Emerging Media and Production


2012 Learning Innovations Awards

July 24, 2012

Robotics: Teaching the New Skills to Compete
Mechanical, Manufacturing & Communication

Red River College opened a new robotics lab in the fall of 2011.  Instructor Shylyte Bloodworth introduced first year welders to the robots in MANU-1044 “Intro to Robotics.”  She believes a robotics program is going to open up new opportunities for the students  and new skills as the  technology rolls out into industry.

MDA: Mobile Documentation Assistant

An  iPod Touch application was developed to help nursing students to effectively document their clinical findings at the bedside.  Instructor Tasha Holt and Instructional Designer Claudius Soodeen developed the application to  guide first year students  in learning proper documentation procedures and terminology through mobile technologies.

Focus on Service Learning: Live TV Production
Creative Arts

Second-year students representing all four streams of the CreComm (journalism, advertising, public relations and broadcasting) served as technical crew and on-air talent while broadcasting live from the Humane Society Telethon.  Instructor Joanne Kelly reorganized her COMM-3011 “Live Television Production” toward a  Service Learning model to integrate technical skills with community involvement.

A Graduation Ring: Building a Tradition
Teacher Education

Teacher Education faculty revised their 3 senior capstone courses in Graphic Design, Manufacturing and Power & Energy  to focus of the production of a Graduation Ring. The project to create a  memento of the Industrial Arts Teacher Education program as a whole, succeeded in integrating a diverse program into a single student experience.

For more information about eTV, check out our About page.

eTV in the Community: Pride Winnipeg Parade

July 24, 2012

On June 3rd 2012, staff from eTV participated in the Pride Winnipeg Parade along with our colleagues throughout Red River College. eTV is proud to support the college’s LGBTT initiative and is committed to ensuring Red River College is a safe, respectful and inclusive environment which celebrates the diversity of our faculty, staff and students.

For more information about eTV, check out our About page.

Stevenson Aviation 10th Anniversary Air Fair

July 24, 2012

eTV Media Technician, Dylan Smitzniuk, attended the Stevenson Aviation 10th Anniversary Air Fair on Saturday June 2nd 2012 to record RRC president Stephanie Forsyth’s expression of gratitude to the family who donated a helicopter to the campus. Additional footage from the Air Fair shot by Smitzniuk will be edited by eTV staff for Red River College promotional purposes.

For more information about eTV, check out our About page.

eTV Around the World

July 23, 2012

In partnership with the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN), eTV worked with Community Services to create two programs that will be featured in the Science of Child Development/AKDN online course www.scienceofecd.com.

Supports for Young Children and Their Families in Darb al-Ahmar, Cairo, Egypt focuses on social, health and education programs and Releasing Confidence and Creativity; an ECD initiative in Pakistan takes a look at an early child development in the Gilgit-Baltistan region of Pakistan.

Supports for Young Children and Their Families in Darb al-Ahmar, Cairo, Egypt

Releasing Confidence and Creativity: An ECD initiative in Pakistan

eTV is also proud to have some our footage used in a Global Campaign for Education video called Rights from the Start: Early Childhood Care and Education featuring Graca Machel.

For more information about eTV, check out our About page.

eTV goes Mobile

July 23, 2012

In conjunction with the Nursing Department, eTV is producing a series of procedural clips on nursing techniques.  Our new mobile production unit (we’d appreciated name suggests) allows us to meet increasing demand for high quality, video based learning materials. The production unit consists of three HD cameras, a switcher, audio and lighting gear for anywhere – anytime production. In addition, the unit will allow us to stream live multi-camera events from anywhere in the building. The material being produced for Nursing will also soon be available on mobile devices for students on the go.

For more information about eTV, check out our About page.

eTV Blog!

July 23, 2012

Welcome to the official blog of Red River College – eTV Learning Technologies!  We will be updating this page with current news and photos from our productions and events.  Enjoy!

For more information about eTV, check out our About page.

RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.

We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.