Emerging Media and Production

Drones in Education

November 30, 2017

Always at the forefront of emerging technologies in education, eTV is part of the PIF research team exploring the application of drones in education. This week eTV and research partners Eva Brown and Daryl McRae presented their initial findings, explaining how drones are becoming part of the educational landscape, and provided information, resources, and ideas for instructors and programs to provide opportunities for students to experience drones.

The team members have been researching feasibility, interest, regulations and legalities — while also becoming certified drone pilots themselves — to assist in the development of drone-based curriculum at the College. Brown says the RRC project team based its research on the New Media Consortium Horizon Report (Higher Education Edition), which forecasts the emerging technologies that will be integrated into learning within the three years. According to the 2017 report, drones are a technology that should be on the radar of educators across the world.

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