Emerging Media and Production


2012 Wrap Up

December 21, 2012

2012 has been a very successful year of streaming, productions and initiatives in eTV. We have had the pleasure of working with excellent staff and faculty throughout the year on a variety of diverse projects. In 2013, we look forward to continued growth in education, innovation, and communication as well as establishing new partnerships and opportunities within the College community. From all of us at eTV, we wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! See you in 2013!

For more information about eTV, check out our About page.

Animal Health Project Begins

December 14, 2012

Video production for the Animal Health Technology Curriculum Re-Development project has commenced. eTV is partnering with Program & Curriculum Development, the School of Health Sciences & Community Services, and the Program Innovation Fund to produce a supplemental on-demand video repository. The initial video shoot, detailing animal skeletal systems, wrapped on December 11th 2012. Keep an eye on the eTV blog in 2013 to follow the progress of this project!

For more information about eTV, check out our About page.

Stevenson Aviation Float Installation

December 6, 2012

eTV is currently developing a series of training videos documenting the entire procedure of changing landing gear to floats on a small aircraft. The segments were shot at the Stevenson Aviation Campus and eTV is in the process of completing the editing and scripting of the videos. Students will have on-demand access to the video series, supplementing their in-class learning.

To take a look behind the scenes: Click Here

For more information about eTV, check out our About page.

Supporting SECD Update

November 23, 2012

As mentioned in a previous post, eTV has recently captured video from Tajikistan and Afghanistan in support of Community Services’ Science of Early Child Development project. For a sample of footage from Afghanistan please see the video below. For previous posts about our work with Community Services please select the SECD category on the right. For more information about the Science of Early Child Development you can also visit this link www.scienceofecd.com.

For more information about eTV, check out our About page.

International Promo Video

November 23, 2012

The International Education promotional video produced by eTV is currently being used at student recruitment fairs around the world to excite interest in studying at Red River College and living in Winnipeg. International Project Assistant, Renata Bastos relates that thus far “the Video was really well received in China and India by students, parents and partner institutions.” eTV is confident that this video will continue to help attract many international students to Red River College as it reaches audiences globally.

For more information about eTV, check out our About page.

Nursing Streaming Update

November 19, 2012

After a very successful three months of streaming, the Nursing program has completed their term.  eTV has been facilitating streaming of the rural Nursing program since 2005 and continually strives to improve streaming services in all areas from technology to communication.  We look forward to streaming the next term in collaboration with the Nursing department and our continued partnership with faculty and students in the rural centres.

Check out our streaming promo video:

For more information about eTV, check out our About page.

Supporting SECD

November 9, 2012

Just back from Tajikistan and Afghanistan, eTV has captured some amazing video to support Community Services’ Science of Early Child Development project. This multi-media resource, which highlights some of the most recent and relevant research into early human development and population health, is typical of the socially-conscious work carried out by Red River College. To date, eTV has contributed nearly 200 videos to the resource with video shot in North America, Tanzania, Kenya, Egypt, Pakistan, Tajikistan and Afghanistan. For more information on the resource please visit www.scienceofecd.com and check back at this site shortly for some sample footage.

For more information about eTV, check out our About page.

Campus Master Plan Update

November 9, 2012

On Nov. 5th 2012, David Rew hosted the Campus Master Plan Update in eTV’s Studio B. eTV streamed the event live to accommodate an audience that exceeded physical capacity and for those at other campuses. In the session David discussed the updates and revisions made to the College’s Master Plan, and took suggestions from the live audience. Upon the conclusion of the event, eTV immediately made the presentation available on-demand. Viewers are invited to watch the presentation on-line and submit their own questions and comments at any time.

Check out the presentation at http://www.rrc.ca/campusmasterplanupdate

For more information about eTV, check out our About page.

RPL @ Noon

November 9, 2012

eTV is streaming a monthly RPL presentation live from Studio B, which is made available on-demand on the RPL AIR site.  The October and November presentations are now on-line and the next live presentation will be in December.  Watch the All Staff News for upcoming sessions!

Check out the RPL AIR site at http://air.rrc.mb.ca/RPL/default.aspx

For more information about eTV, check out our About page.

New Foyer and Touchscreen

November 9, 2012

Drop in to eTV and see the changes we’ve made to our foyer! We have created a vibrant meeting space, highlighted by a new touchscreen display that will be showcasing samples of the many diverse projects we have produced. From early childhood development to automotive, eTV has covered a lot of interesting areas. We will also feature live streaming from our Paramedicine and Nursing programs as well as special College events. Stop by to check out our new space, take a look at our videos and get a glimpse of what live video streaming looks like!

For more information about eTV, check out our About page.

RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.

We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.