidarity and to demonstrate there is no place for bullying.

Pink Shirt Day’s mission is to create a more kind, inclusive world by raising awareness and funds for anti-bullying initiatives.

According to the Canadian Red Cross, more than half of bullying incidents stop within 10 seconds when a bystander steps in. 

#LiftEachOtherUp and take a stand against bullying by submitting a photo of yourself wearing a pink shirt

Submit your 2023 Pink Shirt Day photo here

Anti-bullying messages

“As someone who experienced bullying, I recognize the importance of taking the path to #LiftEachOtherUp as opposed to tearing one another down. A little kindness goes a long way – you never know what others are going through.”

Breanne Lucky, Staff

“It’s crucial to make a firm stance against bullying because all of us have the right to live in a warm and peaceful community.”

Claire May Tuazon, Student

“Life is hard, but it’s up to all of us to make it better.”

Lauren Dominici, Staff

“Psychological safety will create a better world.”

Yuyan Tian, Student

“The World needs to be a safe and happy place for all”

Robin (Staff) and Oliver

Respectful College – Onling Training

RRC Polytech has developed a course called Respectful College to support our commitment to a safe and inclusive working and learning environment where everyone is entitled to be free from bullying, harassment, discrimination, and sexual violence.

The Respectful College course is available to all staff and students and takes about two hours to complete. Staff and students who complete the full training, including learning activities, will be eligible to print a Certificate of Completion.

Login to LEARN to complete the course.

RRC Polytech’s Human Resources team
RRC Polytech’s Career Services team

International Women’s Day Panel Talk: Embracing Equity

February 17, 2023

Join panelists from RRC Polytech’s Board of Governors, Knowledge Keepers Council, Students’ Association, as well as staff members, for a discussion celebrating International Women’s Day (IWD) 2023. This year’s IWD theme is #EmbraceEquity, because equity isn’t a nice-to-have, it’s a must-have.

  • Date: Wednesday, March 8, 2023
  • Time: 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
  • Location: Hybrid event
    • In-person: Connected Classroom, G139, Notre Dame Campus*
    • Virtual: Livestreaming via MS Teams

*In-person capacity is limited to 30 people. If you would like to attend in-person, please register as soon as possible.

The event is open to all RRC Polytech employees and students. Co-moderated by Ebony Novakowski, Copyright Officer, Library and Academic Services, and Josh Malam, RRC Polytech student and former RRCSA Vice President, Academic.

We strive to host inclusive, accessible events that enable all individuals to engage fully. ASL-English interpretation will be provided for this event. 

Elder Martha Peet, RRC Polytech Knowledge Keepers Council, will be bringing greetings to start the panel talk in a good way. 

Meet the Panelists

Take part in the conversation to #EmbraceEquity

Sharing Stories for Black History Month: Phyllis Reid-Jarvis

February 15, 2023

February is Black History Month, an opportunity to acknowledge and celebrate the achievements and contributions of Black Canadians and their communities, who have been a part of shaping Canada’s heritage and identity. Throughout February we will be highlighting and sharing the stories of Black staff, students, members of our Board of Governors as well as alumni. Stay tuned to the Diversity blog and RRC Polytech’s social media to learn more about members of our College community

Phyllis Reid-Jarvis, Board of Governors, RRC Polytech

The Journey

Phyllis Reid-Jarvis

Phyllis Reid-Jarvis (she/her) MPH, PCC, CEO/Founder of Ultimate Potentials Corporation.

My work at Ultimate Potentials Corporation as a leadership and talent development consultant focuses on helping leaders see where change needs to occur. I work with leaders to support their organizations in achieving workplaces designed for all employees to thrive.  With over 25 years of combined experience in health, leadership, talent development, and social justice, I help leaders create transformative, diverse, equitable, and inclusive workplaces.

My professional journey has been filled with varying experiences, and now, looking back, all have prepared me well for where I am today. The word circuitous best describes my career path. It began at Mico Teachers’ College in Kingston, Jamaica, where I started training preparations to be a science teacher. Alas, this was interrupted when I immigrated to Manitoba with my parents in 1985.

I continued with my education upon arriving in Manitoba. I decided to switch career paths to pursue becoming a Registered Dietitian, a career in which I worked for almost twenty years. Despite having significant success as a Registered Dietitian, it was fraught with many barriers of exclusion and a need for more available and culturally-appropriate mentoring and support to help understand the Canadian culture and its practices of professionalism.  Highlights of my career as a Registered Dietitian include publishing two books on Solutions for health, working with CBC Radio as a health columnist on a weekly show, Food for Thought, representing Dietitians of Canada in Granada, Spain as a speaker at the annual International Congress of Dietetics and member of Breakfast for Learning Canada Board of Governors.

I am fortunate to belong to a family and community that taught me early in life to be proud of who I am and not to conform to society’s ideals of whom they think I should be. I use this to transform barriers into opportunities. This is a crucial mindset I continue to use today and teach, coach and mentor others to adopt as a transformative tool.

Importance of Representation

I arrived in Manitoba to discover that I was Black. Coming from a culture where one identifies with their country of origin, I was taken aback by ‘others’ need to reduce me to the superficiality of the colour of my skin! The silent racism below the surface of friendly Manitoba struck me. 

I am reminded of how the abuse of power and authority by one of my professors in my 4th year at University was intended to deny me representation. I was getting A’s and high B+’s in most of my courses and was a recipient of the Alumni Association award for high-grade point average, but I  could only seem to get a low B at best from this professor.

I needed appropriate references to pursue my career as a Registered Dietitian, among other criteria for acceptance into the program. I booked an appointment to ask this professor if she would stand as a referee. Without skipping a beat, she said, “sure, but I don’t think you would like what I have to say.”I asked, “what do you mean?” She looked me in the eye and said, “We don’t want your kind in our program.” Again, I asked, “what do you mean?” She held her arm up and ran her fingers back and forth over it. It took me a few seconds to grasp the meaning of her gesture. I asked, “do you mean because my skin is black?” She folded her arms and leaned back in her chair. The meeting was over. This experience is one of many but is the most blatant form of denial of representation.

I am fortunate to belong to a family and community that taught me early in life to be proud of who I am and not to conform to society’s ideals of whom they think I should be. I use this to transform barriers into opportunities. This is a crucial mindset I continue to use today and teach, coach and mentor others to adopt as a transformative tool.

Contributions to the Board of Governors

My varied experience over the years helped shape what I bring to the table as a member of the Board of Governors at RRC Polytech. My lived experience and professional experience more than equip me to support RRC Polytech in achieving its strategic priorities. This is seen particularly around RRC Polytech’s commitments to talent development for the Province, the recommendations of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s ( TRC) calls to action regarding Indigenous education and representation, and the pursuit to achieve Equity, Diversity and Inclusion by removing barriers to access and representation for equity-seeking Manitobans (persons who self-identify as a Person of colour, Asian, African, Caribbean, or African/Caribbean or Black) and marginalized Manitobans (Persons with disabilities and members of 2SLGBTQIA+).

I believe deeply in RRC Polytech’s commitment to its strategic priorities. I am honoured to be among fellow volunteers, students and staff who are also deeply committed to realizing RRC Polytech’s strategic priorities. 


I do this work because I know it’s important for everyone to be included, supported and recognized. I want to normalize these actions and make this known to fellow Manitobans. I will know we are successful when as Manitobans, we no longer are governed by blatant or worse, silent racism in our communities, workplaces and learning institutions. Success is realized when the TRC’s calls to action are fully implemented. When marginalized Manitobans (Persons with disabilities, members of 2SLGBTQIA+) and equity-seeking Manitobans (persons who self-identify as persons of colour, Asian, African, Caribbean, or African/Caribbean or Black) share 100% freedom, just like their white Canadian brothers and sisters.

“ We do not need first to be perfect before we can do what is right and just.” Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. Nigerian author and activist.

Sharing Stories for Black History Month: Raymond Ngarboui

February 13, 2023

February is Black History Month, an opportunity to acknowledge and celebrate the achievements and contributions of Black Canadians and their communities, who have been a part of shaping Canada’s heritage and identity. Throughout February we will be highlighting and sharing the stories of Black staff, students, members of our Board of Governors as well as alumni. Stay tuned to the Diversity blog and RRC Polytech’s social media to learn more about members of our College community.

Raymond Ngarbou, 2008 graduate, Community Development/Community Economic Development, RRC Polytech

Reposted from December 13, 2021

Raymond Ngarboui receives the Queen Elizabeth II Jubilee Medal

Raymond Ngarboui has a good reason for being late to a scheduled appointment at the Rainbow Community Garden on a recent August afternoon.

Within sight of IG Field at the University of Manitoba, the Garden is a place where families new to Canada are able to plant, tend, and harvest their own crops.

Among those waiting for Ngarboui is a group of students from Gordon Bell High School who have summer jobs on the Green Team, an employment program he manages in his capacity as a Community Development Coordinator for the Community Education Development Association (CEDA).

Not surprisingly, all eyes are on Ngarboui as he pulls up. With his easygoing manner, he has the full attention of the students. After speaking with them, he has time to sit down and talk about his career in community development.

To read more, click here.

Sharing Stories for Black History Month: Omolara Adewuyi

February 9, 2023

February is Black History Month, an opportunity to acknowledge and celebrate the achievements and contributions of Black Canadians and their communities, who have been a part of shaping Canada’s heritage and identity. Throughout February we will be highlighting and sharing the stories of Black staff, students, members of our Board of Governors as well as alumni. Stay tuned to the Diversity blog and RRC Polytech’s social media to learn more about members of our College community.

Omolara Adewuyi, Project Manager, RRC Polytech

Omolara Adewuyi

What is your current role/occupation and what path/journey did you take to get to where you are today?

I am currently a Project Manager at Red River College. I am an alumnus of Red River College. I worked at Loblaw for five years as a Financial Analyst. At Loblaw, I worked in various departments, handled accounts reconciliation and reporting, led various process automation and improvements, met firm deadlines, supported the team to develop strategies to resolve cases in the client’s best interest whilst adhering to the Company’s policies and procedures, and was an excellent team player. I love volunteering. I held various positions in different clubs & committees. Eg Toastmasters, Equity and diversity committee. Etc.

Have you had any struggles in your career, and if so, how did you transform them into growth or success?

Whenever I am faced with difficulty, I resolve to use one or the other approach such as: Taking a break, going on a walk, going around the city on the bus (if time permits), and closing my eyes for at least 5 minutes. Then I start by identifying the challenge, asking for assistance, and maintaining an optimistic attitude toward my performance at work. These essential steps have helped me to become a hardworking, positive-minded, and motivated person who is not afraid of challenges. Most importantly, I have a seek-to-understand mindset and not a judgmental one.

Representation is vital because it creates a space where everyone can be seen and heard. People from different backgrounds will have various viewpoints thereby creating multiple ideas.

What, if any, are challenges that affected you as a Black person in your career?

Personally, I have not faced discrimination or racism in the workplace. It may simply be that I refuse to identify any challenge as racism. Diversity in the workplace is a welcome development that can be improved upon with time. Many employees feel hopeless because they are afraid to put their job on the line to speak out against discrimination, so I think it is crucial to have open conversations about racial and gender bias.

Why is representation important to you and what does it mean for you?

Representation is vital because it creates a space where everyone can be seen and heard. People from different backgrounds will have various viewpoints thereby creating multiple ideas. We will be able to identify problems/ challenges from various angles and have better results. Seeing a person of color as a CEO or a Manager or in a top management position gives me hope and motivates me to put in more effort knowing that everyone is fairly treated and recognized.

How does your lived experience shape what you bring to the table in your role/occupation?

I have acquired a wide range of skills and experience that have given me the ability to bring positivity, a creative approach to solving problems, and the determination to always add value in any position. I am always willing to learn from experienced members of the company and be a positive role model to all my colleagues.

Anything else you would like to say or add?

I am grateful for this opportunity to share my experience and the lessons I have learned throughout my career. I hope to impact everyone positively.

Sharing Stories for Black History Month: Gbolahan Olutayo Oduntan

February 7, 2023

February is Black History Month, an opportunity to acknowledge and celebrate the achievements and contributions of Black Canadians and their communities, who have been a part of shaping Canada’s heritage and identity. Throughout February we will be highlighting and sharing the stories of Black staff, students, members of our Board of Governors as well as alumni. Stay tuned to the Diversity blog and RRC Polytech’s social media to learn more about members of our College community.

Gbolahan Olutayo Oduntan, Board of Governors, RRC Polytech

Gbolahan Olutayo Oduntan

Gbolahan Olutayo Oduntan is Nigerian-Canadian professional who is passionate about, and specializes in helping small and large companies optimize their processes with the aim of resolving business challenges. He works with one of the major insurance companies in Canada; Canada Life, where he deploys his expertise processing, analyzing and renewing policies in the same organization. He serves as a member of the Board of Governors of the Red River College, Manitoba Canada. 

Gbolahan is also the founder and C.E.O of a non-profit organization known as STO Global Concept Incorporated, in Manitoba. STO Global Concept Inc. and her partners reach out to the needy in the community, by supplying them food and clothing for free. They do this with funds raised through periodically-held charity concerts organized for this purpose. They also collaborate with other humanitarian organizations such as Siloam Mission, Harvest Manitoba and others, to alleviate the burden of hunger amongst the less-privileged living in Manitoba, Canada.

Born in Nigeria, Gbolahan had his basic education in the South-Western part of the country. He then proceeded to acquire a Higher National Diploma certification in Accountancy from Kwara State Polytechnic, Nigeria.  Thereafter, he enrolled for a Master’s Degree in Business Administration from Plymouth University, United Kingdom, and concluded this in the year 2014.

Determined Gbolahan did not allow the limiting and frustrating remarks discourage him, rather he took up a transition job, enrolled in a course at RRC Polytech and continued his job search and contributions to community development by volunteering with some not-for-profit organizations.
Whilst combining his transition job with studies at RRC Polytech, he found an opportunity to volunteer as an Administrative Assistant with Canada Life thereby combining transition job with studies.

Before relocating to Canada, Gbolahan had extensive exposure in both private and public service in Nigeria and the United Kingdom. In Nigeria, he worked in LASACO Assurance; a public-owned Insurance Company. While in the United Kingdom, he worked with TESCO PLC, one of the leading multinational retailer stores. In all these places, his business acumen and professionalism earned him laurels as a man who goes above and beyond the call of duty. He also had eight years of public service in Nigeria, serving as a legislator in Surulere Local Government Area, Lagos State.

Upon arrival in Canada in April 2016 with great hopes and expectations, he began his integration process by attending Manitoba Start and Success Skills New-comers program, after which he began his job search. Several efforts to get a job based on his skills and educational qualifications all proved abortive as most of the feedbacks he got from employers included: No Canadian work experience, he’s got an accent; you are over qualified, etc.

Determined Gbolahan did not allow the limitating and frustrating remarks discourage him, rather he took up a transition job, enrolled for a course at the Red River College and continued his job search and contributions to community development by volunteering with some Non-for-profit organizations.

Whilst combining his transition job with studies at the Red River College, he found an opportunity to volunteer as an Administrative Assistant with Canada Life thereby combining transition job with studies. This was very demanding and challenging as Gbolahan hardly has 5 hours sleep on daily basis.  

Due to his unrelenting efforts, dedication and commitment to work, he later got an offer for the position of Underwriting Assistant with Canada Life where he has continued to deploy his experiences and knowledge to the growth of the organization. 

As a person of color, Gbolahan has had a fair share of the stereotype that an average person of color goes through: for example getting comments such as “I never knew you could speak good English, You are too qualified for this position, Where are you from” etc.  However, in-spite of these stigmas and profiling, Gbolahan’s humanitarian nature continued to compel him to reach out to communities, the homeless, the depressed, and the broken-hearted, under the umbrella of STO Global Concept Inc. a Not-for-Profit initiative established by him.

Take part in the Black History Month Social Justice Book Club

February 3, 2023

Picture portraying golden yellow background as well as various print-inspired designs found in black communities.

The Social Justice Book Club is an initiative put on by the Anti-Racism Steering Committee to create a space for students, faculty and staff to foster a learning community that advances Truth & Reconciliation, and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. The title of a book will be shared and then there will be an opportunity for participants to share in a facilitated discussion to explore the impact of the book. The discussion questions will be shared in advance on the Social Justice Book Club website as well as emailed to the discussion session registrants.

Join us for our first Social Justice Book Club event centered around Black History Month:

For questions about the Social Justice Book Club, email diversity@rrc.ca

RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.

We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.