Emerging Media and Production


eTV Westman Lab Production

August 26, 2016

Recently eTV traveled out to Brandon, Manitoba with instructor Michele Sykes to capture and showcase the “behind the scenes” environment of Westman Lab. With video interviews, photos and 360 degree panoramas current and potential students of the Medical Laboratory Technologist program will have an opportunity to explore this professional environment from their desktops. Once complete this dynamic presentation will be hosted on RRC’s MLS page as a recruitment and information tool.

For more information about eTV, check out our About page.

eTV at LABCON 2016

June 21, 2016

eTV and Medical Laboratory Sciences were extremely proud to present the Microbiology Panorama to an audience of national delegates at LABCON 2016 in Charlottetown, PEI. LABCON is the annual national conference for medical laboratory professionals hosted by the Canadian Society for Medical Laboratory Science. Recognized in the closing ceremonies as a highlight of the conference, audience members were taken through the process of creating the interactive Panorama and the many components, its purpose in teaching and learning, and were given a chance to view it with Oculus and Google Cardboard technology.

“It was apparent to the national delegation that the eTV department has many talented individuals with skills and abilities related to new teaching technologies that can be used in the classroom. Dylan and I were able to showcase the project and gain national recognition for the forward thinking and pioneering efforts being created and implemented at RRC.”
   – Michele Sykes, MLS instructor, Panorama content creator, and co-presenter

Keep an eye on the blog for future eTV developments in collaboration with MLS.

Check out the Prezi presentation shown at the conference for a visual journey in creating the Microbiology Panorama.

RRC Spring Convocation 2016

June 15, 2016

Congratulations to all Red River College spring 2016 graduates! eTV streamed this significant occasion live from the Centennial Concert Hall, making it available to hundreds of family and friends in Winnipeg and across the globe who could not attend in person. For those who were unable to attend the Convocation ceremonies on the 7th and 8th of June you may find them on our eTV YouTube channel in full 1080p HD.

Grad 2016

For more information about eTV, check out our About page.

Supporting SECD – Update

May 20, 2016

eTV has recently returned from Kenya and Mozambique with more spectacular footage of Early Child Development activities. Working with the School of Health Sciences and Community Services Research Department, the AKF (Aga Khan Foundation), and PATH (Program for Appropriate Technology in Health) eTV gathered video material that will be used to support the Science of ECD multimedia resource. The footage, which focuses on maternal and child health programs that integrate early child development messages, will also be used by PATH and AKF in their educational resources. This successful filming project is yet another example of how eTV, in partnership, has established a reputation of excellence in video and media production both locally and internationally. Below are some pictures of the trip with video to come soon.

Turbulent Sky

February 3, 2016

Manitoba Health’s Office of Disaster Management, in conjunction with the Public Health Agency of Canada (Regional) and the Regional Health Authorities of Manitoba, hosted a full-scale health exercise on September 18th, 2015. This year’s health exercise, entitled Turbulent Sky, focused on the on-site medical triage as well as the provision of psychosocial support to passengers involved in an air crash. Over 50 RRC nursing students also participated in this event. To experience the event please click on the graphic below to for an immersive, self- guided, 360° video experience created by eTV/Learning Technologies.

Note: this 360° video experience works best using the Chrome browser.

Turbulent Sky

For more information about eTV, check out our About page.

Paramedicine Scenario Simulator Panorama

January 5, 2016

In response to the growing need for engaging interaction and simulation, eTV has been developing media rich, ubiquitous mobile solutions for education. The Paramedicine Scenario Simulator Panorama (PSSPano) is a mobile, web accessible tool that will be beta tested by paramedicine students and instructors in 2016. The PSSPano will allow a student to refresh and practice their paramedics skills using a 360 panorama, gamified video, interactive graphic tools, access to resources and challenging quizzes.

Check out a preview of the PSSPano:

To learn more about eTV, see our About page.

Time Lapse Technology

December 15, 2015

Earlier this summer construction of the new Skilled Trades and Technology Centre began. eTV has been tasked with documenting its progress over the next three years through the use of time lapse technology.

Mounted on the roof of Building A is an advanced camera system consisting of a Digital SLR and a special computer which schedules and takes the photos automatically. This entire system is encased in a heavy duty all-weather housing on the south east corner. Since Winnipeg is well known for being one of the sunniest cities in Canada we decided to run this entire system off solar energy!

For more information on the construction of the STTC please visit the link below.


To learn more about eTV, check out our About page.

National Skilled Trades and Technology Week Pep Rally

November 10, 2015

The National Skilled Trades and Technology Week Pep Rally was a big success this year with lots of fun activities and learning opportunities. Economy Minister Kevin Chief was on hand to announce that Manitoba will be hosting the 2017 National Skills Canada Competition. To learn more about the 2017 competition please visit RRC’s Red Blog @ http://news.rrc.ca/

eTV was on hand to cover the event in 360° video. Click below for a brief preview of the day’s activities but remember you need Chrome for desktop and/or the YouTube app for mobile devices to experience 360° interactivity.

For more information about eTV, check out our About page.

Stevenson Aviation Plane Donation

October 30, 2015

On Oct. 22 the Swanberg family from British Columbia donated a Jetstream turbo-prop airplane to the staff and students of Red River College’s Stevenson Aviation. The donation was made in in memory of Sylvan and Dorothy Swanberg. “We are grateful to the Swanberg family for their impactful donation that allows students to train on state-of-the-art equipment and become leaders in their field.” said Paul Vogt, president & CEO, Red River College.

eTV was pleased to cover this event with 360 degree video. To view the presentation please click below.

Note: To view the video at this time, you will need Google Chrome on desktops (Mac or PC) or YouTube’s app. for Android/Apple.

Microbiology Lab – Interactive Panorama

October 16, 2015

In conjunction with the Medical Laboratory Sciences program, eTV recently created this interactive panorama of the Microbiology Lab at RRC. Using immersive learning technology this resource will be used by students to explore the lab and learn about the tools associated with microbiology.

Click on the image to view:


For more information about eTV, check out our About page.

RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.

We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.