Emerging Media and Production


Update on RRC Program Area Promotional Videos

March 17, 2017

eTV continues its collaboration with the Marketing and Web Presence department in producing Red River College’s Program Area promotional videos. Each video individually highlights and introduces one of the twelve program areas in the college. Areas completed so far include Business, Health Sciences, Indigenous Education, Skilled Trades, Hospitality, Teacher Education, and Transportation Technology. We look forward to completing the final areas in the coming months!

For more information about eTV, check out our About page.

Winter Convocation

February 14, 2017

Congratulations to all Red River College winter 2017 graduates. Once again eTV streamed the event live from the Centennial Concert Hall to hundreds of viewers all over the world. This year international views made for 40% of our viewership highlighting Red River College’s reach around the world. Below you also find a sample of our live (piloted) 360 degree video stream which promises some exciting opportunities for education and communications at Red River College.

Tools For Teaching Excellence

January 31, 2017

Thanks to everyone who came out to our next-gen VR presentation last week. We enjoyed sharing our work and passion with you and look forward to further exploring all the possibilities this tech. has to offer in a teaching and learning environment. As the leader of VR development at Red River College, eTV Learning Technologies invites all educators, administrators, directors, executives, etc. to work with us on this exciting opportunity to advance innovation and teaching excellence at RRC.

For more information please contact: Chris Basarowich

Learn more about eTV.

Get Movin’ Challenge 2017

January 18, 2017

eTV shot a 360° video for the 2017 Get Movin’ Challenge. Over 75 staff and students showed up to participate in their favourite activity in our 360° video shoot.

The Get Movin’ Challenge is a month-long activity hosted by the Staff & Student Wellness Committee, that aims to reduce sedentary behaviour of RRC staff and students during the coldest month of the year.

To get motivated check out the 360° and companion video!

360 Video:

Companion Video:

For more details on the Get Movin’ Challenge and the prizes available visit the Wellness Blog.

Get Movin Challenge 360 Video Shoot

December 20, 2016

Wow – what a turn out for the Get Movin Challenge promotional event. Thanks to all who participated and helped organize this exciting production that will promote RRC’s Get Movin Challenge to be held in February 2017. Stay tuned for our 360 degree video and more information coming in the New Year. In the meantime, Happy Holidays from everyone in eTV. Cheers.

2016 SSMLT Fall Conference

October 27, 2016

This past weekend eTV travelled to Saskatoon, Saskatchewan with Medical Laboratory Sciences instructor Michele Sykes. This was to present the Microbiology Panorama project at the Saskatchewan Society for Medical Laboratory Technologists (SSMLT) Fall Conference. SSMLT is an annual professional development event for medical laboratory professionals in Saskatchewan. The event was well received with the delegates exploring the project and being introduced to the Westman Laboratory Panorama as an opportunity to use the technology within industry. Following the presentation individuals and industry representatives commended the project and its tremendous potential.

For more information about eTV, check out our About page.

Garden City Collegiate visits eTV

October 18, 2016

On Oct. 12, students from Garden City Collegiate visited eTV for some hands on experience with Oculus Rift and VR technologies. There was a lot of buzz and excitement in the room about these new technologies that offer highly immersive learning experiences for students. Paul Vogt, RRC President and CEO, was on hand to welcome the students to RRC and to witness their enthusiasm for these innovations that will soon become standard practice in many classrooms. The event hosted by Teacher Education was also an opportunity for pre-service teachers at the college to experience authentic, inquiry based teaching.

For more information about eTV, check out our About page.


September 26, 2016

“A baby on a mother’s back does not know the way is long.” – African proverb

In Mozambique many mothers wrap and carry their babies with them while they go about their day. Apart from being safe and comfortable, the closeness of a wrapped baby to its mother supports attachment and stimulates learning. Below is a clip of how babies are wrapped in Mozambique, the piece was shot and edited by eTV/Learning Technologies on a recent trip to Africa in support of the Science of ECD multimedia resource

RRC Program Area Promotional Videos

September 9, 2016

Over the last year eTV has been working with Marketing to produce a series of RRC Program Area promotional videos. Each video individually highlights and introduces one of the twelve program areas in the college, and is featured on that area’s microsite. Five areas have been completed so far: Indigenous Education, Skilled Trades, Hospitality, Teacher Education, and Transportation Technology.

Check out the five completed videos below and stay tuned for the next production for Health Sciences.

[xyz-ihs snippet=”Vimeo-IAV”]


August 26, 2016

Red River College is required by law to educate and train employees and students on the Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS), Canada’s hazard communication standard. As a result, a new WHMIS course has been developed and can be accessed by logging into LEARN. The course was created by RRC’s Environmental Health & Safety dept. and The Teaching Learning Technology Centre with some interactive activities courtesy of the British Columbia Institute of Technology – Learning and Teaching Centre, and a pictogram chart from the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety /Government of Canada.

eTV is pleased to have contributed to this important initiative with highly engaging, panoramic materials that enhance the learning experience for students taking this course.

Click on the image below to see the WHMIS panoramas.


You’ll find the complete WHMIS course on LEARN.

RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.

We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.