Emerging Media and Production


Early Childhood Development (ECD) – AKDN Contributions

June 12, 2017

Over the last several years eTV has helped to create a lot of outstanding media material for the Science of Early Childhood Development Resource. This piece (below), created by the Aga Khan Development Network, utilizes much of our footage from around the world. We in eTV/RRC have been very fortunate to be associated with this organization which works with governments and communities around the world to help children reach their full potential.

Learn more about eTV.


September 26, 2016

“A baby on a mother’s back does not know the way is long.” – African proverb

In Mozambique many mothers wrap and carry their babies with them while they go about their day. Apart from being safe and comfortable, the closeness of a wrapped baby to its mother supports attachment and stimulates learning. Below is a clip of how babies are wrapped in Mozambique, the piece was shot and edited by eTV/Learning Technologies on a recent trip to Africa in support of the Science of ECD multimedia resource

The Long Reach of Early Childhood

February 6, 2015

More than 200 million children under five years fail to reach their potential in cognitive development because of poverty, poor health and nutrition, and lack of early stimulation.

The Long Reach of Early Childhood, recently produced by eTV and the SECD project team, highlights many of the efforts that are being undertaken around the world to help support parents and communities to raise healthy children and improve our collective future. The video features some of our best footage, taken in Asia, Africa, Latin America and Canada.

For more information on SECD, please visit their website: http://www.scienceofecd.com/

To view The Long Reach of Early Childhood click below:

For more information about eTV, check out our About page.


November 21, 2014

eTV and the School of Health Sciences and Community Services Research Department recently completed a video about Cuba’s renowned Educa a Tu Hijo (Educate your Child) program. Janet Jamieson was invited to present the video at an International Conference on preschool education in Havana in July. The video, produced in English and Spanish, was extremely well received and will be disseminated internationally with support from the Bernard van Leer Foundation.

For more information about eTV, check out our About page.


April 4, 2014

We in eTV love our jobs and the clip below captures one of those moments that will put a smile on your face. The curious little boy in this clip is one of the many children we’ve been filming for the Abecedarian project – an online multimedia resource that describes the Abecedarian Approach to Early Childhood Education. Over the last several years, eTV has worked on many similar projects with Health Sciences and Community Services including the Science of Early Child Development.

If you’re interested in more information and videos, please select SECD under categories.

Enjoy the clip!

For more information about eTV, check out our About page.

Supporting SECD Update

December 13, 2013

As noted in a previous blog (July 26th 2013), eTV traveled to Bangladesh to help create materials for a preprimary teacher intervention project; a joint initiative with RRC and the Aga Khan Foundation. For a sample of footage obtained on this trip, please see the video below. The second video in this post highlights footage shot in Tajikistan that supports the Science of ECD multimedia resource developed by the new research area in Health Sciences and Community Services. For more information on these projects, please contact Janet Jamieson @ jjamieson@rrc.ca.

A special thanks also to our Creative Communications placement student Samara Funk for editing the Tajik footage.



For more information about eTV, check out our About page.

Abecedarian Approach to Early Childhood Education

November 8, 2013

Red River College, in collaboration with Healthy Child Manitoba and Manidoo Gi Miini Gonaan, has developed an online multimedia resource that describes the Abecedarian Approach to Early Childhood Education. The Abecedarian Approach has been used internationally as an intervention for vulnerable children living in multi-risk communities. This resource provides practical training in an accessible, engaging online format rich with videos, examples, games and interactive activities, with the goal of improving outcomes for vulnerable children in Manitoba Early Childhood Education programs. eTV is proud to have contributed to this project with several supporting videos. Please click below for an example. For more information about this resource, contact: Melanie D Souza

For more information about eTV, check out our About page.

Supporting SECD Update

July 26, 2013

With another successful trip abroad, eTV continues with contributions that help define RRC as a leader in post-secondary education. Working with the School of Health Sciences and Community Services Research Department, eTV travelled to Bangladesh to help create media materials for a preprimary teacher intervention project. The project, which includes a partnership with the Aga Khan Foundation in Bangladesh, involves developing training modules for low literacy teachers and conducting research regarding the effectiveness of the training.

In an upcoming blog post, eTV will feature some sample footage from Bangladesh. In the meantime, please check out our SECD page to see samples of our work at home and around the world.

For more information about eTV, check out our About page.

Supporting SECD Update

April 12, 2013

As mentioned in a previous post, eTV is currently working with the new research area in Health Science and Community Services to produce a documentary about the Educa a tu Hijo (Educate Your Child) Program in Cuba. Below you’ll find a sample video that highlights some of the wonderful music and child-centered activities that will be featured in the program. To date, eTV has worked with Community Services on the Science of Early Child Development (SECD) project in many parts of the world including Latin America, Asia, and Africa. To see more material from this project, please go to the SECD link under categories on the right side of this page.

For more information about eTV, check out our About page.

Supporting SECD Update

March 1, 2013

eTV has just returned from another successful trip abroad in support of the Science of ECD multimedia resource. Through the new research area in Health Sciences and Community Services, Red River College received funding from the Bernard Van Leer Foundation (based in The Hague) to produce a documentary about the Educa a te Hijo (Educate Your Child) Program in Cuba. To date, eTV has worked with Health Sciences in several countries including Latin America, Asia, and Africa and has helped to establish RRC’s reputation of excellence in producing this kind of video material.

For more information about eTV, check out our About page.

RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.

We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.